Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7009: : Xiafu

"Breaked? So fast?" I constricted my eyebrows and looked at the huge city in front of me under the red sun. It was almost dusk at the moment, which inevitably made people feel a sense of twilight.

"As soon as you cleared the gate and the Sun Moon View knew that you were coming, they immediately attacked our Qingxian Mansion desperately. Our Qingxian Mansion has been supporting for a long time. Although the great formation still has energy, the disciples inside saw this fierce attack. I was terrified, and I didn’t know the origin of the valley master. I thought that Yiqingmen and Sun Moon View came to the elite army, so the army began to lose their minds one by one, so that they could not protect the large formation in the end, and finally they were taken by the enemy, Qingxian The palace is broken, please go and rescue our palace owner and his wife!"

I looked at the beautiful palaces built in the golden-red valley with blue smoke at the moment, and looked at An Fan and said, "From here to your Qingxian Mansion is already very close, and the road ahead will be very dangerous. , Yaohuang’s cultivation is not enough to protect yourself, and even if you go, the clearing of the gate and the siege of the sun and the moon at this moment will not have much effect. Then, you will protect Yaoer from the outside and don’t get close. Qingxian Mansion is here. If you want to come to the enemy to attack Qingxian Mansion with all your strength, they won't come here. When I personally go in to rescue, drive away this Qingmen and Sun Moon View."

"Okay, please, please go to save our palace lord, and the medicine emperor will leave it to me for protection!" An Fan said hurriedly.

"Tong Ren, I... can't I go with you..." Mei Yao hurriedly asked, she was also very anxious when she looked at me.

I shook my head and said: "There are too many people on the other side, and I may not take care of them well. You hide in the familiar Dongfu or other places nearby, and be careful to avoid their large troops."

"But..." Mei Yao still intends to persist, but An Fan is also anxious, and said: "Please be assured that the Emperor of Medicine is so powerful, it must be fine. We are going to drag him now and let him be distracted. , So please go to a nearby secret cave with me to take refuge. When it’s safe, we will meet with the Lord Gu..."

I couldn’t manage that much, so I immediately flew towards Qingxian Mansion. Not to mention, Qingxian Mansion covers a very large area. There are red and yellow pavilions and mansions everywhere, and the scenery is very elegant, mountain stream. There are a lot of waterfalls, and it looks like a place to visit.

Only now was ransacked by two major sects together. Except for the place where the palace lord of Qingxian Mansion lived, there was a large formation protection that has not been destroyed. Other places are not ruins and almost ruins. It can be seen that the enemy is acting desperately.

I flew into the area of ​​Qingxian Mansion, and immortal families with Spirit Realm and Alchemy Dao Realm rushed over immediately. I had no mercy. These immortal families did not know how many disciples of Qingxian Mansion had been killed, so the people behind me The tail immediately shot a water-killing knife, and directly shot through the bodies of the ten or so disciples who came around.

A group of immortal families fell, and another group of immortal families rushed over immediately. This time when everyone met, they immediately used magic weapons, or directly various tricks and martial arts that were brewed, but these attacks did not even have a chance to reach me. , Click the water jet to destroy them one by one.

I know that if I continue to fight like this, these immortals will be endless, and my point of killing water knives is a martial skill, cutting water knives is a trick, water jetting is a physical method, of course, I also have my own unique magical power, that is holy water beetle.

Looking at the chaos ahead, the massacre that wanted to come to Qingxian Mansion had begun. I didn’t plan to hide my unique magical powers anymore, so after chanting the spell, two holy water beetles thumped and fell to the ground. These two The colorful beetles are no longer the two little beetles before. In order to give them endless energy, each of my holy water beetles are fed a small swallowed goat dung egg. After they gain energy, they land on the ground. It immediately grew bigger, and soon it was the size of a desk, with a few tails dangling behind him, seeing the enemy's immediate killing on the spot.

My supernatural power level is not high. It’s impossible to summon twelve like the female beetles in the secret realm. After summoning two beetles, I can only reluctantly summon the third beetle. Of course, the two beetles before. After a while, this beetle has become my mount, so supernatural power and sheep dung eggs are indispensable. In the end, this huge beetle has twelve tails and a body the size of a small house. The conspicuous color makes this beetle dangerous to anyone who sees it.

In order to summon the three holy water beetles, this trick consumes immense power, but on the contrary, the benefits it gives me are self-evident. I don’t need to take action. Everywhere I go, any immortal family flying outside Qingxian Mansion will be given to me. Hit it directly with a water jet!

It’s hard to count the immortal family’s landings for a while, whether it is in the Alchemy Realm or the early stage of the Spirit Realm, it is vulnerable to this water knife. This holy water beetle is simply the natural enemy of the immortal family. , It was reluctantly sealed by Tian Lu Dao.

The three-headed holy water beetle was very fast, and it didn’t take long before it broke into the depths of Qingxian Mansion. At this time, one after another saw the Qingxian Mansion’s immortal family that was covered in wounds and ran out, and saw me continue to kill and clear the door. And the disciples of Riyueguan, although they were surprised, they did not dare to stay long.

Of course, some people who were not afraid quickly hid behind me, because they turned around, even if they escaped the encirclement, they were rushed back by the disciples of Yiqingmen and Riyueguan, so in the end only I led The three beetles became a fortress.

The beetle kept shooting water jets, and quickly beat the enemy away as soon as they saw the beetle. It also made me quickly come to the broken Qingxian Mansion.

At this time, the destroyed gate yard came into view, and fierce battles had continued above the palace gate. In fact, most of the disciples were hiding in the big formation, and even under the dungeon, but at this moment the big formation was broken. Later, most of the fairy houses escaped.

Seeing that I was a reinforcement force, of course there were also informants. One of the female fairies dared to come to me and said, "Pre...senior! Our Qingxian Mansion is divided into Upper Mansion and Lower Mansion! What you see here is all It’s the immortal family protected by our upper mansion and the lower mansion! Our palace lord and his wife, as well as the important immortal houses of each mansion, have taken refuge in the lower mansion, but now the door owner of Yiqingmen and Sunyueguan The masters have already rushed in with their own elites. We are afraid that there will be an accident with the palace master and them. We can sacrifice, but they are the mainstay of our Qingxian Mansion. They can't have anything to do..."

"What do you say so much for? Why don't you take me to your next residence?" I gave the fairy a blank look, and the fairy was stunned. A group of fairy families immediately regarded me as the savior and followed me and Behind three beetle tanks.

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