Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7033: : Golden Sac

"Senior, everyone has it, and we can't avoid it. Even if we don't dare to say clearly, but if we can sit firmly at the twelfth pole of the sect, no one will inevitably cling to it... The same is true when we clear the door." Shang Cai looked at Under my control, the world was distorted, and his heart-wrenching expressions were distorted together. I couldn’t help but say: “Senior, let’s talk about it if we don’t go out. This time it’s Shang Cai’s fault. I wanted to surprise you, but it changed. It’s the current situation..."

"Okay, I ruined this place. I really made a big deal." I finished speaking lightly, and with a wave of my hand, the world was restored again, and I also created the appearance of Tiangong, a concrete method of mental power. For me, the Daotian Great God, it is simply a pediatrics. It is not difficult at all to be able to turn this place into chaos and rebuild magnificence.

"Ah? Senior, this is..." Shang Cai looked at the chaotic change palace in front of her, suddenly overjoyed, knowing that I forgave her, so she hurriedly floated over to show her courtesy.

I hurriedly reached out to stop her, and said coldly: "Enough, you don't have to charm me. I am not interested in you. I didn't expect that you and the Seven Laws Nagant were talking about this before. It was shameless. Nothing, I don't want to say anything, go out quickly and take out the things Mu Xianzhou gave you."

Among the artifacts given by Mu Xianzhou, there is a Wind Immortal in Yingyi's hands. This is originally a product of Fengpu City, and there is also a Tianlu sword from Muxianzhou, which is now in Tianlu Dao. Respectful hands.

And there is a third baby here, I am really interested to see it.

"Yes, senior wait a moment." After Shang Cai nodded quickly, driving the spell to release our spirits from the bronze jade quickly. Although I can come out by myself, it depends on whether this bronze jade can be retained. It's hard to say.

The spirit returned to my body, my hand was still holding the bronze jade, and Shangcai's face was fascinating. This was completely the same as before. The only difference was that Nan Jin stood with his eyes bulging. At the far door, I was watching if something was going to happen to us.

I let go of the bronze jade, and Shang Cai awkwardly put the bronze jade back into her bra. She also found the embarrassment at this time, so she took out a treasure box. After opening it, it turned out to be a treasure box. Something similar to a bag of heaven and earth.

"What is this?" I picked it up curiously. This thing looked like brocade or cloth, but it was still a bit heavy when weighed. It depicts some strange mountains and golden stones.

"This is the gold sac that the elders of Mu Xianzhou gave us to clear the door. It is the unique treasure refining in Yunmozhou. Any ore can be put into it, and the dregs can be removed, the mineral gold can be extracted, and the gold can be refined. In the bag, it is still in a softened state, and if you control it, you can make all kinds of shapes you want. The predecessors also know that we are a sect that specializes in spears as weapons. We have a great demand for weapons, so This golden pouch is naturally the treasure of the town to us, but this thing cannot be shown to others, let alone let disciples know, so there are not many opportunities for refining tools, it is to avoid being noticed, but even so, it is also It laid the foundation for us to clear the gate and rank the twelve poles of the sect, but now this thing is given to the seniors to use, and the seniors are also asked to accept..." Shang Cai explained.

After listening to the function of this golden sac, I will inevitably be overjoyed. At the moment, I lack such a treasure refining device. I didn't expect someone to send it over: "Hehe, it's a good thing. I don't know what will happen if I put the treasure of the earth demon's grandson into it? "

"I don't know about this Shangcai...but if you put the jade into it, you can soften it into the shape you want." Shangcai said.

I nodded and said, "You did a good job, so let me give you some Yangshen Pills and Tiantian Pills. It's purely a personal gift, so you don't feel that loss."

"Ah? Really?" Shang Cai was overjoyed from the bitter look on her face just now.

I took out a bag of Tiantian Pills and a bag of Yangshen Pills and threw them to her. Then I looked at the house on the other side of this magnificent and exquisite lobby and said: "It's going to be night soon, Master Shang Cai Please, as for this gold bag, I will study it myself."

This obvious chauffeur made Shang Cai look disappointed, of course, with a little bit of rejoicing, so after she left, she went to the third guest room in a desperate manner, and I also looked at Nan Jin and smiled: "Nan Jin, are you still hiding there and not planning to come out?"

"When did I hide?" Nan Yan turned out from the corner of the aisle with anger, and then walked towards the second guest room extremely quickly. This expression was telling me that she was angry anyway.

Seeing her deliberately missed from my side, I grabbed her.

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