Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7007: :mash up

"Is this the power of the holy water beetle... it's too scary..." When Mei Yao looked at me, there was only fear left. She couldn't help saying: "We are right...There is still a way to survive..."

"Fool, if I just wanted to break the balance between right and evil, would they still have the spirit to go back?" I touched Mei Yao's head, but she didn't avoid it this time, because she was still dumbfounded: " But... but you are a big evil... one day you will do something you want to guarantee, but you may not be able to do it..."

"You think too much, I am not interested in Yunmozhou, Mu Xianzhou is where I should go, so you hurriedly follow me back to practice the magic avoidance pill, so that I can be sent to Mu Xianzhou." I know. It is not easy to change her mind, so it is not easy to say anything to her.

However, Meiyao didn’t understand, but An Fan did. He said to me in adoration, “I didn’t expect the Lord Gu to have such great determination, and even let go of the fairy family of Sun Moon View. I admire you, I am convinced that there is an immortal family like you in Yun Mozhou. Then, I want to come to Gu Zhu to rectify the two ways of good and evil one by one, and balance the forces of all parties. Alas, the greater the energy, the more in my heart. The more down-to-earth his thoughts are, An Fan is only convinced by the Gu Master..."

"I like you ass." I chuckled.

"Ah? What is a flattery?" Hearing what I said, An Fan was stunned, and then said suddenly: "Ah, An Fan understands, is this thing incredibly fragrant? There is a kind of spirit beast in the fragrant mountains. It has a compelling scent of feces, and is often used to mix with incense to make nameless incense, and even urine is also fascinating. Beauty often smears it on the face of those who are infatuated with it. If you want to come to this flattery, it should be..."

"Oh...Oh..." As a result, before he finished speaking, Mei Yao helped me to throw up nauseously. The little girl who didn't like to eat in the first place spit out the water again, and waited until the vomiting was over with tears in her eyes. The whole person is soft in my arms.

I laughed, and deliberately asked, "Is this urine smelling too? It's still unacceptable when I apply it to my face."

An Fan had already seen that Mei Yao couldn't hear such things, so he was very embarrassed, but since I asked, he could only say, "Lord Gu laughed... this kind of fragrant mountain spirit beast is also very cute. It will not be too disgusting."

"Oh..." Mei Yao continued to vomit, and broke away from my hand in a fit of anger, and flew away by herself.

I knew I was going too far, so I caught up and grabbed her and apologized.

The little girl looked at me with tears in her eyes, and said aggrieved: "You all know that I am like this, why do you want to tell me on purpose? You did it on purpose, oooo, you are a big evil way, I don’t What should I believe in..."

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, it's my fault." Although I was apologizing, I knew that this little girl was not pretending. She has a very strong brain supplement ability, and she can say a few words. Vomiting.

"You know it's wrong... but you still treat me like that. You deliberately... woo... tell me why you are doing this." Mei Yao couldn't help crying again.

I thought for a while and laughed: "I can only say that it is to accumulate more reasons for you to blame me, so that you will not be too sad when you are separated in the future."

"Ah? You...Where are you going?" After listening to Mei Yao, she forgot to cry, but she was a girl with no dark side in her personality, because at this time her expression was accompanied by some surprise and embarrassment.

"When you work with me to refine the Pill of Elimination of Devil, I went to Muxianzhou, you go back to your Tianlu Road, don't we have to be separated? Maybe it will be difficult to meet again in this life, if it is too bad for you Okay, don’t you want to miss me very much in the future?" I smiled faintly, and gently wiped away her tears that had not dried up, but at this time she had already tried her best to tolerate the tears she was about to shed, and she didn’t know how to pick me up for a while. This sentence.

Finally, she is not a girl who can bear her mind. This time her tears are rolling down, but I am afraid that her sadness is no longer the sadness I made fun of her just now, but some kind of dependence in her heart is about to leave in the near future. It made her unacceptable, so she really cried this time into a pear flower.

"Yao'er, look at you. You obviously want to go back to Heaven. Didn't I agree to go back to you? Why are you still crying?" I touched her back to comfort.

"Woo...I want to go back to the sky...but...but I just want to cry..." The girl couldn't help sobbing.

"Are you reluctant to bear me?" Seeing her in a conflicted mood, I couldn't help but want to make fun of her again.

She turned around and avoided me, gritted her teeth and said, "You...Don't you always talk to me like this...Aren't you trying to save Qingxian Mansion? Now, let's wait when we don't leave..."

I know it made her anxious, and An Fan saw that we were going to quarrel about these things, and quickly replied: "Actually, the two of you can talk again... We... We have a guardian formation in Qingxian Mansion, so we are not in a hurry. For a while, haha...not in a rush..."

It’s funny in my heart that An Fan is an honest person, but the little girl Mei Yao stomped her feet and flew to Qingxian Mansion by herself. I can only chase her away, and An Fan, the middle-aged person, is one to me. With an embarrassed face, he asked cautiously: "Master Gu, did I say something wrong?"

I smiled and shook my head, which made the middle-aged man even more confused and could only reflect on the side.

Although the scenery of the area where Qingxian Mansion is located is very different from Tianlu Road and Water Mist League, it can be regarded as a place with changeable scenery. It may be because of the rich production of medicinal stones. The plants here are mostly yellow and red. This is the reason why most of the immortal families in Qingxian Mansion are wearing red and yellow clothes, but such a place looks expensive, but it is quite a place for cultivation.

After passing the ambush area, it was already very close to Qingxian Mansion, so after a short while, one and another explosions were heard in the distance, probably because of the movement caused by the attack on the mansion.

I caught up with the rose medicine and said, "Yiqingmen and Sunyueguan were both from evil ways before, and most of their behaviors are not as good as your true righteous ways. So I will protect you for a while. Don't go too far, or else Too dangerous."

"Aren't you leaving? I'm the only one in the future. I have to take care of myself. I don't need you to protect me all the time." Mei Yao said anxiously.


Just as the voice of Mei Medicine fell and flew towards Qingxian Mansion at extremely high speed, suddenly a beam of light from below burst into the sky and blasted directly at her!

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