Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7038: : Play with

The two words "friend" made Nan Jin fail to say a few words along the way. Even if he controlled the flower basket to fly with my umbrella all the way, she still couldn't change her, but she couldn't leave her on the way to Qingxian Mansion. Abandon, this made us both extremely embarrassed.

It’s not that I haven’t talked to her before, but there are only replies like “Uh, oh, good”. This feeling of strangeness is really uncomfortable for a while, but it’s not unacceptable. After all, we have a lot of things happening along the way. The episode also allowed the original flame to grow into a flame, and now a pot of water suddenly came, it was hard for her to feel astonished and at a loss.

Floating next to the flower basket, I was more like a flower protector. She also kept her from being left behind. When passing the border fortress to Qingxian Mansion, a sudden downpour became our ice-breaking journey. The beginning.

In the face of the falling showers, the flower basket did not open the guard. Nan Jin deliberately let the rain fall on his face, almost instantly turning into a mess.

I hurriedly held the umbrella and floated back to the flower basket, looking at her with an indifferent expression at the moment, and said: "Auntie, what are you doing? The sky is clouded with clouds. I don't know how to cover the flower basket?"

"You want to take care of me? I don't need a friend like you to help me." Nan Jin said dissatisfied.

"If you don’t need a friend, then don’t be a friend. As for the elders, if you want to come, you don’t like me being your elder, right? But whether it’s a pedestrian or a passing person, seeing you wet all over, it doesn’t seem to be a problem to give you an umbrella. Okay?" I smiled.

"I don't need you to be like this." Nan Yan gritted his teeth.

I shook my head and looked at her soaked clothes, and said, "At least you steamed the clothes dry. You are still dressed too thin today."

"You are not allowed to watch!" Nan Jin's face flushed suddenly, and he hurriedly summoned the goddess of Spirit Fire to cover her to dry the clothes. When the goddess of Spirit Fire spread her arms around her, the clothes were already in the wind. Hunting.

I smiled and said, "I made my debut as Dong Ren for only a short time, but I disturbed the situation in Yunmozhou. You can't be a young person who can do it. You are a clever child. Think about it carefully. You can know what's wrong, and combined with my identity at the moment, you should have been able to accept it long ago, right?"

"Acceptance is one thing! Whether you can face it is another thing!" Nan Jin said angrily.

Seeing her persistence, I didn’t intend to continue arguing with her. I was going to fly on my own. As a result, as soon as I was about to leave the flower basket, I pulled her sleeves away. I looked at her, but she ignored her. After holding his face for a while, he said, "You are here... I'm a little tired."

"Well, then you rest, we just take turns to exchange as we did when we came here." Controlling the aircraft is an individual effort, so it is impossible for two of them to fly all the way.

Even though I am a little tired at the moment, one of us must rest first.

After Nan Jin handed over the control to me, he sat there with his knees and rested. After a while, I fell into a deep sleep. I controlled the flower basket to fly at extreme speed. Of course, I was half-hearted and started to calculate the gold sac manufacturing. The formula of the treasure, the aircraft is not intelligent enough, so let it have the ability to move forward. I can still do this.

And although the flower basket is very convenient, it is not an excellent baby for shelter from the wind and rain. So I constructed a small four-seater design drawing and gradually improved its intelligence.

Soon after the design of this thing was completed, Nan Jin finally stretched and woke up. She saw me standing there if nothing had happened, but she took over the control of the flower basket without saying anything, and controlled the flower basket to tilt. Flew in the direction of Xianfu.

"Don't sleep more? It's too much earlier than expected." I looked at her slightly drowsy eye circles, and of course the sacrifice to her was in my eyes.

"Aren't you sleeping? If you have this gossip time, it's better to seize the opportunity to sleep for a while!" Nan Yan pursed his lips.

Seeing her insisting, I didn’t speak any more, so I took out the lapis lazuli from the trophies, as well as the top aircraft materials of various factions, and threw them into the gold bag, including the remaining half of the treasure of the earth demon grandson. , Also sent me in.

Under my research, this gold sac is a treasure that can visualize high-precision components, so a lot of things are thrown in. The treasures can be purified and refined without any problem, plus the ideas along the way, realize It is not difficult.

And when I was processing two or three parts, Nan Jin seemed to realize that I had no rest, and couldn’t help but said, “Give you time to rest, but you play with this gadget. Don’t blame me for not giving you rest time. ."

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