Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7023: : Needle stick

She hugged me from behind and shocked my whole person. Although it is not a strange thing to me, the terrible imagination brought by the weird multi-touch will always make people unconsciously happy. There is no other.

The mutual force of the skin made my mind blank, including the little girl Nan Jin, so the whole scene was unusually quiet, even the sound of the water seemed to stop immediately.

Nan Yan hugged my neck. She didn't even know how to do the next move. She was stunned on my back. I only felt the heat of her cheeks and the strange temperature of her body.

The water in the entire basket has reached the appropriate temperature for the hot spring, and the constant steam made the atmosphere ambiguous. I swallowed my saliva, and the sound of Nan Ying swallowing saliva also passed into my ears. The scene was embarrassing. pole.

"I...I... Brother Dong Ren... I don't seem to be so scared anymore..." Nan Jin finally reacted, and then slowly left my back. The feeling of detachment was actually the same as that which made the hair unbearable. Live erect, let alone a beauty like her.

"Well, that's good. This bug is actually just water that has been refined. Even if it dissolves into the body, nothing will happen." I said as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, I will definitely not reject the bug again this time, but where does this bug get in from my body? Can it only be from the mouth?" Nan Jin asked curiously.

I secretly said in my heart that such words are very easy to make people ambiguity, but I still said: "Just go in from the mouth, after all, in my own body, the goddess of the spirit fire does not dare to attack arbitrarily, it does the same to my body. Love, at least before becoming a real spirit body."

"Oh..." Nan Jin seemed to be ready. Seeing that she started to meditate, and the energy in her body was gradually mobilized, and her mouth opened, I also controlled the insects to swim towards the destination.

After the worm entered the body, under my control, he kept wandering near the core of Nan Jin's spiritual veins. This really caused the spiritual fire female Yushen Ru in her body to be provoked and began to guide the spiritual veins to attack the beetle under my control.

But my beetle itself is a shield that has been refined for an unknown number of times, and ordinary attacks will not have much effect on it, so the goddess of Spirit Fire suddenly became mad.

There is no need to worry about the defensive power of the beetle, and Nan Jin’s body has changed from its original body surface to a hot state inside, so the water temperature in the flower basket has gradually dropped, but this does not mean that Nan Jin is safe, even It can be said that she is experiencing the most painful period in her life at this moment.

There is nothing more painful than suffering from the spiritual veins, so at this moment Nan Jin's body muscles are tightening, and I can easily feel that every pore of her has been tightly closed, and I can imagine what the situation in the body is. That's terrible.

Because of the lack of heat, the water body gradually cooled down under the control of my water attributes, and even gradually showed signs of frost.

"Okay, start practicing the exercises I gave you, otherwise you won't have the chance." I hurriedly reminded.

"Um...but...but what should I do if my mind is blank now? Brother Dongren..." Nan Jin seemed to be stuck in a stalemate. When my beetle was fighting against the goddess of spirit fire, she was also interacting with these two spirit beasts. I didn't consider this point of being affected during the fight.

"I know... But Nan Jin, if I personally intervene, I have to use some methods that will embarrass you. Can you accept it? Or you try again?" Although I have other methods, but this method Actually I don't want to use it.

"I don't care, I don't care, I don't care anymore, Brother Dong Ren is coming soon, I want you to come now!" Nan Jin said anxiously.

I couldn't help but swallowed with a grunt, secretly asking when the little girl was in a hurry, did this voice have a ecstatic effect?

Of course, I don’t turn around and rush over. After so many years, things like female **** can still be controlled, and there is no need to do this now. There are many ways of physical intervention, so under my control, Several spiritual veins stretched out from my body in an instant, and directly intervened from many key points in Nan Jin's body with lightning speed.

Suddenly, if it was stabbed by a needle, Nan Yan groaned slightly. The positions of these dense spiritual veins are completely calculated. Of course, some nodes are very embarrassing, so this is also the reason why I don't want to intervene by myself. .

Now obviously there is no other way.

After my veins directly intervened, Nan Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief after being extremely embarrassed, or she didn't know if I could sense anything, because maybe my eyes were not facing her.

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