Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7006: : Daxie

"Then...what should I do?" Mei Yao exclaimed, seeing the small attic swaying so badly, falling all the way to the ground, of course she didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, let's go out now. As for the attic, we will take it back. I will go back and practice." I gave the solution, and An Fan who appeared in front of us said with a sigh of relief: "Or The Lord Dongrengu’s arrangements were well arranged, but now we are surrounded by powerful enemies, what should we do?"


A stone pillar directly penetrated the attic and plunged into our neighborhood. This earth-based attacking weapon is quite powerful. Not only that, meteorites began to dive and fall outside. It seems that it is definitely not a trick that ordinary spiritual realms can release. So anxious An Fan almost jumped up.

I couldn’t take much care of it. I took Mei Yao’s hand, held the six-color umbrella, and flew out of the terrace. Sure enough, this attic was originally a large-scale target. As long as the enemy is not blind, he can see the attic from a distance. When it comes, how can you not attack us?

There were fifteen or six spiritual realms who ambushed us. They stepped on stone steles of various images. The steles were sword-shaped, dish-shaped, block-shaped and spherical, but those carved on it had spiritual veins. So it is called a monument.

This should be the lapis lazuli of the Sun Moon View. It is said that this thing consumes a lot of money to start, and the speed is not very good, but once it enters the acceleration state, it becomes very fast. When flying, it is like a boulder falling from the sky, and it can attack. , And able to fly, is a typical flying weapon of the Sun-Moon View.

As the cultivation base increases, the attack mode and flight mode of lapis lazuli are also different. Everyone has high and low levels of sacrifice, but it can be said that it is the most balanced existence in all sects. The material is the sun and moon view. The unique precious meteorite nearby is named Qingyun.

A group of celestial celestial celestial families saw me flying out with a rose medicine umbrella, and immediately a variety of attacks were separated and partly greeted. Of course, most of them were still placed on the attic. After all The cultivation of Mei Yao and I did not arouse their interest enough.

"Dong Ren, avoid it!" Mei Yao looked at these attacks and immediately pulled me away.

I did not leave. I glanced at the number of attacks around me, and a dozen weird water attribute tails appeared behind me. This is my unique water attribute water knife trick. It is taken from the holy water beetle and is also regarded as a beetle. The basic trick is.

"Oh my God, my attic!" An Fan exclaimed, and quickly chanted a spell to take back his attic. As a result, the attic was severely damaged at this moment and it was difficult to repair it immediately, so most of the attacks were hit on the attic with a thunderous sound. It's riddled with holes.

An Fan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and yelled, "Bad my attic, Benxian has fought with you!"

"It's An Fan! The Great Elder An Fan of Qingxian Mansion, I said where I went. I used to move rescue soldiers, but this is his rescue soldier? One in the early stage of the spiritual realm, and one has no spirit?"

"Just look at it. I'm afraid that the request for help won't be successful, so I still put two burdens on it? Haha, Qingxian Mansion will stop!"

"Hey, these words are not easy to say now. Qingxian Mansion's great formation has lasted for so many days now, and the two Sunxin and Yuexin, together with the few days of clearing the door, have not broken the mansion. , But it doesn't matter, as long as the reinforcements are stopped, it will take more time!"

"That's right. Let's catch these reinforcements first. The little girl looks familiar. Is it possible that I am dazzled?"

"It doesn't seem to be right, that's...Oh my God, it seems that Tianludao was taken away by the Master Luomugu Valley Medicine Emperor! How could she be here?"

Not to mention, a group of high-level spirit realms are here, and there are even two immortal families with great spiritual realm. Their vision is not comparable to that of ordinary immortals, and they immediately recognized the medicine emperor, of course, but they didn’t. Out of me.

Chi Chi Chi!

The tail behind me all shot water jets with mixed attributes at the moment when the opponent’s attack was about to arrive. The sound of breaking was endless. The black water jet cut all the attacks, and the ones that could not be cut were simply decomposed. Some attacked by the treasure, the water knife cut the treasure in half, making everyone surprised.

I used to think that I was not very strong, but now I am a super dark horse, and I can see all the fairy houses turn green.

"Impossible! I have never heard that Tian Lu Dao has such a trick... Tian Lu Dao has been posting articles to find the Emperor of Medicine. Is it possible that this is Dong Ren from Luo Mu Gu?"

"Just...it was the one who killed Bi Gao in Fengpucheng and broke through the sky and the Huanglong formation... Dong Ren!"

"Everyone, don't care about An Fan of Qingxian Mansion! Do your best to deal with that Lord of the Valley of the Wood Valley! Quick! Get your spirits up!"

There is no shortage of powerful people in the fairy family. I can’t guess who I am at this moment, so more fairy families will attack me. Of course, I haven’t been idle after shooting the water jet. This is the second time. I aimed my tail at all the dozen or so immortal houses in the spirit realm present, and when their orders were completed, my water jet attack had already been launched!

Chi Chi Chi!

Chi Chi Chi!

The speed of the water jet is ridiculously fast. This is an invincible water jet. Most of the immortals directly took the defensive position. Of course, some of them responded to me with an offensive, but the result was no exception. After a sound that penetrated through the body, all the immortals no matter what Whether it was the Dzogchen in the spirit realm or the ordinary ambush in the spirit realm, I had a hole in my water knife, or it was cut into two or three stages!

These water knives can be pulled out a distance of more than ten meters with the movement of the tail, and the trajectory of the movement is all based on preference, so no fairy family can resist this blow from me. It is like cutting melons and fruits, all of which are spirited. The state has escaped.

The reason why I didn’t kill them all is actually due to my considerations. These immortal families in the spiritual realm still can’t kill too much, otherwise the two ways of good and evil will immediately fall into an imbalance. When I leave Yunmozhou, what remains will be It was endless crusades and suffocation, so I didn't make a great evil.

Seeing the spirits fleeing from Yaoyao, it's not just that the rose medicine hadn't been dazzled, but even An Fan, who had originally looked worried, was stunned at this moment, watching the spirits not even taking their storage bags. It escaped without a trace.

I smiled, and I was very satisfied with the power of this holy water beetle water knife. This insect is definitely a super-first-grade spiritual existence. If nothing else, it should be the strongest enchantment secret realm among all Yunmozhou sects.

After dispersing his tail, An Fan was the first to react, and said in disbelief, "This is the elite of Sun Moon View... Shentian, what is going on..."

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