Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7024: : Struggle

What actually happened, only I know. This time I have a deep understanding, and I can say that I know everything about her body. Therefore, after my veins directly interfere with the Spirit Fire Goddess, she can also let go. After losing myself, I concentrated on practicing patching techniques.

Of course, she emptied herself. After all, I was the one who took over the battle against the goddess of spirit fire, so I not only controlled the beetles to attract firepower, but also used the spirit veins to directly invade and interfere with her attention, so that she could not intervene in Nan Jin. Practice.

The patch exercise I gave to Nan Jin requires a process. Even no matter how talented you are, it is a relatively slow process to start from scratch. Of course, once you start to practice, it’s impossible to go back to practice. This is also true. A way to get deadly fire goddess.

I was like tying the goddess Linghuo with a rope, and then asked Nan Jin to shack her with chains and locks. This is almost a fool's approach, no matter how stupid Nan Jin will do it, so about a day has passed. A brand-new spiritual vein appeared, and this spiritual vein was the chain that bound the spiritual fire female imperial god, and quickly connected it with Nan Jin.

Then it was much easier. Under the constant trigger of Nan Jin, the spirit veins gradually began to entangle the spirit fire goddess according to my plan, and I gradually got out of the spirit veins, and began to let Nan Jin take over and adapt to my own. body.

The palace lord who created this spiritual fire female imperial **** technique did not perfect it, and copied the cultivation method, but did not know the huge hidden dangers. As a result, the spiritual flame female imperial **** almost re-appeared in the world, and the entire Qingxian Mansion I don't know how to solve it yet, the only solution given is that only the palace master's daughter can practice.

I think that once they are really backlashed by the Spirit Fire Female Royal God, their only idea is to kill it.

After my spirit veins were completely withdrawn and the beetle had completed its mission, Nan Jin’s body temperature had returned to normal, and I was relieved: “Okay, my mission is almost over, you have to solve the rest by yourself. I’m off, I believe it shouldn’t be difficult for you from now on."

"I have to rely on Brother Dong Ren, and I will feel embarrassed..." Nan Jin hesitated, and finally said, "Brother Dong Ren...can you let your bugs come out...I think it should be fine."

"Well, you think it's okay, I'll let it go, but you, the goddess of spirit fire, are much gentler." I smiled, and then controlled the bug to leave.

I thought that since the little girl should have discovered that I might be monitoring her, otherwise, when I was injecting the spiritual veins to intervene in an emergency, it would definitely not be so accurate, so I can't continue this way, so I just take the bugs. At the same time he walked, he also took back all the spiritual veins to avoid embarrassment.

But this had just stopped, and he was about to put on clothes and leave the flower basket to fly for a while. Suddenly there was a problem with the little girl.

With a hiss, the petals that were still floating on the water suddenly turned into ashes, and then the water began to vaporize at an extremely fast speed. The scorching temperature immediately activated the fire roots in my body. And know what happened behind me.

I couldn't take care of everything, and immediately turned to look at Nan Jin. Sure enough, at this moment, her eyes were red, and her body was full of flames. Although she still maintained a girl's posture, the temperature was not the same.

The flower basket started to burst into flames, even the projectiles of this level actually started to catch fire.

I was shocked, and I quickly summoned the coldest water attribute, but the opponent’s fire attribute was too violent. I could only activate the magic power immediately and summon the holy water beetles directly. After all, their temperature was continuously maintained at a level. Yes, and the most important thing is to be able to call Yangshen Pill.

With the support of Yang Shen Dan, the holy water beetle immediately stabilized the temperature, and then poured enough water into it.

After I released my magical powers, I immediately reached out without hesitation and directly injected aura into Nan Jin's body to keep her body energy from being depleted. I forgot that after pulling away the beetle, the goddess of spiritual fire would consume her spiritual power severely, which also caused She was caught in a crisis at the moment, and she was almost taken away.

Of course, under the control of my strong intervention, the fire attribute that erupted in her body was finally suppressed by me, and the blood-red eyes were restored, and at least the body was not damaged. After all, the cooling water is still working around. .

"Brother Dong Ren...what's wrong with me..." Nan Jin looked weak, she glanced at me, and then set her gaze under the water.

I can't help but feel embarrassed. At this moment, this picture is too unsuitable for children. Fortunately, the hazy steam is a barrier to prevent us from being exposed to each other's eyes.

"The goddess of Linghuo has been refined by you, and she tried her best before she was wiped out of the logic of action, but it's okay now." I smiled bitterly.

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