Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7052: : Chunliang

Meiyao didn't have this self-consciousness. Listening to us, she always had a dazed or ignorant expression. Her simple personality probably stemmed from spending most of her time on what she wanted to do.

Nan Jin’s admiration is also normal. Now that I have finished making weapons, I am free. It is only natural to help her reorganize the flower basket in the rest of the time. After all, this flower basket has suffered some undesirable disasters before, and the intensity is definitely not better than before. , So I said: "The flower basket before was also an excellent attacking magic weapon. Why don't I strengthen it for you? You don't need to envy other people anymore. What do you think?"

"Really?!" Nan Jin couldn't help being surprised.

"Well, take it." I stretched out my hand, and Nan Jin immediately put the small flower basket into my hand: "Do you know how to strengthen it?"

"So underestimate me, why don't you come by yourself?" I asked with a smile, and she immediately shook her head with a rattle: "Brother Dong Ren knows every spiritual vein in my body. I think it should be no problem..."

As soon as he said this, Nan Jin widened his eyes and covered his mouth. Sure enough, not to mention that Mrs. Wo Xue looked at her in surprise. Even Mei Yao knew that she was looking at me. Of course I knew the little girl said deliberately. Leaked mouth, this drama is the best.

"Nan Jin! You... Have you already been a fellow practitioner?!" Madam Wo Xue asked hurriedly.

I saw that this misunderstanding could not be explained right away, and suddenly said, "How can..."

"I don't know, but at that time, Dong Ren said that he was so big and wanted me to bear it. So we were in the water during the whole process. Although I didn't feel anything, it was quite comfortable. God is about to attack me and let Brother Dong Ren solve it at the same time." Nan Jin said with a naive expression on his face.

"Oh, you kid..." Mrs. Worxue was stunned, she didn't know what to do for a while. Although this matter sounded filthy, but it also had a life-saving plot, it couldn't be completely wrong.

I hurriedly said: "What nonsense? When did I say that I am big and want you to bear it? I never said it, okay?!"

"But Brother Dong Ren, your spiritual veins are really big, and we are naked in the water, aren't we?" Nan Jin continued.

"I...that was to save you..." I also said that I was speechless, let alone, this matter can't be washed away, the little girl is planning to kick the scene behind the scenes, the established situation, so the rose medicine instantly stunned,

"Yes, Brother Dong Ren, I didn't say no, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid that I would have become the goddess of spiritual fire." Nan Jin hurriedly explained to me, then grabbed his mother and said: " Mother, do you know? Our family’s top-level set of Spirit Fire Art is flawed. The closer I practice to the Nascent Soul Realm, the easier it is to become the Spirit Fire Goddess, so when I sleep, I will be at rest because of the spirit. In my state, the spiritual fire goddess took the opportunity to show the fire attribute and caused my whole body to become hot. Brother Dong Ren discovered this. Now I cooperated with him to practice the control method, and now I no longer become a very spiritual fire goddess. Up."

"Well...Well, since it's to save your life, it's no wonder you, because I want to come, and it is precisely because of this that the Valley Lord will kill the young Dao Zun extremely, who can bear the people around him? Under this coercion? My mother now understands why you have to follow the owner of the valley at all costs, and the mother can't force you to dismantle you." Madam Wo Xue came over with a sudden expression, and then looked at me earnestly and said: "Lord Gu, since this is the end of the matter, please treat us Nan Jin. This child is ice and snow smart. Although he is a bit naughty when he is young, he is considered pure-hearted. So if there are any conflicts in the future, please bear with me. "

I watched these two dramatists push the plot to this point all at once, and also sighed in my heart. Only the poor rose medicine petrified there, and suddenly I forgot where I was and where I was going.

"Madam, don’t worry, and if I eat porridge one day, I won’t let my daughter run out of food." I smiled bitterly, and now I don’t take away the essence of the show. I don’t know what else will come out, since she is willing to follow me. Just follow along. When you arrive at Muxianzhou, everything will start from the beginning. If she wants to follow, just let her.

I can't stay in Yunmozhou all the time.

"I'm relieved with the words of Lord Gu." Madam Wo Xue nodded in satisfaction, but Nan Jin was caught off guard by giving me such a quick promise.

After the medicinal rose on the side reacted, she immediately lowered her head and stopped talking. I knew she was more or less at a loss now.

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