Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6992: : Believe it all

In order for them to find the rose medicine directly, I could only cough lightly. Sure enough, just as I was thinking of the follow-up method, a few rays of light had been heard from a distance, and they were looking for it in the mist. The speed of people is very fast, even if the visibility is not high, you can still listen to the voice to identify the position.

Seeing the three figures falling, I asked vigilantly: "But the Immortal Family of the Water Mist Alliance?"

The visitor was three male disciples. They were wearing clothes made of snakeskin-like material. Even in the mist, they still did not touch moisture. When they fell, their clothes were slightly heavy and looked like rubber. Texture.

One of them raised his eyebrows and swept away, and said, "I was a girl just now, how could he be a man?"

"Big brother, naturally it won't be her. The female disciple was frightened just now, and I think it should be in another position behind him." While the leader was still silent, the disciple behind him was already visiting other places.

"You stay and watch him, let's look elsewhere." The male disciple in the lead was about twenty-three or four, his eyes were sharp and his tone was irresistible.

One of the disciples nodded, and the other two were ready to pass me.

I immediately stretched out my hand and said, "Sorry, my female friend Shicai neglected when she entered the Water Mist League. At this moment, her clothes are soaked and she is now putting on new clothes behind me. She will only come to see the immortals."

I told you honestly that I thought that the righteous disciples should be more knowledgeable and interesting, but what surprised me was that these three disciples glanced at each other, it seemed that there was a glimmer of clarity in their eyes, and the leading disciple was the first to lead. As he walked behind me, he said: "Huh, who knows it is really home, and let us explore the truth, lest you kid be fooled, if it is true, we will apologize!"

What this said was free and easy. In fact, the other two male disciples had followed them with a wicked smile. It seemed that there were many such things in the Water Mist League.

"Are you not wearing a wading suit?"

"There are good-looking ones."

Sure enough, the two male disciples smiled triumphantly and whispered the evil thoughts they were hiding in their hearts. I backed away in a flash, and the six-colored umbrella in my hand had been opened and stopped in front of the man who flew behind me first. The umbrella he was carrying obviously blocked his sight: "What? You just want to see the little girl change clothes? Isn't this a bit too much?"

"What is not too much? We are just afraid that the disciple of the other faction will get into trouble. Who knows if she has been killed by you? You stopped us, did you really do something evil to this female disciple? What?" The male disciple headed a long knife in his hand and pointed at me in an instant.

My six-color umbrella immediately carried a black thunder light, as long as he dared to do it first, I would naturally take the lead in giving a thunder blow. These immortals in the alchemy realm dared to do the same, which shows that it is usually not a good thing.

Seeing that I actually wanted to forcibly intercept them, it inevitably aroused the anger of the three of them. After a gesture, the two disciples behind them also took out their own weapons. Because they belonged to the Water Mist League, they all had weapons in their hands. With azure blue light, it has a very powerful water attribute power at a glance.

It seems that the opponent thinks that the three-on-one can still have an advantage, my heart is full, and I have already started to kill. Looking at no one on the left and right, I immediately gather the thunder attribute power and prepare to make an instant kill.

But at this moment, a black shadow appeared in the water mist in front of it, approaching quickly at a speed that could not be as fast as thunder. My secret path seemed to be the enemy’s reinforcements, so in order to achieve the goal of killing all in one fell swoop, I suppressed it. Live the murderous heart, ready to wait for the other party to gather together.

"Stop it all!"

Just as the shadow was approaching and I was about to make a move, the voice had already reached into my ears, and it was actually a woman's voice, which made me temporarily stop the release of the curse in my hand.

The three male disciples in front of me had a certain disappointment in their eyes, but they didn't stop because of it. They didn't stop and move on until the figure of the coming man shot like a water arrow and stood behind me.

I floated behind the woman, and at this time, the voice of Mei Yao quickly came from behind: "Who?!"

It seemed that the voice of Mei Yao was heard, and the woman who came was obviously taken aback, and said anxiously, "Could it be Tianludao's Yaohuang Junior Sister?"

"Ah?! Is it the Sister Gong Ming of the Water Mist League?" Mei Yao's voice went from far to near, and soon reached our neighborhood. At this moment, she had changed my clothes. Although it was a little big, it was already wrapped. The belt was tied only when it was tight, so it was considered tight, and the part that grew out was pulled up, and it seemed that she was younger.

And the young lady known as Gong Ming is about twenty-two years old, she is also tender and soft, and she knows her identity is also extraordinary when she looks at it, and she is definitely not an ordinary Water Mist League disciple.

"Master Gong Ming."

Several male disciples hurriedly saluted, and the woman's face suddenly sank, and said, "Is Brother Le Pi's disciples so unruly? Let you stop, there are some people going to explore, but what do you want to do? "

"Master Gong Ming, we are also afraid of something wrong, so we dare not fully believe what the other party said, so we want to find out one or two, but we don't know that it is Tianludao's medicine emperor uncle."

As the existence of the spirit realm, these alchemy realms must of course be called Master Uncles. It is estimated that they are already in cold sweats. If they rushed to see the body of the Yaohuang just now, they would inevitably be punished severely.

"Hmph, you disciples who patrol the mountains have done some heinous things in recent years, thinking that I can still close one eye? I will invite you to visit Qingbaitang today!" Gong Ming was cold and cold. Said, these disciples were startled at once, and repeatedly murmured for forgiveness.

Meiyao didn’t want to make matters worse. When she saw these disciples begging Gong Ming, she kept apologizing to her, and said, “Senior Gong Ming, let’s forget it. After all, they may have been unintentional. , It’s not intentional. I'm planning to enter the alliance and look for you. It is also because they can meet you. Besides, they haven't done anything bad. Or we just ignore them, okay? "

When Gong Ming saw that Mei Yao didn't intend to pursue it, he sighed and said, "You, you still look harmless. I really don't know how to say hello, but then again, why did you come here? This is... not right!"

Just when Gong Ming condensed his eyebrows, I already felt something wrong, and the next moment, a water arrow shot out of Gong Ming's hand, spurred at me!

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