Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7029: : Earth Demon

"Hey, the Seven Dharma Viewers ran really fast before. I didn't pay attention to you anymore, and I don't know if the master of Yiqing Shangcai followed you back?" I asked with a sneer.

"How did the Valley Master know..." The Seven Dharma Viewer was stunned, and immediately looked not far behind him.

The master of Shang Caimen, who was in plain clothes floating behind the Master of Seven Dharma, looked at me with a hint of surprise, and then said: "Master Dong Ren Gu really deserves its reputation. He has come all the way and has a steady flow of energy from our side. The news, the master of the sect is very ashamed, and even delusional to join forces with the master of the Seven Dharma to fight against the enemy, it is simply overpowering."

I was a little speechless in my heart. I really didn't expect these two goods to go together. It seems that I was a bit misguided in persuading the Sun Moon Viewer before. Now that the keeper of the door is here, how can I favor each other?

But the probability of them being together is not small. After I was beaten up, the two families also knew that they were huddled together, otherwise they would be fools.

But this is also good, it saves me going to clear the door and find someone to stabilize the situation at the moment.

"Hehe, it was your bad luck that ran into me, but although I hurt your roots, I didn't uproot you. As long as you get along well, I can help you rebuild." A smile hung from the corner of his mouth.

They have heard from me a long time ago, so there will definitely be discussions. I don’t need to mention something. They estimate that the distribution of benefits has been adjusted internally.

Sure enough, after they led me into the insight, the master of the Seven Dharma masters frequently introduced me to the mystery of the earth spirit roots, the master of Shang Cai also quickly asked me what kind of spiritual roots I lack. It is obvious. This woman must also want to make a profit from it.

"Now I only lack the Secret Realm of Conferring Demon with a Grade of Feng Ling Root, and I don't lack the rest. I don't know if you can clear the door?" I answered Shang Cai's question.

The Sect Master Shangcai was stunned, and immediately said: "We...we clear the door’s spiritual root attributes, but most of them are below the second-rank. As for the first-rank spiritual roots... we don’t have none, but it’s the thunder attribute. It is of wind attributes. In fact, our second-grade organ dragon spirit root secret realm is also quite good, with first-class offensive ability, and often..."

"Well, the second-rank spirit root is the second-rank after all. It is absolutely impossible to compare with the first-rank spirit root, especially the expansibility and development prospects are greatly inferior. I can't accept this point." I said flatly, this Suddenly, there was a pity on the face of the Sect Master Shang Cai, and I didn’t want her to be disappointed, and continued: "The Secret Realm of Sealing Demon is not the only subsidy standard. The Sect Master Shang Cai can think about it, what can make my heart move. Contributing to me, if it satisfies me, it is even far better than the Secret Realm of Earth Spirit Roots provided by the Seven Dharma Viewers. Why don't I worry if I don’t give the same subsidy, or better?"

"This..." When the master Shang Cai looked at me, his face was a little overcast. I didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, but after thinking about it, I could only secretly feel that there was something in her door that could attract My stuff is out.

However, the Seven Dharma Viewers were quite scheming, and quickly said: "Shangcai sect master, isn’t the Gu master that said very clearly? You should make some sacrifices, in order to clear the sect, where are your own interests and the interests of the sect? Can it be compared? Relatively speaking, our Sun-Moon View has also taken out the secret realm of soil spirit roots to seal the devil, don't you immediately come up with a decision?"

"Well... since the Valley Master already has such a thought, why don't I hesitate, Valley Master, Shang Cai will make Valley Master very satisfied." The woman Shang Cai put a hand on mine. There was a smile on his face.

"What?" I inevitably stunned.

"These things are naturally...you said it well in the evening, and let's wait for the master Gu to re-engrave the enchanting mystery of the earth spirit roots." Shang Cai said hastily.

"Hehe, that is, no matter how urgent things are, it is not as important as having spiritual veins. Come on, please go to the back mountain to re-engrave the spiritual veins with the master of the vision." The master of the seven methods asked me with a smile but a smile. , I secretly said that there is no shortage of gourds in Yunmozhou who do not tell me what medicine to sell.

It didn't take too much time to re-engrave the first-grade earth spirit root spirit veins. This is the spirit vein of a first-grade earth demon grandson. The reason why it is called a grandson is actually an ape-like monster, only half an adult.

According to legend, this earthly demon grandson was very good at using lapis lazuli for cover, and was extremely amorous. After polluting a lot of female disciples, he killed them all, and then immediately ran into the Tongtian Mountains. It made the immortals hate and angry, but they didn't dare to enter it again, but after many years of misfortune, they were killed by a great cultivator of Sunyueguan seeking opportunity and sealed in this enchanted demon secret realm.

After re-engraving the spirit veins of this earth demon grandson, I found that he was quite capable in the way of body skills, but correspondingly, in terms of overall strength, it was slightly weaker than other first-grade spirit beasts with spiritual roots.

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