Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7036: : Alchemy

"It's not, it's not, it's not that I can't, I don't have to use magic weapons, but I need this magic weapon to explain my existence!" I almost vomited blood.

"Just without this magic weapon, can't it prove that you are right? If you can't do it, don't you exist?" Nan Jin looked at me curiously and innocently. Sometimes the girl's problem seemed innocent, but it made people cry.

"Forget it, just look at it from the side, wait until I get this thing out, and then explain to you, for a while, I really don't know how to say it, it's actually another person in my body." .

Nan Jin held my hand, shook his head and said, "Brother Dong Ren, it doesn't matter. I can wait. Don't say that you are someone else in your body. You are yourself. One day, you will do it."

I can no longer give her a crooked rhythm, so I just made up my own things. It is not easy to refine this treasure. In addition to using the veining rune program of the bronze jade, I have to create my own creation. Viable veins require experimentation, so the Treasure of Earth Demon Sun must not be used at the beginning.

Of course, there are many alternatives. Jade must be recorded normally. Various crystals are also good test items. So I took out several kinds of gems and threw them into the gold bag to directly refine the treasures I envisioned. .

At the beginning, Nan Jin could honestly watch me refining treasures, and occasionally showed expressions of surprise and curiosity, but after a while, I switched between successes and failures, and she became bored. After all, the process has been seen a lot, which does not mean that you can see the essential difference. If it seems to repeat a step for a long time, it will be boring, so when it is not too much, when I am slightly regained from the control of this golden capsule , I found that she had reached behind me, hugged my waist directly, and snored softly on my back.

I can see that she is actually very tired, but she has been holding on and watching my refining device. I put aside the work at hand and picked her up and put her on the bed.

But just when I was about to leave, she seemed to woke up, wrapped my neck around my neck, and opened her sleepy eyes: "Brother Dong Ren, are you doing it now?"

"Not yet!" I thought she was going to say something, but the words made me instantly refreshed.

"Why it's not working, it's been brewing for so long..." Nan Jin looked disappointed, he could only let go of his hand and slumped on the bed and said: "Brother Dong Ren, most of the time I think you are so amazing, but why? It won’t work when it’s critical..."

"Hey, I said that your little girl should not speak so cruelly, this is not what you should say!" I secretly said that this little girl will come to the scene, but she is still in the stage of understanding but not understanding, often such women, too The most difficult to deal with.

"Puff...well, then Nan Yan will wait until Dong Ren's brother is done." Nan Yan covered her mouth and smiled, and then when I left, she curled up into a ball and looked at me and sat down with me. When next, she fell asleep again.

I was so sleepy that I could still toss about it. I could see that she was very concerned about me, but no matter if I fell asleep, I could concentrate on making treasures.

After several successes and failures, I quickly mastered how to use the gold sac, and also got the best rune equation. Therefore, after making a variety of alternatives, I threw the Treasure of Earth Demon Sun into it. Turn it into the gold bag, and decisively drill it into two halves.

You don't need to use all the materials to make a treasure, and half is enough.

Because I had previously imagined how it would look like it was formed, I quickly kneaded the Earth Demon Sun’s Treasure into a piece of slime and divided it into two halves due to the nature of the golden sac.

I used the wood attribute for tempering. After sculpting the shape of the bracelet, I carved out a series of spiritual patterns with the wind attribute. These patterns are exquisite and complex, far more complicated than the previous bronze jade. After all, it is As an anti-calculation treasure, he has to possess much more powerful energy than bronze jade.

Of course, in order to improve the success rate, it is indispensable to need fine water milling time, so after making the whole bracelet, half a night passed. When I came back to my senses, the sky was already darkened, and it seemed that there was none this evening. It was in vain. Although I didn't take a good rest, I made a desired treasure.

When this black jade bracelet stayed in my hand, the multi-attribute and colorful halo immediately surrounded it. When I injected power, the surrounding area immediately fell into an illusion that I imagined. This is a spiritual illusion. The power of, projecting it into reality, also pulls all surrounding spiritual things into it.

So when he appeared in my illusion in a mental state, Nan Jin was still asleep.

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