Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6984: : Impermanence

Although these people have gone and returned, although there is not much remaining strength, as long as they feel that they can deal with me, so one or two are too brave, as long as they destroy me, the medicine will become theirs, and neither of them will hold back now. strength?

So before the rose medicine squeaked, a bunch of attacks all blasted towards me, I drew the sword very simply, and the next moment, the devilish energy formed a turbulence under the action of the eyes again, and again crashed down, and a group of All the Xianjia ran around in fright.

But the magic energy is not polite, some places are directly touching the bottom, so in an instant, many of the immortal houses were corroded into a burst of blue smoke, and some were not covered, and barely escaped to the sky, but the mana consumption was huge, and some The remaining half-mutilated body couldn't recover.

Not to mention ordinary disciples, who wailed into a movie, and some elders who simply insulted these troublesome elders, I sneered and said: "It is not easy to die? What is it for me to recite the name, I am afraid that you may not escape. Are you so unhappy if you have nothing to do?"

My words made these spiritual realms look at each other one by one, and immediately looked for the backbone of the master. One of the elders with the highest cultivation level immediately said: "Since ancient times, righteous and evil are difficult to coexist. Our disciples have sacrificed in the struggle between righteous and evil, and there is nothing wrong with each other. The argument used today is not suitable."

"Oh? Okay, how do you look outside?" I motioned to them to look outside. At this time, the outside world was full of demonic energy. The demonic energy was taken away easily because no one in the big formation was stable, Huanglong couldn't do it. Control, directly fills in the way back.

A group of Xianjia was shocked immediately, and one by one hurriedly asked what to do with the old man.

I can’t control these people. I looked at Meiyao and said, “Xiaoyao, you have also seen everything you have won for them. They abandon them as if they don’t respect the efforts of others, so how can they know to cherish others? You are dead. I'm afraid they won't change their minds. What are your plans?"

"Even so, I still want to save them! There are also good and innocent brothers among them. Is it possible for them to suffer the consequences of some people?" Mei Yao said.

"Hehe, every snowflake is unwilling to admit that it is the culprit of the avalanche, but in fact every snowflake is responsible for the avalanche. Are they innocent? They are not innocent." I said lightly.

Mei Yao shook her head, of course she didn’t want to admit it. I knew she couldn’t accept this. I glanced at a group of bewildered immortals, and the demonic energy kept squeezing them towards me. I was there in an instant. In front of the old man: "If this is the case, let's kill the beginning of Avalanche first."

The old man hurriedly backed away from fear, but a group of spiritual realm hurriedly attracted sword energy and attacked me!

Chi Chi Chi!

The attacks were all easily swept away by my six-color umbrella, and the spiritual realm closest to me was instantly blasted out by a wind splitting palm of me. After hitting and landing, blood was splashed all over the ground. The reason was the chest. There was a fierce crack directly, and it seemed that he was not alive.

As for the other immortal families who wanted to escape, they were named by me in turn, and they blasted out like they didn't need money, but none of their attacks could harm me.

However, a group of disciples and grandchildren didn’t seem to know whether they were right or wrong. They were entangled in front of me, and I didn’t hesitate to directly use the thunder fire technique. In an instant, the area within a radius of 100 meters was directly hit by the original thunder fire turbulence. !

These immortals are either dead or injured, and they can't be repeated one by one.

Seeing that he was forced to retreat continuously, and finally killed by the magic pressure, the rose medicine was entangled again, and he was a little at a loss.

She can't control Huanglong herself. If I kill again like this, it will definitely be a pot of stew, so after thinking about it, she can only beg, "What do you want from me! Now that the devilish energy is down, aren't you afraid of death? The Lord Luomugu stabilized the big formation, I took away the devilish energy, it only takes some time, but why do you have to come to die? Why?"

When Mei Yao said that, a group of elders were of course extremely upset. They quickly blamed the elders who took the lead, but now it’s useless to blame, and I didn’t give them the opportunity to chase the great elder of the spiritual realm. The Cleaved Palm never stopped releasing, and the other party was exhausted, so in the end, following the gathering of the devilish energy, he could only flee around this huge array of madness.

"Yao Huang, we know it was wrong! Please also tell Lord Luo Mugu to stop killing!"

"Senior, we won't make trouble anymore!"

Thousands of immortals trapped in this shrinking area and ran in circles with the ants on the hot pot. It was simply spectacular. The sounds of begging for mercy were also one after another. Those who came back to the spiritual realm were also much more honest, but for To prevent them from continuing to make trouble, of course I can’t just let them go, so I said: “I know that most of the immortal families are good people, but some of them are greedy and sexual. That’s the case, I now give you a choice. That is to destroy all the immortal families that just shot at me. They have no spiritual power anymore. If you want to survive, kill them. As for the big formation, I will give you a steady. Anyway, they are all evil, don't you still treat them as your own people?"

After being so provoked by me, most of the righteous immortal families did not dare to move. Instead, the group of spirited spirit realms ran away first, and they all started to flee outside, other immortals below the alchemy realm. When the family saw that they were about to flee, they took the opportunity to attack!

The whole area was in a mess, and I was not idle, watching them kill each other, and immediately returned to stabilize the secret world.

Facing the mutual attacks of their own people, a dozen of them were killed in a moment. Mei Yao was dumbfounded, and I immediately reminded: "If you have time, don't put it in a daze. You can control Huanglong to take away the devilish energy."

When she woke up, she could only grit her teeth and dance, using those two magic swords to control the Huanglong ascending, and then the devil energy transpired up, which also made the fairy family below the spiritual realm harder to kill her elders. This scene is estimated Let the fairy family here have nightmares for a while.

The devil energy has not disappeared, and the killing is endless, so when I control the demon secret realm, I can never stop for a moment. After squeezing out the immortal family with the spirit realm, the alchemy realm starts to kill each other again. It is nothing more than public revenge. That’s it.

Not to mention, after seeing the devilish energy start to move away, most of these immortal families withdrew first. After all, the last time I gave up control, the devilish energy would come down, but even so, there are still immortal families who have to try again. Fan's.

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