Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6993: :toxicity

I had a hunch, so I immediately waved the six-color umbrella in my hand and opened it to block the torrent. Not to mention, this woman named Gong Ming is not an ordinary spiritual realm. This attack even made me shake directly by the flying sword. The feeling of color umbrella.

"Senior Sister Gong Ming! Don't!" Mei Yao's stopping voice sounded, and the attack stopped abruptly.

"He is an evil disciple, why are you standing with an evil disciple?!" Gong Ming asked hurriedly.

I slowly moved the umbrella away. At this moment, apart from Gong Ming's vigilant look, the three disciples were even more on the verge of an enemy, because after all, I stopped the full blow of the Spirit Realm Immortal Family, and they knew that this meant danger.

"Hehe, I'm not just a disciple of the evil way, but also the valley master of the evil way Luomugu. I wonder if the girl Gong Ming has ever heard of me, Dongren?" I smiled generously. This act of revealing my identity is not just about letting the rose medicine take the medicine. Shocked, even Gong Ming and a few disciples didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Gong Ming's hand pressed a short knife behind her, her plastic-like clothes faintly fluttered in the water mist, it was obvious that she was ready to go. She thought for a while and said, "I don't know if the Lord Dongrengu came to our Water Mist League. What advice? But you don’t know that Luo Mugu you are under the siege of Tianlu Dao at this moment?"

"Really? It seems that Guimeng doesn’t know that Tianludao has been picked by me alone, but it’s not too late to tell you. Of course, I’m not here today to teach anyone, I just want to be with you. The alliance talks about a business, and the negotiation is a benefit for both of us, but if the negotiation fails, I don't mind having the same thing as Tianludao again." I said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Appearing in my Water Mist League alone, and even saying such bold words, I think you don't want to live anymore!"

"Hehe, although our Water Mist League has all the elites out of the frontier fortresses, we still let a few leaders sit on the ground. Is it possible that you will not succeed?!"

"That's right! Don't be arrogant with us! You are just a perfect cultivation base of Alchemy Dao. Even if it is said that you have killed Bi Gao and selected Tianlu Dao by internal consumption, this is undoubtedly an extremely arrogant lie!"

The three disciples were not to be outdone, one was bolder than the other, but Gong Ming didn’t think so. Seeing me standing with Meiyao, she was already very strange. She appeared here at the moment, wanting to come with a richer content that is far beyond her own. She thought, so she said: "Dongren Valley Lord, it is said that you can surpass the City Lord of Fengpu City, but the alchemy is perfect, but even so, the Huanglong Formation of Tianludao has been standing for thousands of years as a great mountain guarding formation, you Saying that you picked Tianlu Dao by your own strength, I don't know if there is any proof? Junior sister Mei Yao, there is a senior sister, you come here soon, I won't let him hurt you."

While talking, Gong Ming wanted to pull Mei Yao to his side, but I did not stop it, nor refuted it. This made Gong Ming very curious, and Mei Yao immediately said: "Sister Gong Ming, it's true! We! The Huanglong Formation has been destroyed, and even I voluntarily... came here with the Lord Dong Ren Gu, just because he wants to attack the spirit now and needs the water spirit beast’s enveloping magic realm to penetrate the spirit veins..."

"What?" Gong Ming's expression was extremely shocked, and what happened at the moment simply refreshed his imagination.

I chuckled and said, "I have no grievances and no grudges against you Water Mist League, and I don’t want to have any conflicts with you. I just want to borrow your best demon-sealing secret realm. If you can make me do what I want, I won’t Mind bringing out some sheep...Yang Shen Dan for you, but if you are unwilling, then we have to use another method to solve the problem."

"Do you dare to threaten our Water Mist League!? You are a wicked way, just come to the place of our righteous way, and you dare to threaten to borrow our Secret Realm of Sealing Demons. Don't you think this is a fantasy?" Gong Ming's face was quite Not convinced.

"Unfortunately, this is not just a threat, but to inform you, and only give you two choices, either lend it to me or grab it myself. Of course, considering that you are not qualified to make this decision, I will go now. Where your general league is, you can take this opportunity to summon the leaders of your leagues." I said lightly.

This Water Mist League is an alliance formed by a group of small sects in the Water Mist area. Therefore, as an alliance, it is of course necessary to gather together to make decisions on some major issues. Such alliances are mostly based on interests. This is also my specific choice. For the sake of.

"Sister Mei Yao, is what he said is true?" Gong Ming asked quickly.

Mei Yao nodded solemnly, and said, "He...he will do it when he says it, Sister Gong Ming, you must believe me. I'm also here to make him kill less and let the water mist league's brothers We suffer..."

"This...then what is the agreement between you and him? If you go with me, I can't let you fall into the hands of an evil way!" Gong Ming hurriedly pulled Mei Yao behind him and looked at me vigilantly, unwilling to let it go. The posture of rose medicine in my hands.

I laughed and said, "After all, you are an alliance system. In order to make your persuasion more powerful, you can take the rose medicine and persuade these leaders. I will wait for you for a day, but after more than a day, I will not I’ll wait again, when the time comes, there will be mass killings and destruction, but don’t blame me for not putting the ugly words on the front."

I didn't wait for the rose medicine after I finished speaking, and flew in the direction of the Water Mist Alliance.

"Dong Ren!" Mei Yao hurriedly stopped me, but there was a very unhappy expression on her face.

"Why? Can't bear me?" I smiled. The little girl got along for a few days and obviously became dependent on me. It was of course very unhappy to see me leaving alone.

But when I teased like this, her face was very ugly, and she hurriedly said: "Hu...what nonsense?! I just...but, no, you are not afraid that I will fly away now!?"

"Hehe, although the sky is big and the earth is big, Yun Mozhou is so big, if you can run, can you lose Tianludao?" I smirked.

"You!" Meiyao was angry at once, so she looked at Gong Ming and said: "Sister Gong Ming! Let's go! This person is very bad, he will do it when he says it, we Don't waste time to convince you the leader of the Water Mist Alliance! Otherwise, something big will happen!"

"Ah...Are you helping him or us?" Gong Ming was confused for a while, seeing that Mei Yao also knew what was in his heart, and felt very embarrassed.

I smiled and said, "Father Gong Ming, these three little ones should follow me temporarily, lest the disciples of other alliances are ignorant. I am accidentally angry and can't control my own hands."

Before Gong Ming could agree, a bunch of poisonous thorn vines sprang out from behind me, and the three disciples near Gong Ming were **** in no time!

The moment the poison entered the body, the three disciples wailed in pain.

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