Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6996: : Chongming

The holy water beetle scroll of the Water Mist League gave me a lot of thought, and I found that the spiritual vein map taken from the back abdomen area was very clear, but the vein map of the head and body at the front end was subtle and invisible. Basically, there was nothing left. If there is a connection area, it means that no one can copy the entire map of the real context. What does this mean?

I patted the jade scroll with my hand, and when I looked at it, I found that there was already a lot of jade grime on it. It seems that no one has seen it for many years.

I can see that no fool would choose this as the reference for the first spirit, so I thought about it, dragged the three poisoned disciples in, and threw the jade scroll in front of them: "Tell me, this holy water What's the matter with the beetle? Hasn't anyone been referring to Gu Ling?"

The three disciples were so frightened that they quickly picked up the jade scroll. After reading it again, they looked confused. One of them was bolder. He said quickly, "Master, we don’t know how this holy water beetle returned. It's something... I only heard that someone who has never been able to succeed with this spirit has never been able to succeed. It seems that all these years have...

"Failed for years? Haven't you seen it?" I asked.

The disciple thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Although we all have the idea of ​​preparing for spirituality, Master has not mentioned the enchantment secret realm of this holy water beetle... but it's not that no one has chosen it for more than a hundred years... In the past few years, someone has chosen..."

"Oh? Did you all go to see it?" I suddenly curious.

"This..." The disciple thought for a while, and then looked to the left and right. The left and right disciples shook their heads with an incomprehensible expression. Until one of the disciples saw the other two disciples screaming, he would definitely be punished if he didn't say anything. Cautiously said: "Legend... It seems that once someone chooses to have spirits in this water beetle's enveloping secret realm, they have to ask several ancestors who have at least perfect spiritual realm to protect the law... and other disciples can't watch... and fail. Afterwards, it often rained heavily. I don’t know what happened in the back mountain. It was said that I heard a loud insect sound... But when I went to ask, Master told me that it was because some disciples had nightmares."

"Really? That is to say, this holy water beetle is incapable of being spiritual, or is it a type that is easy to backlash?" My heart suddenly had a bottom.

"Does the valley master plan to refer to the holy water beetle with spirit? The probability of backlash is not small..." a disciple said quickly.

I looked at one of the disciples who had perfect alchemy and said with a grin: "It's you, you take the lead, and I will give you the activation materials. What do you think? I will detoxify you and restore it to the best condition. "

"Ah?! You gave me the activation materials!?" The disciple was the leader. Upon hearing this, he blushed with excitement. This activation material is very valuable, but I usually have too many resources, so I always ignore it. With this point in mind, which of the ordinary peak practitioners of the alchemy do not have a headache for the spiritual material?

"Brother Dalong...you can think about it. Although the materials are precious, if you die, you will have nothing..." one of the disciples hurriedly persuaded.

But the disciple named Dalong had his eyes glazed, gritted his teeth and said, "Rather than just sitting and waiting for death, now not only can I recover my best condition, but I also have a spiritual opportunity. That is the opportunity that the valley master gave me! What do you know? We have done so many tasks, don’t we just want to gather enough materials in ten or eight years’ time?"

"Senior Brother Dalong is right, if it weren't for me in the early stage of the alchemy, I would definitely agree!" Another disciple also said with a grimace.

"So...it seems right." At this time, the three disciples felt that the business was a good deal. I immediately took out a detoxification pill and threw it to the disciple Dalong. This guy happily took it down to understand the poison. .

At this moment, there was a commotion outside, and the voice of the master photographer could still be heard.

I walked out with three disciples. It turned out that a group of other sect masters or great elders came over, looking like they were rushing to find me, or they came in a group. I guess they knew my bad name and wanted them all. Master Lai Xing obtained a heavy treasure from the crusade, but was afraid that he would become the soul of my dead.

"Forty Sky Patching Pills have you asked the Master Photographer to help him speak for Luo Mugu? Master Photographer, you are simply insatiable!" One of the suzerains yelled.

I secretly said that there shouldn't be any concealment, there are only forty Sky Patching Pills?

"Wu Lian, forty Heaven-Mending Pills are actually quite a lot. Anyway, the Valley Master also borrowed the Secret Realm of Sealing Demon once. Isn't that oligarch beast used for anyone? He prepares his own materials, and his success or failure is his business. , Let’s leave this plague **** quickly..."

"What the **** do you know? That's an evil way! The evil way comes to borrow our Secret Realm of Containing Demons, and we will sell forty pieces. How will other orthodox sects look at us in the future?"

"What do you think? Is it possible that you can take the lead to punish evil for the righteous way and kill the Lord Luomugu? If you have the ability, go, he killed Bi Gao! If you want to die, I won't stop you , I want to make up the Heaven Pill anyway!"

"Yes, yes, I also want to make up the heaven pill, you can do it yourself if you want to do it yourself, you can live and die, and you can't rely on others!"

A group of representatives from the sects quarrelled noisily outside. I secretly accused the master photographer of being greedy. He actually greeted six Yangshen Pills and only took out forty of them to give to other sects. People.

I don’t say broken, but it seems to find that I’m entering the venue. The master photographer gave me an embarrassment. Then he quickly pulled me aside and explained with a smile: "I have won the leader’s order, this sun **** pill is to wait. She came back to assign it, so this immortal temporarily concealed it, and asked the owner of the valley not to say anything about it. These forty patch of heaven pills are already enough for them to let them go..."

I chuckled. If the news came and went so fast, who would believe it? So I sat on the throne of the leader without a word.

The master photographer looked embarrassed, but did not stop me. Instead, he quickly explained to a group of immortals: "Everyone has seen that the Lord Luo Mugu is here, and this immortal is also helpless. Please don't be so excited. , Our Water Mist League is not very strong on the offensive. Normally, the righteous way to punish the evil is always the support from the back. You can’t forget the leader’s instructions to let us think and act as much as possible..."

A group of sect representatives saw my big thorn sitting in the seat of the leader. Although his face was unsightly, no one really dared to come forward and kill Bi Gao, and then singled out Tianludao. These news are that they Also received one after another.

And just as the representatives of these sects were whispering to each other with the master photographer, Gong Ming brought rose medicine, and several representatives of other sects also came from outside.

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