Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7050: : Alchemy

Therefore, making a piece of equipment that does not need to consume so much aura and mana to use with the Earth Demon Sun bracelet is the top priority now, and the six-color umbrella itself is a very convenient artifact, useful for my countless treasures of heaven and earth, I am sure I will not give it up, so after strengthening the umbrella surface, I removed the umbrella handle.

The handle of the umbrella is not very thick, but it is needless to say that it is sturdy. It uses lightweight feather steel, which can easily carry the sword attack, but it is a pity that it is only used as a small part to support the umbrella, so this umbrella handle I simply demolished it and transformed it, and replaced it with a scabbard in its original shape to replace the ribs.

Umbrella bones became scabbards, and naturally a good sword is indispensable. I collected all the steel ores one by one and threw all the steel ores into the gold sac for refining, and then screened the final materials one by one. .

However, even if I obtained almost all the high-strength metals from Yunmozhou, under my test, it could not be the material for me to make the sword in the umbrella, because the sword needs to be thin and high-strength at the same time. , Which means having extremely strong resilience to achieve my goal.

Seeing countless pieces of metal being cut into two pieces by me in the gold sac after it was made into a sword, the rose medicine beside me already knew what I was doing, and said timidly: "We are all sword repairers. …If you are making swords...Why don’t you use a variety of gold and iron materials to blend together...and then forge?"

"You mean alloys? The strength of these metals will increase when they are smelted together, but they will be hindered to a certain extent relative to the aura transmission, but this will not happen if the same metal is used, so it is better to sacrifice strength in exchange for spiritual power output. , This is the basis of refining, right?" I smiled.

"Our elders of Tianludao also say like you...but, but I have a way. It is possible to refine alloys that do not sacrifice spiritual power and are very hard... It's just the same as the ancient method. Conflicting." Mei Yao said.

"What? Do you still use this technique? Why didn't you say it earlier?" I was taken aback. I didn't think that the rose medicine was used as the emperor of medicine, and this kind of thing that is at odds with ironmaking would also happen.

"I...I just tried it, because I don't know how to make alchemy, so in order to find a better alchemy method, you must understand the characteristics of various materials. Just like all the ores you used just now, I can name them. Many of them are only found in our Tianludao sword furnace. We Tianludao also have many meteorite irons, which are very suitable for sword making. I have also collected a lot of them to study, and I also know their roots...I Here is an improved alloy refining technique, as well as the use ratio of the materials. If you use your convenient refining bag to refining, it will be much easier." After Mei Yao finished speaking, he took out a jade scroll. .

I took it slightly puzzled, and said: "You can make alloys? But the theory is completely different from reality. It's not that one plus one equals two, or even more...huh? Even the herbs are boiled and the leaves are mixed. Did you also add in this method than go in forging? It's kind of interesting."

I looked at the method of refining alloys in amazement. I couldn’t help but shocked the little girl’s understanding of various materials, as well as the eclectic refining methods. This is a bit similar to ancient alchemy. It looks mysterious and mysterious, but it is quite mysterious. There is so much truth, so when alchemy was rampant back then, even some people who had made great achievements in the scientific field joined the advocacy of alchemy.

Of course, the alchemy of the rose medicine and their alchemy are of course not the same thing, but her name as the medicine emperor must be changed. She should be called an alchemist. After all, the subject she mastered is closer to the material. learn.

"It's just that the method used is a bit confusing...so the elders are reluctant to use my method. Of course, they listen to me very much on the alchemy, so I improved a lot of alchemy for them." The rose medicine is in me. After enjoying her praise, she finally didn't look unconfident. In her own field, she has her own unique self-confidence.

"It's wrong for them to call you Medicine King. You should be called the Great Alchemist, because of your method. I think it's very right. The interlocking of materials and materials, and the beauty of all kinds of connections are all because of this matching ratio. And to live, if this alloy is successfully refined, I believe it will definitely not be inferior to the Fengxiantou sharp spear or the Tianlu sword!" I said with emotion, the reason why the Fengxiantou is strong is that the material comes from Muxianzhou and its strength. The burst table, and the powerful output ability, this material is not Yun Mozhou can find out.

But now according to the alchemy of rose medicine, similar materials can be refined, which I can almost assert.

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