Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7025: : Marble

One day later, we have entered the area under the jurisdiction of the Sun-Moon View. Because of the location, there will be two shiny planets appearing in the area that can be reached at the same time for a long time in one day. This is also the origin of the view of the sun and the moon.

Nan Jin leaned on the edge of the flower basket and happily pointed to the dark clouded area that looked darker than other places: "Brother Dong Ren, look, the sun and the moon are bright!"

"Well, here is so close to the devilish energy of Tongtian Mountain. It seems that the sky is also dark and dark, and it looks like night when it faces Tongtian Mountain. As for the direction we are coming from, it is daytime. These two stars brighten and darken. It is indeed like the confluence of the sun and the moon." I said with emotion.

The scenery here is indescribable, and there are floating cyan stones everywhere, which are the same as the lapis lazuli used by the disciples of the Sun Moon Viewer before. Of course, some of these stones are directly exposed, some are buried in mud or other. Among the iron stones, most of the purity is not high.

"The earthy atmosphere here is amazing. I've been here once before, but I still feel uncomfortable after getting used to it. I really don't know how these people with earthy roots will feel? Would they like it? The lapis lazuli has been grind for dinner?" Nan Jin giggled. Yesterday, after suppressing the goddess of Spirit Fire, she had recovered to liveliness, and occasionally there was some ridicule in her tone.

I smiled and said, "Don't forget that I also have soil roots, but I don't want to eat soil at all now."

"Brother Dong Ren, I didn't say that on purpose, but I'm really curious. Why don't you try to eat some?" Nan Jin looked at me expectantly.

Of course I knew she was joking, so I grabbed the lapis lazuli floating outside and crushed it instantly in my hand: "It seems that it is not easy to laugh for a Pomeranian. You have to eat dirt first."

"Ah?! Don't don't, I'm just kidding!" Nan Yan hurriedly grabbed the palm of my hand that I wanted to put in my mouth, then quickly patted off the lapis lazuli powder on it, and looked at me with an agitated look, and said: "Is Brother Dong Ren a fool? I really want you to eat it!"

"I suffer first, and then get blessed. The ancients sincerely don't deceive me." I smiled.

"Why do you suffer first, and then get blessing? Why did Brother Dong Ren suddenly get it?" Nan Jin looked curious, grabbing my hand and looking over and over.

Until I held her hand with my hand and said, "Look, you don't need me to hold your hand personally, and you will send it to the door by yourself. Doesn't this mean that you will suffer first and then be blessed?"

"Puff...In the words of Brother Dong Ren, it's so oily..." Nan Yan couldn't help but retracted his hand with a smile, his face couldn't help but blush.

"Hey, oil is right." I couldn't help laughing.

Seeing my proud expression, Nan Jin seemed to think of our experience that day, and couldn't help but feel reddened, but she is different from other women. After experiencing so many things, she no longer desires me. Refusing to greet his mind, I leaned forward actively, my body suddenly pressed against my chest, and my hand went around my neck.

Seeing her head lifted slightly, she slowly closed her eyes. Of course, I knew what she wanted to do. This little girl didn’t understand anything, at least she must have seen it before, and it’s true that there will be such a move in the emotional place. It's instinct.

The fragrance of her body came out, and the delicate face couldn't find any flaws, and I took a deep breath, but when I woke up, I stretched out my hand to block between us.

"Nan Jin, not now." I refused without hesitation.

Nan Jin opened his eyes in astonishment, a flush of shame on his face that could not be concealed: "Brother Dong Ren... isn't it Nan Jin... but we are all already..."

"No..." I thought for a while, intending to say that my body is not Dong Ren, and at this moment, suddenly a huge stone blasted down from the dark sky at a very fast speed. I took a look. It's a giant lapis lazuli!

The lapis lazuli that fell so fast was obviously controlled by the Sun Moon View. There are actually lapis lazuli everywhere in the sky, so whenever there is an enemy hiding behind the lapis lazuli, I may not be able to find it!

A few tails immediately appeared behind me, and the water jet instantly dismembered the entire lapis lazuli into several pieces!

But then more lapis lazuli began to smash into our flower basket, it seems that the enemy is not without defense, waiting for us to rush into the encirclement!

"Hehe, when we arrive at the site of our Sun Moon View, it is equivalent to entering the Blue Cloud Stone Formation! How dare you to express me and me? Really reckless!" A man's voice cut through the silence of the sky.

I immediately pointed my tail in the direction of the sound, and shot several water jets in an instant!

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