Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7051: : Scenes

"The great alchemist...I am not. I just compare them indiscriminately and think that this should be done..." Mei Yao said modestly.

"You don't need to be humble, you are. They definitely don't find it troublesome to refine your living iron formula, and let me turn your formula into reality." I said categorically, which made the face of the rose medicine reddish. Happy, meeting a confidant is a pleasant thing.

The alchemy of Rose Medicine really shocked me. The understanding of the materials and the natural recognition of their mutual restraint allowed her to realize every formula application, and she did not even give me a chance to improve it, because there was a little chance of improvement. Prejudice will make this alchemy fail, so I can no longer doubt the basic program in the heart of Rose Medicine in the execution of it.

This is actually the process of reconstructing the foundation of a certain kind of heaven. It is the creation of new things. I use alloys to describe such metals. It is simply a blasphemy against the rose medicine. She is creating new, complete objects that have never existed before. .

I successfully refined the formula that rose medicine gave me. This transparent piece of metal reminds me of the piercing gold and tears of the sky. Of course, their strength is not comparable to the metal here, but this piece of metal Metal makes me feel that, at least here, it already possesses the strength and spiritual power of Opening Tears in the Nine Heavens.

Because of its natural completion, it will show pure and flawless transparency, which is also the easiest metal to write into the rune equation.

I am not particularly excited about getting this treasure called "living iron" by the rose medicine. Therefore, to me at the moment, the rose medicine is like getting a treasure in a desolate and barren land.

Mei Yao was surprised to see this piece of living iron forming in my gold sac, and a stone fell in her heart and relaxed, but seeing me look at her like this, she was up and down again in her heart: "What? Yes? I... did I do something wrong?"

"No, you did a good job. This piece of live iron is the best material that can be refined from Yunmozhou's materials. I'm just happy to meet a genius like you." I couldn't hide the joy. .

Mei Yao's face was reddish, and said: "If you feel good, then use it to make swords quickly."

Of course, the mother and daughter sitting in the back seat were so shocked that they were speechless. Until we finished speaking, Voshev followed with emotion: "It is rumored that the medicine emperor’s improved prescriptions and medicines are the only one in the world. Now it seems that this statement. It's true, but they never think that the medicine is only a rare phoenix of its ability. If Tianludao knew that he had been abducted from such a powerful genius, I am afraid that he would return to the medicine emperor if he tried his best?"

In Nan Jin's eyes, she was still a little unconvinced with Mei Yao, but now she has nothing to say. It is impossible for a super genius like Mei Yao to keep pace with her on this path, so she has good reasons to remain silent. Up.

With the living iron and the gold sac, forging a sword is not a problem at all. It didn’t take long for me to use this piece of living iron to form three flying swords in one piece, and one of them became my six-color umbrella after adding the tail. After putting on the hilt of the other two Tibetan swords, they were delivered to Mei Yao's hands.

Mei Yao held these two transparent and delicate thin swords, her face was full of surprise: "This is..."

"Hey, this pair of swords was given to you. It is a reward for your contribution to the formula. Don't you use the double swords well." I said.

"It uses double swords, but will this be too expensive..." Mei Yao nodded.

I saw that she was going to push it over, and said, "The formula is priceless. There will be places where you can help in the future. Just accept it."

Mei Yao nodded and accepted it.

At this time, Mrs. Wo Xue's voice came from the back seat: "Nan Jin, what's the matter? You don't like swords, so why do you show a disappointed expression."

"Mother, what nonsense are you talking about? When did I lose?" Nan Yan hummed.

"Haha, are you lying to your mother? Just now, the Lord of the Valley refined a pair of swords. Do you think that one is going to be administered to the emperor, and the other is for you? It's the same kind of child's mind, which will come out in the future. Family, don't think about it anymore." Madam Wo Xue smiled.

"You said nonsense, I didn't think so! I just envy it!" Nan Yan retorted angrily.

I secretly said that they are two mother and daughter drama actors. The ability to forcibly add drama is in the same line. This girl Nan Jin does not use a sword. People use fire-attribute flower baskets. This can make you hooked.

Of course, I understand Nan Jin’s loss. Now I look at Mei Yao differently. My care for her is showing a slight downward trend. The feeling of being held up is gone. It’s weird if I don’t feel lost. So at this time, Mrs. Worxue has to add something to her daughter. The drama, otherwise, it would not be able to compete with the powerful rose medicine.

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