Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6995: : Xiancai

To tell me this, the old lady squeezed a smile and said: "If you just borrow the Secret Realm of Sealing the Sect, of course it will be okay. Ten Sun God Pills, this immortal can take over, as for the others. The sovereign of the alliance, this immortal is going to persuade, but in addition to the sun **** pill, this immortal also wants some patching pill to persuade other immortal families in the alliance..."

"Hehe, yes, one Sun God Pill can be exchanged for ten Heaven-Matching Pills. You can exchange for 100 Heaven-Mending Pills, but if you want me to add some price, please don't think about it. "I smiled faintly, with no doubt on my face.

The master photographer's face sank, but her heart had obviously begun to calculate the gains and losses. After a while, she said: "Then you need six water-attribute Yang Shen Dan, and forty water-attribute Heavenly Pills. I don’t know this. Can the Master of Data Valley be exchanged for it?"

"No problem, now I'm going to requisition your water spirit beasts to seal the secret realm." After I said that, I found out the water-attributed Tiantian Dan and Yang Shen Dan, directly packed them and threw them to the master photographer.

The master of the photographer was overjoyed, and said quickly: "The immortal wished that Lord Gu could successfully pass through the mystery of my Water Mist Alliance and obtain the spirit veins of the first-grade water spirit beasts of this alliance."

"It's such a thing, but the thing is for you, so the ugly thing must be said first. When you take the thing, you must ensure the safety of my surroundings when I copy the spiritual veins in the sealed demon secret realm. If anyone dares to disturb me, Don't blame me for abandoning the Secret Realm of Sealing Demons and changing it to Slaughter League." I said coldly.

The master photographer's expression changed, but he quickly said: "Since I took the owner of the valley, it will naturally make the owner feel that it is worth the money. So please rest assured that the owner of the valley is safe. We will definitely be able to Guarantee, but we can’t guarantee that the Valley Master can successfully replicate the spirit veins, and we also ask the Valley Master to understand.”

"That's natural, okay, you should also give me a copy of the materials that this water spirit beast can produce. After all, with such a large amount of materials, there must be some gifts to make Lord Hongu feel that it is worth the money?" I He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of fetching.

The master photographer thought for a while, and hurriedly delivered a jade book. I took a photo and took a look. The information on the water beast called the water beetle fell in my eyes.

The water beetle is a giant insect. Looking at the head, there are a lot of armor painted on the body, and there are actually several water gun-like structures on the tail, so the whole bug is like a giant stink bug behind its ass. Several water guns looked quite horrible.

As for its veins, it is not complicated, even the veins of the worm's body are not at all, but the area from the tail to the abdomen of the worm has the veins, which makes me curious.

"Strange spirit beast, the first half has no context?" I asked with a weird look.

Seeing that I was a little bit unbelievable, the master photographer said, "Lord Dong Ren Gu laughed. This water beetle is not strictly speaking the water spirit beast itself, but the body parasitized by the real water spirit beast. So the real veins of this water spirit beast are in the area from its abdomen to the back of the abdominal cavity, so the veins only reach there."

"Parasitic? Then why don't you just draw the abdominal cavity directly?" I asked curiously, feeling that something was wrong in my heart.

Seeing my caution, the master photographer turned his eyes and said: "Even if it is a parasitic, there are subtle spiritual veins, but please be careful, because it is a parasitic vein. This type of vein is definitely unnecessary. I care about it. You only need to copy the veins behind its abdominal cavity to obtain the power of the holy water beetle water bomber, the strongest spirit beast of our Water Mist League."

"Water bombardment?" I couldn't help but doubt it. In fact, thinking about it, the price of these five Yangshen Pills was exchanged for the right to use the Demon Sealing Secret Realm once, which was considered a premium value. Of course, it could not be compared with the Star Soul Sect back then. After all, there is my initiative to give it, and here is to buy it directly.

"Yes, this water bombardment is our holy water beetle's most powerful unique skill. Back then, this beetle almost wiped out our Water Mist Alliance. Finally, we asked for help from the immortals of Tianludao. It is sealed in the North Front of the Water Mist League, so it can be said that it is the strongest of our Water Mist League and the closest to the Heavenly Dao Super Grade first-class spirit beast." The master photographer boasted.

I half-squinted my eyes. The less I need to pay attention to this, the more I need to care. Therefore, even the most powerful spirit beast, I have to be more careful, and I asked: "Besides this first-grade spirit beast, you can still What other powerful first-grade water-attribute spirit beasts are there?"

"This... yes, there is, but it is an oligarch, I am afraid that it will not be able to enter the valley master's eyes..." the master photographer said with a wry smile.

"Give me a copy of the information about the oligarch, the price is the same, right?" I immediately reached out and motioned for the other party to bring it.

"This...If you want the information alone, I am afraid that the Valley Master will give you a Yangshen Pill. After all, you can choose the Secret Realm, but you can use the information after reading it. You can't read it for nothing..." The master photographer also stretched out Shot.

As soon as I waved my sleeve, there was only one more secret path, but I still felt that something was wrong, and said: "You should have let me choose, forget it, even if you give you one more!"

The master photographer took the Yangshen Pill and gave me a jade scroll of widowed beasts with a smile on her face. After I took a look, I glanced at the master photographer, and finally said, "Let me think. Thinking, the difference between these two spirit beasts is a bit big..."

"Of course, this oligarch can only be regarded as a first-class in front of him, and even a little bit of bad luck. Even if it can be spiritually successful, if there is no coincidence in the future, it will probably miss the Yuan Ying realm. If the holy water beetle can be replicated successfully, it is definitely the best way to hit the Nascent Soul. Therefore, according to your abilities, I recommend you to use this holy water beetle..." The old lady in the hospital just told me with an expression. Secretly said.

I snorted, still feeling that this matter should be asked carefully, and Gong Ming might know more.

While waiting for the gap between Gong Ming and the others, I also began to study the information on the two first-grade golden pills and spirit beasts given by the master photographer. It seems that this oligarchic beast is actually an auxiliary beast. Basically it's useless. I heard that the leader of the Water Mist Alliance is a supplementary spell, but he needs to rely on Heavenly Lu Dao to fight the evil way and control other sects. It seems that the cultivators are widowed. The spirit veins of Shui Lian Beast.

As for the other holy water beetle of the Water Mist League, when I look at the spiritual vein map, I can see that it is touching the ceiling of the Yunmozhou Demon Sealing Secret Realm. But why have I never heard of any rare fairy material from the Water Mist League?

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