Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7008: : Gongfu

I quickly flashed in front of her with Ben Lei, almost pulled her into my arms, and then directly reached out and grabbed the beam of light rising into the sky!

The golden long spear in his hand was vibrating and buzzing. It was a gun-repaired throwing light gun. It represented its power in concrete form. If I hadn't arrived in time, the rose medicine would surely disappear.

Seeing me smash the light gun in my hand, the pale rose medicine was already scared, so she later regretted her recklessness after being angry.

"Yao'er, haven't you been scared?" I smiled, and the Xianjia who blasted the blow from below was already very surprised. The light ball was brewing on his palms again, and the light ball was just two throws. The light gun is obviously about to start attacking again soon.

"You...what are you doing to save me..." Mei Yao saw that I still had time to laugh at the moment, and she was very self-blaming in her heart, but she said it with doubts, but she saw that I didn't mean to blame her, and she still took it with me. She stepped back, feeling sorry in her heart, so she said: "I'm sorry...I was wrong..."

"Usually you are self-willed, which is not bad for your temperament, but sometimes there is only one right or wrong at a critical moment, and you can't do this again." I didn't mean to blame her too much, but you still have to be careful when you are on the front line. It's better.

"Oh..." Mei Yao was honest this time, and the Immortal Family Yiqingmen who flew up in front of him quickly put his left and right hands together, and two golden lights shot at us again in an instant.

I chanted a few spells, and a dozen tails appeared immediately behind me. These tails were like syringes and shot out a lot of water knives in an instant. These water knives have stronger penetrating power than real knives, so I scoffed twice. , The two golden lights turned into blue smoke under the impact, and the remaining ten water jets penetrated the body of the immortal family at lightning speed. Under the split, only Ling Ling escaped from the other party. .

A group of immortal families were all attracted by this scene and began to gather together, and An Fan hurriedly said: "Oh my God, the elder Yuan Yun who cleared the door just now, you actually beat him into a spiritual one as soon as you met each other. !?"

"Huh, it's just an immortal family with great perfection." I smiled coldly, and then looked at the other spiritual realms that gathered to protect Yuanyun. The water jet immediately shot out more than a dozen times. Some immortals immediately disperse birds and beasts, but still seven or eight were directly cut into spirits by the water knife.

All the remaining ones who had to flee showed a look of horror, and they were obviously too scared to escape. It was not that they were better than Yuan Yun just now, but that it was not cost-effective to control so many water jets to chase at once. Compared with the continuous movement of the water jet, it saves 80 to 90% of the consumption.

Therefore, to deal with the immortal family with great spiritual perfection, you can use continuous cutting water jets, and to deal with general spirit realms, you only need to shoot laser water jets.

Seeing that one of the immortal houses had disappeared from sight, An Fan was immediately admired and fell into the ground: "As expected, the Lord of Dongren Valley, with the first shot, more than a dozen familiar spirit realms have escaped without a trace, even me. There is no chance to make a move. This is really amazing! My God, our Qingxian Mansion is saved!"

I smiled, and said, "It’s too early to say this. This is just a team of ambushed Yiqingmenxianjia. Hurry up and help me collect the bits and pieces and storage bags here, and then lead the way to Qingxian Mansion. , I think it must be the same as grilling on a hot pan."

"Yes, or the Valley Master is thoughtful, and ask the Valley Master to come with me." An Fan hurried to pick up the treasures that fell on the ground, and then invited me to move on.

"You...you can let me go..." Meiyao broke away from my arm. I was going to hold an umbrella and fly with her for a while, but the little girl was shy after all, and to her, I was always big Evil Dao, holding a big evil Dao, this is too terrible.

I let go of her, and then took out a sword weapon from Tianludao, and said, "How about your imperial sword?"

"I have..." After Mei Yao finished speaking, she took out the scarlet double swords and stepped on them. These two swords are swords that can control the Heavenly Yellow Dragon Formation. They should be regarded as the famous artifacts of Tianlu Dao.

I took her closer to Qingxian Mansion. She didn't dare to rush ahead this time. Of course, her mood was probably at the bottom.

I know the reason for her inner entanglement, so I smiled and said, "Yao'er, why don't you go back to the sky and go to Muxianzhou with me?"

The pupils of the rose medicine lighted up, but soon fell into entanglement, and said: "But...but you didn't say that before, you said I would return to the sky... and then you said that you can't be too good to me..."

"I just don't want you to rely on me too much, but now I find that it seems to be a little late. If I'm going to be wrong to you, don't you have to plunge your head into the enemy's pile? I can't accept this anyway. "I laughed.

The grievances in Mei Yao's eyes began to dissipate, but he still said: "When did I rely on you? You kept pulling me to ask me to give you reference to the refining of the Elimination Pill..."

"Well, this reason is justified. I thought about it. In fact, Tianludao you might not be able to go back. If you go back and think about it, you will be criticized. Why don't you go to Muxianzhou with me, where the mountains are high and the sea is vast. There is a lot to do, and when you and I get there, won’t there be no right and evil? The way of cultivating immortals will eventually point to Muxianzhou, otherwise what is the use of cultivating? Staying in Tianludao for a lifetime, others may not be like you In general, I am willing to follow you forever, what do you think?" I laughed.

"Hmph, you not only want to grab me to Luomu Valley, but also intend to abduct me to Muxianzhou... You are the Great Evil Dao." Although Mei Yao did not immediately agree, she was obviously already very excited, but she lives in Tianlu Dao. For a lifetime, how much is nostalgic.

I did not continue to discuss with her, because as we approached Qingxian Mansion, the signs of the surrounding fairy houses became more and more frequent, and the explosions in the direction of Qingxian Mansion became more and more dense. It seems to know that I am coming. , Yiqingmen and Sunyueguan were also anxious, at least before I rushed to the rescue, they had to capture Qingxian Mansion.

Of course, there is An Fan who is more anxious than me. At this moment, seeing the fighting ahead is fierce, he can't wait for us to rush towards Qingxian Mansion first, but walks out for a while, then turns around to show me the way, sweat dripping on his forehead, but Every time I saw me, I tried my best to make my expression very harmonious. I also knew that I couldn't wait, but I didn't make it difficult for him. I took Mei Yao's hand and flew directly to Qingxian Mansion at the same speed as him.

Sure enough, right in front of Qingxian Mansion, when An Fan turned his head to meet us again, his expression was already distorted: "Valley Lord! But what to do! Qingxian Mansion was destroyed!"

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