Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7032: : Town Gate

Nan Jin's temper is really difficult to persuade directly, so I nodded to Shang Cai's idea and agreed to give it a try. Sure enough, when we went to Qingyun Xianfang under the leadership of our disciples, the disciple who led the way told us in a low voice that Nan Jin would just Followed behind.

"Look, what did I say?" Shang Cai giggled, an expression even closer to me.

Qingyunxianfang is a buoyancy lapis lazuli floating island with top-of-the-line buildings and supporting infrastructure. Although the overall color cannot get rid of the rusticity of the sun and the moon, it actually looks magnificent after using the most sophisticated materials. Extraordinary, like the marble-like texture, it is full of luxury in a low-key.

While the beautiful disciple escorted us to the Xianfang lobby, she also started to introduce the place, but Shang Cai disapproved, and interrupted the female disciple's words with a smile: "Okay, I have lived here several times, let me introduce you. It’s good for Dong Ren Gu, you don’t need to come."

The female disciple looked at me deeply, and I nodded and said, "Since the Sect Master Shang Cai said that, then do it as she said, and go to my own affairs."

The female disciple was obviously reluctant. I motioned and looked at the door. She immediately said clearly: "The disciple is going to receive Senior Nan Jin."

My underworld female disciple Conghui, and then under the leadership of Shang Cai, visited the Qingyun Xianfang. At the right time, Shang Cai smiled and put her hands deep into the placket of her chest. I was taken aback and looked around. , I saw the water pavilions decorated with vegetation and flowing water around the tall marble courtyard avenue, but there were no disciples here. It can be described as a deep and quiet environment.

If something fragrant happens in this kind of place, it is indeed a state that no one knows.

I took a deep breath, until Shang Cai took out a bronze transparent object from the placket, I was relieved, it seemed that I had misunderstood.

"Dongren Valley's master Yunmozhou should be a trip to gain a lot of insights. It's no wonder if you want to come to all kinds of magical things, but I have a treasure here. I want the owner to identify it. Something." Shang Cai held the bronze jade hanging around her neck with a hint of playfulness in her expression.

This is for me to look at it. I thought about it, and I am not afraid of fraud. After all, this material looks more like a treasure for recording things, and what's the problem with hanging it on her neck?

As a result, I just put my hand on this bronze jade, and an instant force pulled my spirit directly into it. After an instant, I appeared in a space with the deity’s divine consciousness and Shang Cai. .

Seeing my deity, Shang Cai's face was full of shocked expressions: "You are?"

"Do you dare to design me?" There was a hint of anger in my eyes. I didn't expect this bronze jade to have the ability to mind control.

"You are the Lord of Dongren Valley? How could it be...obviously you don't look so similar..." Shang Cai was extremely surprised.

I snorted and said, "Since you already know the fact that I am Dong Ren, the deity of the body, no wonder I killed people after I went out. Or, you took out something worth keeping with you. The reason for life comes."

"I...I...Gu Master, I was so wronged!" As soon as Shang Cai heard that I was going to kill her, she was frightened. Seeing my temper and anger, she hurriedly said: "Shang Cai is just I want to borrow this bronze jade to meet you with Dongren Valley Master, but you don’t want Dongren to be the real Valley Master. If you know, even if you give me a hundred courage, I don’t dare to invite you to the predecessor. Please forgive me, seniors, we cleared the door is actually a subordinate Xiaoxianmen controlled by Mu Xianzhou, since the senior came from Mu Xianzhou, please raise your hand and don't kill Shang Cai, okay? Shang Cai knows it is wrong, Shang Cai will never tell anyone about today's events! Definitely will not tell Mu Xianzhou's elders what happened at this moment!"

I sneered, and my spirit was so strong that this mere world of bronze and jade could be trapped. Under my control, the space suddenly twisted, and after the shock, the surrounding scenery started to crack: "Hehe, private meeting Yunyu, you think it is beautiful, am I the one who never refuses to come? But how do you know that I am from Muxianzhou?"

When Shang Cai heard what I said, she immediately knew that I couldn't do anything with her, and seeing that my mental strength was outrageous, it was inevitable that she would be anxious: "Senior, please calm down! This bronze jade is all personally skinny." What is hidden is what the elders of Mu Xianzhou gave me, so that I can seductively enter at the critical moment... It is definitely not used to harm you... That way, if the elders can let me go, I will give it to the elders. The treasure of every town is given to seniors..."

"It seems that all of you are supported by Mu Xianzhou's big sect." When I heard that there was a gift of treasure, my expression immediately eased.

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