Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7015: : Chase and escape

"Brother Dong Ren saved our Qingxian Mansion. Of course Nan Jin wants to do his best to help him. He is going to Riyue Guan, and I also want to go. At least I am very familiar with Sunyue Guan! If it is Dong Ren himself Go, maybe you'll get lost halfway. If you want to pass the place where the sun and the moon crisscross, of course you need someone to lead the way." Nan Jin said.

"You child... lead the way and naturally let several great elders do it for you..." Of course Mrs. Wo Xue didn't want her daughter to take risks.

But this time Nan Jin seemed to have made up his mind. He flew to my side, took my hand and pulled it outside: "Brother Dong Ren, let's go quickly. I'm late for fear of change. Maybe Yaohuang is facing a problem now. It."

I gave her such a drag, and I could only fly away with her, and Mrs. Wo Xue took the child Nan Yi to chase after her, unavoidably persuading her along the way.

"You said why your temper is so stubborn, even if you let your brother go." Nan Yi looked embarrassed.

Nan Jin disagreed, and said, "You go? You don't want you when you go to Brother Dong Ren. Although I haven't found Yao Huang and Elder An Fan along the way, I won't waste time. Brother Dong Ren will watch. Are you right? Brother Dong Ren?"

"This, it is true." I was speechless, asking me to take the little girl with me. This is indeed a bit unreasonable, but I can't wipe the little girl's credit because of this.

Nan Yi didn't dare to refute, and Mrs. Wo Xue could only say: "When the Lord Dongren Valley goes there, it is inevitable that he will encounter many enemies. It is to find them to settle accounts. You follow, don't you drag him? "

"Although I may be better than all immortal families with perfect spirituality, self-protection is enough, and with the strength of Dongren's brother, he can even bring his cousin to attack Fengpucheng, and kill the evil Dao Bi Gao and return safely. , Can't I compare to my cousin? Besides, I want to help Dong Ren, why don't you understand?" Nan Jin couldn't help but said.

I stared at Nan Jin, and secretly said that this little girl is not easy, she endured it for so long, she knew this kind of thing, she seemed indifferent, and she had to come out and talk about it when she was anxious, it seems this little girl If I don't take it away, it won't work. There will be other moths coming out for her purpose.

Mrs. Wo Xue was a little dumbfounded now. After thinking about it, she actually gritted her teeth and pulled her little son to stop, and then said to me with a serious face: "Master Dongrengu, the little girl has never been wayward since she was a child. , Everything is planned and then moved. I have never worried me as I do today. Since she really intends to help you, then please take care of the Lord Dongrengu in this trip. If you want to come, she can help the Lord Gu, then If there is a chance to help, I also ask Dongrengu Master Mo to refuse the little girl's heart."

I secretly said that even the mother-in-law has been pushed over now. Could it be that I slapped my face on the spot and refused? After thinking for a while, I can only stop and say, "Well, since Madam said that, I would like to thank Qingxian Mansion for her kindness. Since I took her there, how I took it, I will bring it back in its entirety. , So please don't worry, Madam."

"I am grateful." Mrs. Wo Xue was immediately grateful. Although Nan Yi was stunned, she also expressed her gratitude. She also asked Nan Jin not to mess around, and by the way, he would tell Nan. Zhi Yunyun later let go of his sister.

On the contrary, only Nan Jin's eyes are always curved, which shows that happiness is difficult to suppress.

Not long after, I also set off with Nan Jin, but this time the little girl was unwilling to grab the handle of the umbrella with me. She took out the flower basket and said, "Brother Dong Ren, just now we need to find a safe house, so we can hold the umbrella. Looking forward and looking forward, but now we are on the road. If the speed is the same and it is more comfortable, it will be better. Is the flower basket used this time?"

The little girl will come to the show, what else can I do? So I nodded.

After she recruited the flower basket, I quickly flew into it until the flower basket flew up, and then flew at a very fast speed. I secretly said in my heart that the flower basket is not slow, and the comfort level is also exponential. Qingxian Mansion is indeed With rich wealth, how could the flower basket of the lover's daughter be a bargain?

I stood on the flower basket and looked at the scenery passing by in the distance. It felt like Anfan’s destroyed mansion before, which was considered a RV. Relatively speaking, the flower basket has the feeling of a roadster, so Even Xianjia World has its own ways and methods to enjoy it.

Seeing me thoughtful, the little girl couldn't help but became interested and asked, "Brother Dong Ren, are you thinking about the emperor of medicine?"

I looked at her immediately, and then said: "She comes with me, and there are important things. How can you not worry about it, but you, stay away from your parents and walk with me, won't you feel scared? I'm also a big evil. "

"Ah? Why is Yaohuang not afraid? It is said that Yaohuang is the rarest antidote in Tianludao, but also the representative of all the beauty and oneness of Tianludao. Since Dong Ren is worried about her, he must also be a beautiful person. Why is Nan Jin afraid?" Nan Jin asked rhetorically.

I smiled and said, "You will grasp the good and evil of people, but nothing good will happen with me."

"If you can walk with someone you admire, the bumps in the world are all for enjoyment, and it's a journey you can't ask for, isn't it?" Nan Jin stood there against the wind, stretching his waist along the way.

Seeing her immature figure, I smiled and looked forward.

Along the way, Nan Jin also inevitably asked me about the details of the adventure story along the way. I also answered without a match. In fact, I didn’t mean to be estranged from her. It’s just that there is a photo of her before me. After all, I can't bring up much interest. Even if the character deviation between the two is huge, a familiar feeling always seems to overlap at any time.

Even if she didn't take off her mask from beginning to end.

Even if it is a high-speed aircraft, a few days is not enough to reach another sect. On the way, it is necessary to identify which sect the Meiyao was chased by, so there is no need to stop and walk on the road. Even seized the single clear door and Sunyueguan to escape the immortal.

Not to mention, these escaped immortals really made us ascertain that after Mei Yao and An Fan were discovered, they were always in the stage of escape and did not enter the safe house, because opening the door also takes time.

"It seems that they are more likely to be chased to Riyueguan. Brother Dongren, how about we go to Riyueguan now?" Nan Jin immediately came up with an idea.

"Well, these days we have been rushing to the Sun and Moon View without any sleep, and we won't fall too far when we think about it. How about we rotate and control the flower basket during this period of time?" I suggested.

"Listen to Brother Dong Ren." Nan Jin thought for a while, and immediately agreed to the proposal.

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