Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7028: :spirit

"All of these are okay. Accordingly, I will promise that you and Qingxian Mansion will be turned into a jade silk, and friendship will be established in the future, and the neighbors will no longer fight each other. Besides, I will borrow the first-grade earth spirit root of your sun and moon view to seal the magical secret realm and spirit. One of the spiritual veins, of course, is paid. I will give you ten Sun God Pills and 50 Heaven Patch Pills used by Earth Spirit Roots as a reward. In addition, I will provide you with a certain amount of assistance for your re-emergence. Look at this Are the conditions acceptable?" I put forward the best conditions, half of which is to restore their interest, at least not to allow other schools to easily swallow them.

The entire Yunmo Continent needs peaceful development. Although every sacrifice to the Immortal and Blood Crossing will mix up the two paths of good and evil, it is obviously too late this time.

As soon as I heard this, the literary world stared wide-eyed and looked to the left and right. I was afraid I might have heard it wrong, but everyone was very excited. The value of these medicines can be seen from their expressions. Come out one or two.

"If we knew this long ago, what would we still fight with Sun Moon View? Lord Dongrengu, you came too late! Should come here earlier, we won't be encouraged by that clear door to join them to risk such a big deal. It's dangerous to attack Qingxian Mansion! We are simply stupid and unattainable, stupid and unattainable!" The literary world thumped his chest, and looked like I was sorry for the master and the disciples.

A group of disciples all blamed themselves.

"Hehe, don't regret it. If you don't fight, how can you accept this reality? I thought everyone was bullying, and I won't talk too much nonsense. Hurry up and take me to Riyueguan. If you accompany me well Yes, the benefits I promised are indispensable to you, but if I find that Yaohuang or Elder An Fan has lost one hair, or some moths have appeared, don’t blame me for putting the shame on this." I was cold. Smiled coldly, not at all confused by this appearance.

This world is not the product of your wishful thinking, it is all won by strength, so I don't have much sympathy for them, let alone feel that they will treat me honestly just because I helped them.

The literary world hurriedly said while leading the way: "The Valley Lord has made his remarks heavy. Our Sun-Moon View is already the way it is now. Now that we can get the help of the Valley Lord, I would not dare mention the grievances of the past! I also asked the Valley Lord to see us. Watching the Lord, now we must have been waiting for the Lord for a long time!"

I looked behind him. There were indeed a few disciples who had gone to report for the news. I didn't bother to pay attention to it, and followed them with a big hand.

Along the way in the above world, he politely introduced the surrounding landmarks, and on the other, he smiled and told about the loss of Sun Moon View at this moment. If it weren’t for me to deal with this matter, Nan Jin must be very unhappy with the result So after she stopped talking in the literary world, she asked me depressedly: "Brother Dong Ren, why did you help them watch the sun and the moon? They robbed us and killed our palace immortal, mine Many senior sisters and younger sisters died in their hands! You...how can you offset your hatred as easily as a okay person... By doing this, how will I see their family members in the future..."

"Qingxian Mansion has a strong foundation. If they only came to the Sun and Moon View, even if your elites were still on the border, they would definitely have nothing to do with you, right? You also killed many of them, and I was also in battle. They wiped out a large number of them, so it can be regarded as giving them the lessons they deserve. Although this explanation is based on the interests of the sect, you may not like to listen, but if you do not choose to reconcile and seek common development, it is impossible to continue the new hatred forever. Liquidation? Afraid that you will lose more friends in the same clan by then?" I asked back.

"But... but you gave them so many resources... it feels like Brother Dong Ren owes them..." Nan Jin still has a bit of resentment, but it's not that she is not clever.

"Now that they have lost their sacrifice to Xiantai, it's a matter of decree. We can't use up the location of the Xiantai sacrifice. You can give it to your father, and that's it. How about it?" I said to her. , But looked at the literary world.

The literary world also heard the conversation between me and Nan Jin just now. At this time, he said quickly: "Fengxian City has the right to schedule the location of the various sects to sacrifice to Sendai. Then I will let the masters offer sacrifices to Sendai, which is regarded as compensation for Qingxian Mansion. Just..."

After Nan Jin heard this, he couldn't say anything else. He could only say, "You can't turn back!"

Soon, we came to a large mountain with lapis lazuli as the main body, and various building groups were excavated on the mountain. In the huge building group that was either excavated or built up, the three words'Sun Moon View' It is impressively carved on the eye-catching cliff.

But at this moment, the Seven Dharma Master looked embarrassed and brought a group of immortals to greet him with a smile on his face: "Master Dongrengu, I haven't seen him for a few days, so he is more energetic..."

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