Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7053: : Stabbing Enemy

I don't intend to explain more here, because there is still time in the future, let alone a big drama, Mrs. Wo Xue, in front of these two big dramas, I am actually in an absolute disadvantage.

The reversal didn't make much sense, so I concentrated on reorganizing the flower basket. After throwing the flower basket into the gold bag, I started to split and restructure the flower basket again.

Before I knew it, the city of Fengxian, which was so huge that it was unimaginable and towering up to the sky, fell into my sight. Every time I saw the huge pavilion, it made people feel extremely shocked, let alone the sky-reaching one. The stairs are up.

We put away the speed car and landed in Fengxian City. After explaining our intentions, we proceeded along the old road towards the main hall above, and along the way, we took our guard leader with a happy face and talked with us endlessly. Describe the recent interesting facts about Fengxiancheng.

"The Great Young Master is here at the right time. Young Young Master is about to marry the palace lord of the Nuling Palace. The marriage is scheduled before the sacrifice of the blood crossing. This is the most stable force among all parties in Yunmo Continent. The right time." The guard leader introduced with a smile on his face.

"Oh? The little girl is going to marry the fox owl in the Nuling Palace? It's a rare thing, is she and the Sect Master Lingnu of the Star Soul Sect have no way to make peace?" At this point, Mrs. Wo Xue's attitude became more and more serious. Grace, even two or three points arrogant in it, which also attracted a lot of attention when we passed by.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is actually the little girl Nan Jin, who is already a spiritual cultivation base at a young age, and the most important thing is that this beauty crowns the cloud Mozhou, which attracts countless eyes. Of course, a group of The guards opened the way, and no one was allowed to approach.

The head of the guard said with embarrassment: "It is already impossible to make peace. It is said that there is a peace. This matter is already known to Fengxiancheng. As for the other sects, the wind has been somewhat closed, Xiaojun has nothing to do. It’s also because of this that the city lord has personally decided the marriage in order to quell these rumors. Of course, there are still slight discrepancies in all kinds of things."

"Since there are discrepancies, why don't you speak up? I have raised you for so long, not to listen to what you said on the face. What's going on inside, you can be blunt." Mrs. Wo Xue faintly waved long. Xiu, the guard leader hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "It turns out that the power to balance the two forces of good and evil lies not with Xiao Shaojun, but with Xiao Shaojun's daughter Lingzhao, but then I didn't know what happened. , He turned into a little young master again. Because of this, the Star Soul Sect was already furious. It withdrew a lot of shops in the city, withdrew a lot of funds, and all went to the Fairy Road... "

"There is such a thing? That would be interesting." Mrs. Wo Xue had a face-covering tool similar to a fan in her hand. At this moment, the little cherry mouth concealed behind was carrying an unpredictable smile.

I looked at all of this blankly, but in my heart I was also deducing how the process was formed.

As for Nan Jin already wearing a veil, smiling and asking, "Is sister Lingzhao up there too?"

"Yes." The leader of the guard quickly replied. Nan Jin immediately looked at me, held my hand and said, "Brother Dong Ren, it is said that you brought Auntie Wo Shuang and cousin Lingzhao to Fengxian City. I have been here for a long time. I haven't met with my cousin. Can you tell me more about my cousin and aunt?"

"What's there to say? I'm going to see each other soon. When you get in touch with each other, don't you just become a talker?" I chuckled, the little girl was playing again, and I was not fooled.

Seeing that I was reluctant to say more, Nan Jin would naturally not be able to take the conversation anymore, but he was no longer willing to let go of the hand that was holding me. The eyes of a group of guards were widened, and the surrounding suddenly appeared. There was a lot of uproar, including the guard leader who also showed a surprised expression. He didn't seem to understand the true or false relationship between Nan Jin and me.

The leader of the guard must know me. The identity of Luo Mugu Gu is like a thunderbolt in Fengxian City. After all, so many things have been done, and the Fengxiancheng Xian's family has enough chat after dinner.

But at this moment, a ray of light flashed suddenly, and when it settled down, someone waved a spear at me and rushed straight to my face!

I have encountered a lot of assassinations. The six-color umbrella in my hand slapped the spear and immediately repelled the opponent's attack. At the same time, the strong Feng Linggen directly blew the face mask of the incoming person on the spot.

"BiQu?" I looked at the other person's hateful eyes, and immediately recognized his identity. It was BiQu, the current lord of Fengpu City, who came to avenge his father.

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