Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7065: : Zhuling

"Huh?" Madam Wo Shuang's face collapsed, and she hurriedly shook her head and said, "But I don't want to stay in Yunmozhou..."

"I am willing to give up everything and go to Mu Xianzhou with you!" Fox Xiao's eyes are red, and he seems to have made a decision. I really don't know if this guy was caught in the head by that bug for a while, or if he really liked it so much. Wo Shuang, if you want to understand him, you might have to ask himself anyway.

Mrs. Wo Shuang was dumbfounded, and then asked: "But what about the Nuling Palace? There are still so many immortal houses waiting for you to take care of it, and now Lingnu has let the little demon go to the right side of the right way, should you take it too? Give me an ecstasy and go to Muxianzhou? Think about it, if you take me away and fly with me, could the Star Soul Sect let you go to the Fury Palace?"

As soon as Fox Owl heard this, he took a breath of air-conditioning, and I had to admire Mrs. Wo Shuang's wit, even this point was already thought of.

Fox Owl’s face suddenly became cloudy and sunny. He paced left and right and didn’t know what to do. I knew he was already very embarrassed at the moment, so he also added a sentence: "Palace lord, if you are in the Nuling Palace, Star Soul Sect You need to face the enemy head-on. Otherwise, they will inevitably use various dirty methods to deal with your Anger Palace. It turns to the right way. Isn't it just the intention to end the grievances against you over the years?"

"That said, I'm also to blame for the fact that I have been at odds with him, but the last time we met, even the child's marriage had already been finalized. If he wants to come and leave, he should only recognize the benefits, right? If it is promised... "The Fox Owl still had a glimmer of hope.

I sneered and said, "Since the Star Soul Sect only benefits you, it won't talk about feelings to you. You abducted your ex-wife. Where does he put his face in Yunmozhou? You stay and find a beautiful concubine. Do it recklessly, as long as you are kind to him, I'm afraid he won't pay attention to you, but if you dare to humiliate him so much, he may not be able to go to Xianzhou, but the Nuling Palace is afraid that no one can stop him, what do you think?"

"Hey, I didn't expect this, but this anger is too stingy. Since it's Heli, the whole world knows it, why do you oppose me like this? Alas." Fox's face changed slightly, and it was inevitable that he would sink. I condensed and looked at Fox Xia, but still did not miss the slightest chance, so she said: "Fox Xia, if otherwise, you will not go to Mu Xianzhou? Later, you will be a palace master in Nuling Palace and wait until your cultivation level is reached. It’s in the late stage of Gu Ling, and you may have a thicker foundation if you go there. At that time, Dad will have a place in Muxianzhou..."

"I don't want it! I recognized you for your mother, but you gave me up for whom!" Fox Xia was so angry that her face was pale, and Fox Xiao hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Okay, good girl, it's daddy. I am eager to get it done, and I will never mention this matter again, never mention it again."

I breathed a sigh of relief, and Mrs. Wo Shuang did the same. This fox owl is not easy to solve. After all, the luck is there. If the luck is not good before, he will die early.

Although the fox owl must not give up, she cannot leave Mrs. Woshuang, so this time I bid farewell to the fox owl, and I will take five women with me, but the car can be said to have not even reserved the trunk, so in the end I It can only be re-thrown into the gold bag and re-refined, and finally converted into a six-seater SUV. Although it has lost its original domineering, it is also more comfortable and more like A family went on a trip.

After returning to Luomu Valley, the poisonous gas in Qianshan has almost dissipated. Luomubeast has made a great contribution this time. Of course, I am not happy because I know that I will have to bear the inquiries of Changjie, Xianli and others this time. , So I simply came to the temporary base established by the medicine field, and did not dare to call the rest of the people, so I simply handed over the whole matter to Chang Jie, and the handling meeting was counted if she came forward. Even if Jie is dissatisfied with me, he is also the elder, and he is more professional.

As for me, I immediately took the Lingzhao and went to the back mountain on the grounds of being spiritual, looking for a place with strong wind attributes to install the enchanted mystery in the scroll of space.

And because I came back, the whole Luomu Valley was also excited, and began to file out of the medicinal fields one after another, and began to continue to rebuild Luomu Valley.

When flying to Houshan with Lingzhao, she looked at me quite gloating: "Do you know that you are wrong now? I brought so many beauties back. If I go to Muxianzhou now, I am afraid that I will be a big family. ."

I could only respond with a wry smile: "Those who can do more work, I have no choice but to..."

Because Hou Shan was already in a state of closing the mountain to cultivate forests because he was guarding against Tianlu Dao's attack before, and there was no disciple in the quiet place, so it was the most suitable to have spirit at this moment.

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