Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7030: : Not forgive

Of course, weak offensive ability does not mean that it cannot be attacked. The defensive ability of Earth Demon Sun is also commendable, so I did not demand it to be comprehensive. As for this spirit beast, I have neglected it. After all, the reincarnation of spirit veins will depend on people. However, I keep my duty as a gentleman in this respect, and I will not go astray because of this earth demon Sun Lingmai.

Moreover, although there are so many immortal houses in Sunyueguan, although they don't all choose Earth Demon Sun, they are not chosen by no one, nor have they heard that Sunyueguan has anything other than lewd demons.

And now only the spirit root of the wind attribute has not been re-enacted, but this matter is not particularly urgent, and the most important thing at the moment is to find the rose medicine. The little girl is not dangerous now, but she does not know where she has lost her way.

"Maybe the Emperor of Medicine has already rushed over. After all, Qingxian Mansion must tell the Emperor of Medicine about the news of the Lord of the Valley, isn't it? I think that Lord of the Valley came to Sunyueguan, and naturally he was behind you, or Speaking of waiting for them to come one day or two days?" The Sect Master Shang Cai said sincerely.

I thought for a while, secretly said that Shang Cai sect master had already got any news, right? So I said: "I'm afraid that your disciples outside will not disappear, and chase them when I don't know it."

"Gu Master, how is this possible? Our disciples have already returned to their nests, and will not come out to cause trouble anymore, can I promise you, OK?" Shang Cai sect master couldn't help saying.

"This is what you said, don't come to you when something happens." I said lightly.

"What's the bill? I'll give you everything. If something happens, you can just kill me." The master Shang Cai said with an agitated expression.

"It's not that exaggerated. If someone in your sect caused trouble, I would naturally find someone under your sect to settle the account. As for you, although you are guilty, you are oversight. Why did I kill you?" I said silently.

The Sect Master Shangcai chuckled, then took my hand and said, "I know that the Lord Gu is a wonderful person."

When I finished saying this, Nan Jin, who had been by my side silently watching all this, was frowned upon. He slapped the hand of the Sect Master Shang Cai and said anxiously: "Sect Master Shang Cai, what are you doing! ?"

"What are you doing, are you the youngest daughter of Palace Master Nan Zhi? Ha ha, she looks more beautiful than your mother, it's a pity." The master of Shang Cai puffed her chest, and Nan Jin's gaze instantly froze. On her chest.

"But... what a pity!? What do you mean?!" Nan Jin was so angry that he put his hands under his neck to the unobstructed area on his chest, his face flushed, and this career line was indeed the first one they were fighting for. battlefield.

I was stunned. If Nan Jin would be like this, then what is this Shangcai sect master?

I condensed my eyebrows to look at the Sect Master of Shangcai, this time I came to my senses, and I knew something in my heart, and asked: "I seem to have promised the Sect Master Shangcai will have a certain subsidy for Yiqingmen. With a reward for clearing the door and setting an example for the stability of Yunmozhou, I will give you the resources now. Why not prepare for this first. After all, the sacrifice to the immortal blood crossing in Fengxian City should be about to start, right? "

"In this sacrifice to the Immortal and Blood Crossing, when we cleared the gate and Sun Moon View, we focused on participating. Once we cleared the gates and other seats, they were all transferred out like Riyuegu, but we directly transferred it to Luo Mugu. Yes, I also ask the owner of the valley to treat us more preferentially. In addition, Shang Cai also knows some other etiquette. Please also the owner of the valley to come with Shang Cai." The host of Shang Cai took the opportunity to say to me.

I looked at Nan Jin and said, "Nan Jin, I have some misunderstandings when I want to come to Shangcai Sect Master. I need to explain it myself. That's fine. We will stay in the sun and the moon for one night. I'm tired and need a good rest. If we can't wait for Mei Yao and An Fan tomorrow, we will rush back, how about?"

"Then Dong Ren brother, will you rest with me?" Nan Jin hurriedly asked.

"Guru, don't know if there is a place to stay and relax?" I looked at the awkward Seven Dharma Guru.

The Master of the Seven Dharma Viewers quickly said: "Some, some, we have several Qingshifangs in the Sun Moon View, which are used to receive distinguished guests, especially the top Qingshi Xianfang, there are a few rooms that I have I have arranged a room for you, the master of the valley, the master of the monk Cai, and the little lady of Nanjin. Now I will ask the disciples to take you there.

I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Nan Jin, you see, I live next door, of course I have a rest together."

"Why does she have a share? I don't want to see her. She killed so many immortals in our Qingxian Mansion. Don't stop at night I can't help but kill them!" Nan Jin was reluctant and stared at Shang Cai. , Is a little fox with fried hair, in this point she is exactly the same as Lingzhao.

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