Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7037: : Regret

The fluffy mental state makes people feel comfortable, so Nan Jin's body is still in bed, but the mental state has appeared in the scope of my bracelet.

This Earth Demon Sun bracelet is an energy-injected activation method. As long as it is inserted into a six-attribute Yangshen Pill as a battery, and driven by my unique six-attribute secret key, it can be operated on demand, and it will cover it. The scope and the degree of visualization are used as a reference for consumption. For example, covering a room now makes a transparent spiritual world through visualization, and the consumption is not large.

Of course, if someone suddenly breaks into this area, the bracelet will also take a coercive effect, drawing the intruder into this concretized spiritual world as well, so that the consumption will increase with the increase in the number of people.

But now the role of this bracelet is just a tool for me to explain who I am.

I stretched out my hand and touched Nan Jin, who was still asleep. She seemed to have noticed the mental collision, so she opened her eyes immediately and left the place in a flash, looking at me in astonishment: "You! You are Who!?"

I looked at my big hands that were not as youthful and smooth as Dong Ren, and couldn't help but smile, and said, "Look, I said you won't like the real me, right?"

"Brother Dong Ren! Wake up! Brother Dong Ren!" Nan Jin cried out in horror from a distance. Now she also saw Dong Ren's body, but at the moment he was using the bracelet, and his soul was in a state of emptiness. .

Now the entire room area is covered by the spiritual world and surpasses the real world, so in addition to seeing the spiritual world, you can also see the real world. Seeing Nan Jin panicking and looking at his body and Dong Ren’s body in reality Without moving, I smiled and said, "Before I cancelled the operation of the bracelet, we were all in the spiritual world."

"You...you killed Brother Dong Ren and me! Who are you!?" Nan Yan almost ran out of tears in anxiety.

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, Nan Jin, I am actually Dong Ren, and Dong Ren is me. Now I just tell you who I am with my bracelet so that you can see me clearly."

"What! You are not Dong Ren brother, you can't lie to me!" Nan Jin said anxiously, and then hurriedly flew to Dong Ren behind me, anxiously to check Dong Ren's state, tears couldn't hold back at this time. Fell down.

I sighed. Actually, I knew it would be like this. I wanted to tell her earlier.

I could only immediately cancel the operation of the bracelet and returned to Dong Ren's body, and Nan Jin also woke up directly on the bed. At this time, she looked at me with a panic and hurriedly looked at me and rushed forward without hesitation. Come: "Brother Dong Ren! You scared me!"

I patted her on the shoulder and smiled bitterly: "Song Yisong, I didn't mean to scare you, you first listen to me."

"Brother Dong Ren! I had a nightmare, and a big bad guy killed us both! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The face is stern, making people feel panicked at first sight...just talking...it seems to have a faint aura of not anger and prestige...I'm so scared of him...who do you think he is..." Nan Jin looked at him. Panic, she seems to have a shadow on my deity.

"That's me, okay... I just said, it's not Dong Ren in my body." I was speechless.

"Brother Dong Ren, are you..." Nan Jin stared at me with wide eyes, with a look of disbelief.

I shook the bracelet and activated it again, pulling Nan Jin into the realm again.

Seeing me coming out of Dong Ren’s body, Nan Jin was already stunned at this moment, and she was out of her body again. This feeling was indescribable. She looked at me and didn’t know what to say, she could only continue. "Ah" a few times.

"Look, I didn’t lie. Dongren is just a body I borrowed. In fact, my name is Xia Tiantian. I come from another universe of Proving Dao. This is the Universe of Liangyi Proving Dao, and I’m in the universe of creation. It's me who is with you these days, not someone else." I explained.

Nan Jin looked at me in shock, covering his mouth, with the word "fall" clearly written in his eyes. This Dong Ren was originally a good-looking young man. No matter who sees it, he can't help but look at me more and then look back. To weigh myself, it is indeed no longer a young man to debut back then. I have mastered the entire creation universe, and my experience footprint is enough to write countless classics, so I understand the gap with this young man.

"Why? Very disappointed, right? So I said, I had no intention of what happened to you, precisely because you regretted when you saw the real me, and then returned with regret." I smiled, and then continued: " But if you don’t mind, we can be friends, can’t we?"

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