Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7034: : Fancy

"Aren't you the monk Cai's wicked affection, who are inseparable from each other? Continue to look at her, what are you doing anyway?" Nan Jin's eyes were full of grievances.

I smiled and said, "I didn't have a lot of affection with her. The bronze jade just now is a spiritual treasure. It pulled me and her into the same space, so when you were outside, we But stopped there and looked at each other."

"Ah? That pendant is fraudulent?" Nan Jin was surprised at once, but quickly thought of something with her ingenuity, gritted her teeth and said: "You saw that I was outside, so it was inconvenient to do some bad things, so you ran in. Do it in the space, then tell me what to do..."

I can’t laugh or cry, but this is getting darker and darker, so I said: “If we really did something shameful in it, when we came out, she would still be so humble? She would have been so sultry and humbling to me. Isn’t it extremely gentle? In fact, I criticized her severely in it and scolded her for playing these tricks. She was so scared to apologize to see if this treasure is exactly what it is? If there is something between me and her, then I also gave her a gift of love, isn't it?"

"Really what Brother Dong Ren said? But you also gave her something back..." After hearing these tightly connected words, Nan Jin suddenly believed seven points, but was not interested in this gold bag at all, Xiao The girl's mentality can be described as unobstructed.

"The gift is for fear that she will feel a loss, and I will make noise after I leave, right?" I explained with a smile.

The grievances in Nan Jin's heart were completely eliminated, but on the surface he still said: "Well, Dong Ren said so, is it possible that Nan Jin can still doubt in his heart? It's not early, I have to go back. Rest, Brother Dong Ren, please rest earlier."

"Don't sleep together?" I teased.

"Ah...no!" Nan Yan was stunned, but quickly refuted it anxiously.

I smiled and said, "Haha, the sky is the quilt and the ground is the bed. In the flower basket, we will eat and live together. What's wrong with sleeping in the same room? Besides, you are not afraid that I will be the master of Shangcai in the middle of the night. Do you go to the guest room where you are staying?"

"Brother Dongren, dare you!" Nan Jin was suddenly anxious, and seeing me turning around and really walking towards the guest room where the master Shangcai was, she hurriedly stopped me: "Where are you going? Over there. The main guest room is your room!"

"I just want to go there." I laughed.

Nan Jin flushed anxiously, and said in a low voice, "I live with you, can't I live with you!?"

It turned out that I just wanted to make a joke, thinking that she actually took it seriously, which made me stunned, and said hurriedly: "I was joking with you, is it serious? I lied to you, I haven't gone to Shangcai, midnight. What are you going to do?"

"You! I don't believe you, anyway, I'm going to live with you!" Nan Yan was stunned after hearing this, but now that she was riding a tiger, she became firm.

I secretly said that I was joking in myself, but this is also good, so that the little girl won't get anything out of my sight, and I can protect her well if I'm there.

After I figured this out, I didn’t have too much psychological burden. I quickly walked into the more luxurious Tianzi No.1 room inside. Not to mention, besides the big and the big, the furnishings are all exquisite. All kinds of things come from all over Yunmozhou, and it can be said to be a thousand choices.

Even Nan Jin couldn’t help but said, “I thought we had the best attic room in Qingxian Mansion, but I didn’t expect this desolate Sun Moon View Qingyun Xianfang to be such an extremely gorgeous place..."

"Never underestimate the strength of any twelve-level sect. This view of the sun and the moon cannot be underestimated." I smiled, then looked at the bed and said: "Go to bed, I will use Huajin. Fiddle with something."

"You...Aren't you coming? If you are playing around there, how am I going to sleep..." Nan Jin looked at the big bed, his face a little red.

I knew what she meant, but quickly said: "I won't make any movement, mainly because I made this thing, but also to make you more straightforward to understand who is different from me now."

"What's straightforward or not straightforward... I have embraced you... Anyway... It's not that... I haven't seen it..." Nan Jin is not so twitchy like other girls, but has a proactive and positive attitude towards things.

I swallowed, and then said: "Well, no matter what, you go to bed first, you will know it later..."

In fact, I want to use the demon-powered earth demon Sun Zhibao to make a treasure that embodies the spiritual world in reality, that is, the advanced version of the bronze jade that Shang Cai just now, so that the spirit of my own deity can be directly embodied. Turn it out.

But who knows that Nan Jin seems to have misunderstood, and his face flushed and asked: "Yes...Is it going to play with me...what tricks? Then how should I cooperate..."

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