Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7016: :Spa

Nan Jin was originally worried that I could not control the flower basket, but she finally found that worrying was unnecessary. I control the flower basket with ease, even better than her control, which made her envious.

I have four spiritual veins, so in fact, my single spiritual vein is far from comparable to the general spiritual realm. Because of the mutated spiritual roots, my strength will rise to a higher level.

When I was in control of the flower basket, Nan Jin was still talking about it, but it was obviously not as energetic as before. After all, even the spiritual spirit is limited. Even Yuan Ying cannot get rid of fatigue, and fatigue is only To sleep, this is inevitable.

"You hurry up and rest first. If you don't sleep anymore, you won't have time to sleep to replace me when I'm tired." I persuaded her to continue talking to me.

"Okay, Brother Dong Ren will work harder for a while, and when Nan Jin is rested, he will exchange it with you." Although Nan Jin still has some meaning, he nodded her head cleverly. This little girl is not only smart, but also feels a little bit clever. At that time, he was more well-behaved than Rose Medicine, because this kind of well-being is a sensible and understandable well-being, and there is no need for someone to explain it specifically.

The girl took out the blanket and squatted on the edge of the flower basket. After closing her eyes, she fell asleep soon. Listening to her nasal breathing, I was relieved. The little girl is more talkative and logical than Meiyao. With meticulous thinking and superior understanding, such a girl is indeed a genius, no wonder her cultivation base is far superior to spiritual photos.

Of course, Lingzhao has three different spiritual roots, but she is a single spiritual root. This is unexpected, but obviously her spiritual roots are also unusual. Although they have not been probed, they are definitely a first-class spirit. Root, otherwise it will hinder the process of cultivation.

This Qingxian Mansion has all kinds of spiritual roots, and it happens that her mother and father are both fire roots, so she should also be from the fire roots. This is the reason why the flower baskets have such bright colors. You must know Qingxian Mansion. The nearby scenery is golden and red, and it seems that there is a fire attribute in it. They are also the fire roots, and the city lord of the three fire roots, Wo Sheng, of course tends to be a fire root genius like Nan Zhi.

There is a high probability that the children of different Huo Linggen genius parents gave birth to Heir Linggen, and this point would not be ignored when I came to Wo Sheng.

"Brother Dongren..."

Just when I was thinking about something, Nan Jin's dreamy sound pulled me back from my thoughts and looked at the girl's pale red face. I lowered my eyebrows slightly and couldn't help but touch her cheek.

It's not that I want to kiss Fangze, but that she blushes after falling asleep, which surprised me.

Sure enough, when I touched her forehead, I found her forehead was very hot, and the temperature had already exceeded the stage of high fever at least.

Change to a mortal, this can't be burned?

I quickly found a plain area full of strange flowers and weeds, thinking about waking her up, but I patted her on the cheek, only to find that she was still asleep.

"Nan Jin, Nan Jin?" At this moment, I was worried. When I couldn't wake up several times in a row, I thought for a while and directly used stimulating spells to wake her, but my spells turned out to be bad. It aroused the stress of her body and directly burned the attribute invasion.

Obviously, it is impossible to detect the condition of her body in this state. I can only choose a physical cooling method to stabilize her scorching stress spiritual pulse first, so after thinking about it, I immediately summoned the water mist and came directly to her. Put an ice pack.

As a result, she was kind enough to do something bad now. The ice pack needed water mist to form a smoothie, which immediately wetted a piece of her body, and as the ice pack was relieved by more stress, the clothes on her body The faster the wetland was, and soon, her whole body became wet. Although the heat was high, she couldn't immediately evaporate the water, which also caused the clothes to obviously fit tightly on her body.

Although I am also an old world, this scene has nothing to do with the old world. This girl exudes an elegant fragrance. I am also a normal man. Who can look at this graceful figure?

Shielding these weird thoughts, I think this strange disease is too bad when it is in the spiritual realm. If it cannot be solved by the method, the medicine should be solved according to the situation of the body and spiritual veins. Do you want to take medicine indiscriminately?

In my anxiety, I could only temporarily apply cold compresses. In the end, in order to cool her down, I had to soak the bottom of her neck in the frozen water bed.

The figure of the girl was floating in the water, and the flowing dress was loosened up in the water. I swallowed my saliva, and I could only pray that she was all right.

And after waiting for more than an hour, I don’t know if I did the right thing or something, Nan Yan slowly opened her eyes, and looking at her current situation, she seemed to be very surprised:" Brother Dong Ren...what are you going to do to me...?"

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