Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7010: : Stalactite

"Yes! But please protect us more..." The fairy was still quite afraid of death. After seeing me nodding, she took us out of the mansion one step at a time.

There are many enemies in this huge city. Sometimes they hide behind various buildings and attack us, and even attack the female fairy who leads the way. However, when the opponent attacks, the beetle has already waved its tail and shot the water jet, knocking out the enemy on the spot. hole.

After coming down several times, the female fairy became more courageous. With complete protection, she took my three beetles and rushed towards the city mansion faster, and even the fairy family behind joined the attacking queue, often As soon as the enemy came up, they were beaten into a sieve by their chaotic attack.

I have finally changed my view of the disciples of Qingxian Mansion, at least they have not given up resistance, after all, they are the righteous immortal family, and they dare to resist in the face of invasion.

We soon came to the entrance of the Xiafu. The entrance of the Xiafu looks like a huge pavilion, but the gate is amazingly large. The area below is also carved with dragons and phoenixes. It seems that the corridor is very luxurious. .

But there were more people at the Yiqing Gate and Sun Moon Gate, and the fairy did not dare to move on rashly, and the speed of advancement also slowed down.

"Once you clear the gate and the master of the sun and moon, the master and master of the temple have entered your lower mansion. You don't have to speed up a bit. I'm afraid that you won't need to rescue your palace master if you enter. It is enough to help them collect their bodies." I said coldly.

The female fairy looked apologetic when she turned her head to look at me, and one of the male fairy immediately stood up and said: "Senior, in fact, we have never been to the Lower Mansion. It is a forbidden area that can only be entered by the elders and above, such as other sects. After the mountain... and there should be ambushes everywhere here. If we don’t advance slowly, I'm afraid we will encounter an ambush..."

"Forget it, you just follow behind. If there is no other branch in this corridor, I just rush in directly." After I finished speaking, I ordered the holy water beetle to rush directly under the corridor.

Not to mention, this tunnel is not particularly long, but there are already a lot of ambushes. As soon as we entered a few hundred meters, we were ambushed four or five times, but as we went down, the underground became more and more spacious. Said, here is a huge underground natural hollow underground palace.

The huge underground palace is dozens of stories high, and Dongfu palace pavilions were built everywhere. When we walked into it, flying immortals were everywhere, and the fighting was extremely fierce. Qingxianfu and Yiqingmen, Sun Moon View The battle was stalemate, especially the main cave at the end of the underground palace, where the main cave was exploded, showing that the real main battlefield was over there.

The three holy water beetles of mine are too dazzling. Seeing such a terrible spirit beast rushing over, a group of Sunyueguan immortals with their feet on lapis lazuli immediately rushed towards me, and many of them have their feet on flying spears. The immortal family, these are all clean gun repairs. Their spiritual roots are changeable, which also means that their main disciples are very complicated. How can they be content with the status quo, in order to transfer their own contradictions, there must be some struggles. .

Therefore, once the door is cleared, it will be restless for a while, and it will be right and wrong. After all, only the constant external conflicts can transfer the internal contradictions, so it is not surprising to attack Qingxian Mansion.

As for the disciples of Sun Moon View, although they are mainly disciples of the earth spirit roots, there are not so many internal problems, but they can't stand the greed of their own sects that are cultivated by the barrenness around their sects. You have to know that a sect that only has lapis lazuli, other minerals And resources are also scarce. I heard that there is little wood there, and lapis lazuli only has soil roots that have natural affinity, which means that lapis lazuli cannot be as rich as other sects in the market. Best-selling.

As a result, Riyueguan has not been tossing about some income-generating projects for many years, and even after years of development, it has also relied on its own activity to generate income far more than ordinary sects, but compared with Qingxian Mansion, which is backed by big trees, it is easy to enjoy the cool. Even the sect who became rich because of this, they still only have envy and jealousy.

Of course, Qingxian Mansion itself is not a good bird, and I often don’t forget to mock the sun and moon view of this evil way, abandoning the dark and throwing light into the light. It is only through the accumulation of several generations of the sect that today’s achievements can be achieved. Why do you change after ten years of hard work? With the irony of destiny, these words have been said too much, how can the sun and moon view not be ruthless?

This time, Fengpucheng and Tianludao were unlucky one after another, and it became an opportunity to watch the sun and the moon and clear the door. Therefore, I would rather bully White Beard, than bully the young and poor. Qingxian Mansion is today, and it is too good to use the relationship to make money. I was thinking about it.

I rushed all the way to the end of the lower mansion, and the enemies rushed over in batches. As a result, there was no suspense that I was killed by the water knife of the holy water beetle on the spot. The enemy was wiped out more, and the attack there became impatient and booming. Under the loud noise, there were collapsed stone walls and pavilions everywhere in Qingxian Mansion at the end.

There is a mess here, and the enemy is of course working hard to attack Qingxian Mansion's Treasure Mansion. The area at the end of that side is a place where the elites come out, and the resistance is also the most fierce.

"There is the Qingxian Mansion's Tibetan Treasure Mansion where the legendary treasure is unknown?" I asked the fairy who led the way just now.

"Should...should be..." After the fairy nodded her face inevitably showed a trace of worry.

I didn’t hesitate, and rushed up. At this moment, the fierce attack suddenly turned to me. Six immortals with spiritual realm Dzogchen flew over from the fierce attack on the treasure spot, and three were watching from the sun and the moon. The three are clean, men, women and children, and they seem to be the main force in this battle.

A group of Qingxian Mansion's immortal families behind me suddenly retreated in fright.

Seeing that the other party was coming fiercely, I inevitably gave me different treatment, and immediately let the holy water beetle use a cutting water knife with a different water-killing knife, dozens of black poisonous water knives shot out energy with a snort, these six immortals After all, the family is not an ordinary elder. Faced with this energy, they either fired sharp spears or attacked with earth-based attacks. Of course, the external long-range attacks were directly blocked by the water jet and rushed to my path. .

Of course, these immortal families are much stronger than the average elders. Soon, either spears pierced from below in an instant on the ground, or stalactite-like pillars rose into the sky, all intending to destroy the holy water beetle.

And they seemed to have discussed that one of the holy water beetles directly pierced the abdomen of the three immortals, and it was right on the spot.

Seeing this scene, I also had to change the barbaric warfare just now. You must know that the holy water beetles were raging in the Water Mist League, and they couldn't stand the siege of enemies of the same level, even if they were summoned by me.

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