Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7049: :damaged

"Haha, City Lord Wo Sheng had a relationship with me, serious and serious, but it was indeed very strong, almost contradicting me, but if Mrs. Wo Xue is like a father, I think there is still a gap. Because getting along with your wife always makes you feel like a spring breeze. I don’t know if Mrs. Worxue thinks it?" I smiled. Although I don’t know this Mrs. Worxue very well, she is more calm than Mrs. Woshuang’s petty temper. , The speech is not leaking.

"The Lord Gu is really boasting. No wonder Nan Jin is so dependent on you. Even I think Lord Gu's words are pleasant." Madam Wo Xue giggled, and at this time, Nan Jin looked towards you sternly. He met his mother and said, "What's the point of being a human being with a mask?"

After listening to Mrs. Wo Xue, her expression froze for a while, and then she said, "Nan Jin, why are you talking to your mother like this?"

"I just have something to say. When father and eldest brother make up their minds, there will always be your shadow. I don't believe that they dare to do this to Brother Dong Ren without you instigating behind them. If you don't nod, what would they dare to do? Do you?" Nan Jin said angrily.

When Mrs. Wo Xue heard this, her expression suddenly became clear, and then anxiously said: "Nan Jin, don't you say that, okay? Mother really didn't know that they would come up with such a bad idea. Mother and Nan Yi have been counting at the Xiafu. For this loss, arrange the next work everywhere. Where can I have time to take care of their going to the mansion? I don’t know that your father and your eldest brother treated the Valley Master this way, so..."

"Don't tell me, I won't believe you what you say, anyway, dad and eldest brother do this, I will never believe you anymore. Brother Dong Ren pulled us back from the ghost gate, which was almost annihilated, but you do. To bury him, his behavior is so shameless, I am ashamed for you!" Nan Jin was even shocked by Mrs. Wo Xue.

This little girl has really blown up her hair. Otherwise, because of her conspiracy, she rarely happens like this. I think it’s raining or windy along the way, so I intervened and said, "This matter. It has passed, what the reason is, we will not pursue it anymore. I killed their Young Daoist and suppressed your Qingxian Mansion. I have already taken the matter over. Since the right and the evil are incompatible, let It’s going to go on. It’s your relatives if you quarrel, and if you don’t quarrel, it’s your relatives. It’s a long way, isn’t it possible to split up?"

"Brother Dong Ren, you are such a good person..." Nan Jin said aggrieved.

Mrs. Wo Xue sighed and said, "It was my fault. You shouldn’t let Nan Zhi and Nan Lang deal with it if you knew that Tianlu Dao’s Young Dao Venerable had come. I feel so guilty of being so tolerant, so Gu Master, Nan Jin, now please let me do my best to make up for this, okay?"

"Just keep on acting! There are always times when you can't do it!" Nan Jin ignored her at all, turning his face aside.

If there is a mother, there must be a daughter. It is a joke to say that Mrs. Woxue has no scheming. Only such a mother will have a daughter with such a playful role. How can a mother hide her from her daughter?

However, I have encountered thousands of accidents, more severe than them abound. Who can guarantee the success of the prevention again and again?

These things can only be gradually eliminated by becoming stronger by yourself, because the other person’s thoughts of good or bad will change with your strength. When you are weak, bad guys will be everywhere, but when you are strong enough, you will come back. Who would be willing to go to vengeance with a strong man when he is too far?

So seeing Mrs. Woxue’s passive and aggrieved face, I smiled and said, “Why does Mrs. Woxue blame herself? Besides, you can’t take responsibility for such a big thing alone. It's better to try your best to do yourself well, others will naturally see it."

Mrs. Wo Xue smiled bitterly after listening, and then stopped talking.

Meiyao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was silent, sitting like a good girl. The four of us set up the stage. Obviously, it would be more embarrassing to be more embarrassing, so I simply took out the gold sac refining device.

The six-color umbrella in the past few battles has been a little damaged, and it is necessary to repair it to make it more powerful. However, using this umbrella to fight will not be able to deal with the possible enemies of Mu Xianzhou in the future. You must know that I will protect the sky. The big sects that are both righteous and evil on all sides have almost offended it again. They Mu Xianzhou's supporting sects want to tell me nothing, isn't it a joke?

It's like you planted a few acres of fertile land in your hometown, and when you came back to harvest the fruit, you found that the trees were all uprooted, so I wouldn't stomping and gritting my teeth, so I have to guard against the next blow.

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