Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6983: : Return

But the consumption is the consumption. Under the action of the Yangshen Pill, it is at least stabilized. In order to resist the invasion of the devil energy, the big formation must use the six spiritual root attributes to combine and resist each other, because a single attribute can easily be drained. , But when the six different attributes are combined with each other, it can play a delicate balance with the magic energy, such as spiders forming a web, separating one and forming a web is fundamentally different.

This is also an important factor for this large formation to resist and control the devilish energy. Of course, now I am sending strength to balance each other, and it should be the little girl Rose Medicine in front of me to save the fairy family here.

Seeing me with an uncomfortable face, she hurriedly asked, "How are you? Can you...can you hold it? Didn't you say you can save people?"

"I can! But do you know the big formation or I know the big formation? You can start the big formation or dismiss it? How can you save people if you don't solve the big formation?" I asked.

"Why didn't you say earlier, I can control the big formation, but no one can cooperate, and I can't help it! I should have believed you long ago, and said that I can save people...I...you can hurt me miserably. That's it!" Mei Yao said anxiously.

I glanced at the stone formation at her feet and said, "You silly girl, all they can do is to stabilize the formation for you. You are talking about, what area of ​​the formation is not available now? Which place is unstable? This should be the Conferred Demon Realm. The power I have injected now is injected into the Conferred Demon Realm. Why don't you start to control the Conferred Demon Realm first? Why do you think about the unrelated big formations first?"

Asking me this question, Mei Yao woke up with an "ah" and hurriedly controlled the yellow dragon in the sky. As a result, with this control, the yellow dragon moved with it as he wanted. As for the original devilish energy, even though there was a presence in the eyes. Some of them were damaged, but it seemed that after I stabilized the formation, I was able to mobilize some of my strength.

"I almost forgot! Even if the eye is damaged, I can still use the driving magic seal secret realm to complete the bridge, so that the magic energy will return to the sky!" Mei Yao's face blushed, and at my reminder, she finally thought of what to do , And Huanglong's Secret Realm of Confinement was quickly connected to each other to form a brand new underground astrolabe, and the entire array began to work again.

The devil energy began to evaporate continuously, no longer rushing away because of the chaos, and it will not sink and sweep the entire ground. Therefore, the devil energy on the ground dissipates at a speed visible to the naked eye, which also caused a group of Tianludao disciples to start frantically outside. escape.

Of course, the devilish energy seemed to be gone, but in fact, even if it was rare, it was quite violent. Some disciples evaporated and turned into blue smoke before they ran far, and some even disappeared as soon as they went out. This suddenly caused a group of people to stop on the spot.

There were many disciples who blamed us for not reminding them, blaming Meiyao, and seeing that I was still working hard to stabilize the enchanted demon realm, a group of disciples decisively became malicious.

"Take advantage of this pill demon's weakness at this moment, shouldn't we kill him? Revenge for our dead disciples!" Several slightly stronger disciples were guilty of fear, and immediately urged everyone to do something against me.

"It's today to eliminate evil and defend the way! How can the brothers sit and watch him retreat!"

"Do you want to watch the Emperor Yao be taken away by him?"

"Yes! Kill this pill demon! He may still have a bunch of Yangshen Pills and Heaven Patching Pills! Whoever grabs them will belong to whoever!"

Sure enough, a group of disciples aroused evil thoughts by this proposal, and inevitably they surrounded them with swords, but their original intention was probably just for the pill.

"You can't do this! He's saving you, how can you do this!" Mei Yao looked at me and surrounded her, she was immediately anxious, but because she wanted to control Huanglong to take away the devilish energy, she couldn't relax for a moment.

Seeing that I was about to drown a group of disciples, she was anxiously about to cry again, presumably thinking I was hopeless.

But am I just waiting to die? Squinting at them, he said coldly: "Hehe, just halfway through the bridge, standing in the middle of the bridge is planning to demolish the bridge. Are you so stupid or so stupid that you don’t need to think? Idiot, if I don’t keep this seal. Demon Secret Realm, none of you can survive!"

At this time, all the disciples who were about to move their swords were so scared to stop the curse in their hands.

"Brother Bai, this is not a good idea. If he lets go, the devilish energy will rush down. Can we not even run away?"

"Damn, if you don't kill him now, how do you plan to kill him? When he remembers us, how can he let us take advantage of the danger?"

"That's right, we are just one who can't escape now anyway!"

"Huh, can't escape? How about we go out first? Attack here from a distance outside, so that they are dead, we wait for the devilish energy to dissipate before we come to collect the treasure?"

"Yes! Yes! It makes sense, let's let them clean up most of their devil energy before going out!"

A group of disciples began to discuss a more evil idea. After all, the matter has been set out. It is a dead end for them to go out. It is better to do nothing but endlessly. This makes Mei Yao's expression incredibly complicated. Seeing that the righteous disciples are going to be so dirty. She was also chilled by the move.

"Did you see? This is the righteous man of your Tianlu Dao? I admit that I am an evil way. What kind of strategy you use against me is also correct, but have you seen it? How many immortals are waiting to go out , What they think is the pill for me, hehe, it seems that other people's lives are not important to them at all." I laughed.

Mei Yao's face blushed for a while, and she could only say, "They are just a few people!"

"Are there a small number of people who went to Luomugu to **** my Living Pill Furnace?" I sneered.

"That's different!" Mei Yao defended and controlled Huanglong to take away the devil qi, but at the same time that the devil qi was taken away, more and more of these righteous immortals joined me to encircle and suppress me. It seems that the allure of the pill They are so big that they are all firmly attached to the surroundings.

"Hehe, it seems that you are not in the same group with them. Look at the spiritual realm that ran away just now, and then look back." I smiled and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, the old lady who had just abandoned the rose medicine, and the immortal family with superb cultivation, turned their heads one by one, and directly rushed into the eye area of ​​this large array, and they were aggressively directed at me. expression.

A group of disciples also had to step aside, because to these elder-level immortal families, they were nothing but ants.

"Look, I said, I should have let the evil spirit swallow these people long ago, and can't stay to harm others, now what do you think should be done?" I asked Mei Yao, although I just made it difficult for her , But also let her understand the status quo.

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