Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7035: : Borrowed treasure

"How to cooperate? I didn't plan to be like you, no, I was going to treat you, but it was not what you thought." I was shocked before reacting, and Nan Jin started to play with himself again. Up.

"Anyway, you just want to do something to me, right?" Nan Yan sat on the gilt bed with a awkward expression, her long hair fell on her shoulders, her fingers curled her hair, but her eyes remained motionless. look at me.

I knew that what I did now would make her misunderstand, so I simply took out the gold sac, then took out a large piece of ore and threw it in. Under my control, the gold sac was activated. , And the thing that looks dark and heavy, after the power was poured into the hoop, it became transparent, and as I injected the power to control it, the ore turned into a soft finger and drilled out of the impurity stone. come out.

I was shocked by the magic of this thing in my heart. I couldn’t help but open the mouth of the bag to check the real situation inside. Not to mention, what I saw from the outside was the same as the inside. This gold sac was really a magical treasure. If the ore is purified with a refining furnace, it will probably take half an hour, but now it is outrageous.

Of course, the shortening of time is directly proportional to the consumption, and it is really not easy to control this gold pouch. If you change to the fairy family of the ordinary alchemy realm, you will have to consume the power of the light fire attribute in an instant.

This is because the gold sac itself is a treasure driven by various attributes. When dissolving, it uses fire spirit root, cooling water spirit root, forging, casting, and tempering all need thunder spirit root, wood spirit root, and wind spirit root. , The flexible use of various attributes can obtain the complete form of a treasure.

So don’t look at this Shangcai sect master who gave me the treasure of the town gate. In fact, she used it herself, relying on the spiritual realm's cultivation base to create a treasure that is consistent with her own spiritual realm’s attributes, it’s definitely no problem. However, the power consumed is equally astonishing. Including the cost of material resources, manpower, and time, it is estimated that it will not save much than the average person for training.

If you forge a baby with compound attributes, you would have to find a few people with different attributes to work together. This is not something that Yun Mozhou Xianjia can use. No wonder she gave it to me so readily and replaced it with someone else. This thing can't exert all the effects, and the huge consumption caused by the convenience of use, the energy supply of the Yangshen Pill has to keep up.

Most of the craftsmen spent several decades, or even a hundred years, forging a magic weapon. Of course, time is spent accumulating energy. If you want to refine the crafts quickly, there is no other way but to use drugs, so who would use expensive ones? Yang Shen Dan to refining?

I was weighing the purified and perfect metal, and my heart was relieved. At this moment, the slight breathing from the neck made me suddenly turn my head. It happened to collide with Nan Jin’s face. Nan Jin clutched his head and said : "Why, I turned my head suddenly."

"I just wanted to ask you what you are doing behind me?" I smiled speechlessly. Just now, I was patronizing the refining device and sorting out the experience of using the gold sac. I did not expect that Nan Jin was already sitting behind me, almost with his head on me I watched from the side.

"Brother Dong Ren, it's going to be late at night..." Nan Yan blinked his eyes, looking outside, but his eyes stayed true to my face: "I'm on the bed now, but you are in this serious refiner. Am I just so non-feminine?"

"What?" I was stunned, and secretly said that this girl could really be stunned by blood at any time. This was pointing to me and saying that it was false and serious.

"Just... Don't do things during the day at night." Nan Jin couldn't help saying.

I couldn't help but smile and said, "You little girl, do you know what this means?"

"Why don't I know? I haven't seen it. When I was very young, every time my mother said this, my father put everything down." Nan Yan stuck his tongue out, and then said again. "I think it's the same for Dong Ren brother, right? Men are greedy for their own desires."

"Tsk, you know too much, okay, wait obediently, I won't be able to practice today, I can't do anything." I looked helpless, this guy knows too much, I can see Nan Zhi and Wo Snow is very harmonious.

After hearing this, Nan Jin could only sit aside with a puzzled expression. While waiting for me to prepare the materials, Nan Jin asked nonchalantly: "Brother Dong Ren, are you okay?"

"What are you talking about?!" I stood up with a whistle, and now Nan Yan was frightened: "I said... I said... Isn't it okay for you..."

"Nonsense, what's wrong with me? I just want to do a necessary magic weapon!" I said fiercely, which seemed unacceptable to anyone.

As a result, her next sentence directly dragged me into the stubbornness: "Then...does it have to use magic tools?"

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