Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7066: : Fengying

I have unique insights on finding areas where wind attributes gather, so after searching for a place where wind gathers in a valley, I immediately took out the gold sac and used various wind spirit beast materials and gold iron to forge a set The column of wind attribute, and together with Lingzhao, the column was buried in many places in the valley.

Under the influence of the magnetic poles formed by the columns, the large arrays quickly activated each other, and the entire wind gathering valley soon started to wind, and a wind gathering area was formed. From now on, unless the columns here are pulled out. Otherwise, the wind will be endless in this valley. This will be the best place to settle in the Containment Secret Realm, and it will not be much worse than the placement of Fengpu City.

I unfolded the space map and flew into it.

A floating island about the size of a basketball court appeared in front of me. I took out the gold sac again and took the entire floating island in. The gold sac itself is an extremely powerful storage artifact. The floating island enters After that, the soil part was directly rubbed and separated by me, and the entire enchantment secret realm appeared in front of me. It looked like a cage, with a series of spiritual veins carved around the cage, and above it was a series of spiritual veins. Groove, it is convenient to flow into the column when injecting spiritual pulp.

I shook the entire cage out, and buried the cage in the huge deep pit that I had dug, and filled it with sand. In this way, the entire enclosing magic realm was successfully installed.

The cage is a thing that catches the wind spirit beast, so activate the cage, and the spirit root of the wind spirit beast will also appear in the sea of ​​consciousness. At this time, its spiritual vein can be copied, but there is no need to worry about it escaping. Of course, the key depends on it. Whether his own cultivation is enough to replicate its spiritual roots.

Ling took care of the completion of this magic seal, and said happily: "Other sects often need to use the power of the whole faction to make this magic seal, but nowadays most of the time, my brother has already made it out in one day. Then I can't help but let me go in and find your way first?"

I saw that she was eager to try, but she shook her head decisively: "No, this wind spirit beast has no information at all. Once you enter it, you will inevitably face a lot of problems. You have also seen the weirdness of Fengyuan transforming the wind, no one knows. What kind of wind spirit beast is like, so I'll try it first, and after I get it out, I will sum up the experience and give it to you. Of course, you will have to protect the Fa during this period of time. Although there is no one in the quiet place, It’s better to be careful."

"Okay, but I'm worried that I only have the alchemy realm to achieve perfection. If it is to protect the Dharma, is it slightly insufficient... I plan to protect the Dharma for you after I have the spirit." Lingzhao became a little worried.

"No, I will summon the wood beast to protect the law." After I said that, I walked towards the surrounding big tree, stopped in front of a huge tree, and put my hand on the tree to pass the spirit that the wood beast could sense. Pulse power, this is a unique way to communicate with Luomugu, this spirit beast has the ability to detect all enemies with the entire Luomugu tree, so it can be called the king of Luomugu.

Not long after, a huge sound was heard from the mountain forest. Soon after, Lumumu appeared in the Gathering Wind Valley. Looking at this beast that looked like a hedgehog, I patted its head with satisfaction, and made it around. Martial law, and then walked into the confinement secret realm, pour the prepared spiritual jelly.

The pure spiritual essence soon began to center on the position of the array eye, and began to flow to the spiritual veins of the entire large array. After a layer upon layer of flow, the whole confinement secret realm was filled with spiritual veins. So far, the magic confinement realm has the imprint of spiritual veins. The mystery has also officially started, and the strong spiritual energy is gradually radiating. If you want to come here, some spirit beasts will also gather.

But as the core position of my spirit vein activated my wind spirit root power, my consciousness had fallen into the entire enchanted magic realm.

In front of my eyes is an area of ​​yellow sand with no end in sight. The wind seems to be everywhere, flying all over the sky in the world I see. As if standing in the center of the sandstorm, I can't see the three. Ten meters away, one can only rely on consciousness to guess the shape of the entire environment.

I could only fly towards the place I wanted to check, but I didn’t find any shadow of the Wind Spirit Beast. If I was not in the Sealed Demon Secret Realm, the fact that this secret realm could activate means that the Wind Spirit Beast must be sealed, then I I even began to wonder if the Secret Realm of Conferring Demons given to me by Feng Yuan was fake.

After returning to the original place several times, I gave up looking for it, and instead meditated calmly on the ground, and then entered the way of exposing my consciousness, which is to let my energy spread out and connect with any wind power that appears in an energy situation. , Sure enough, the power of the Wind Spirit Beast and my power have been linked to each other in the next moment.

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