Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7070: : Chasing the wind

Lingzhao was embarrassed, but after all, this was just a penetrating investigation of spiritual veins, not some weird fellow practitioners. After a while, I had already explored her spiritual veins. The little girl’s spiritual veins were better than I thought. To be solid is too much, once the spirit is successful, it is bound to be close to the ordinary immortal family of the Great Perfection in the spirit realm, so I have no doubt about her spiritual result.

"You and my spiritual veins are very similar, and both have foreign spiritual roots that are different from other spiritual veins, so after you have copied the enchanting mystery of the wind spirit roots, you will come out to take the three-attribute Yangshen Pill and change the spirit. The spirit body is complete, even if it has been spiritualized," I said softly.

Ling looked at me with a sneer, and said: "One day, brother, why are you like a nanny? You can talk about everything in detail, for fear that I will be in danger, I am not as useless as you think."

"There are no absolutes in the world, it is good to do everything, I don't want any problems with you." I said silently.

Lingzhao nodded and said, "Okay, I won't let you down."

Seeing her standing on the top of the Demon Sealing Secret Realm and pouring the spiritual essence I prepared for her, I was still a little worried about her shallow young experience, but unexpectedly, the little girl, as a genius of evil ways, showed calmness and restrainedness. It was all played out at this time, and I spoiled the situation of the wind spirit beast in advance, so she had already completed the copy of the wind spirit root when it was nightfall.

After the spirit was photographed, he immediately happily demonstrated the use of the newly learned wind attribute spells, not only turning the wind into a tangible thing, watching the foreign spirit root wind attributes continue to become villains, small animals, flowers and trees, Finally, after being exposed to the energy, it collapsed, and I was also shocked. I could see that the ability of this Yufeng can be ever-changing, and it is not limited to the wind that was used by the wind source before.

Of course, if you cultivate to a certain level, I believe that Lingzhao can also have excellent control performance.

And I haven’t been idle for this period of time. After studying the special abilities of the Wind Spirit Beast, I discovered that in addition to its ability to guard against wind, it also has the ability to split its envelope and control it. No wonder the Wind Spirit City was called before. Yufenggu, it turns out that the spirit vein of this wind spirit beast is a root-type control system. This should be the reason why Feng Yuan would say that the root of the wind spirit depends on enlightenment.

"Why are you stunned?" Ling looked after me and asked in a daze.

"You already have your own understanding of the wind attribute control. Then just study the casting. But my understanding of the wind attribute is placed on the body method, but it’s not that I can’t teach you, you see "When I finished speaking, I moved instantly, and the whole person was immediately entangled by the wind attribute. After the wind attribute of the body reached the critical point, it instantly became the shadow of the wind.

Although it seems to be covered by the invisible, it is actually a blinding method, because no matter how the core can really be transformed into a line of movement at this level, it is divided into countless wind particles like a quantum. It is also unrealistic, including Feng Yuan's wind-repelling technique is actually a kind of deceptive wind-attribute body technique, which aims to hide people's appearance and move like transparently.

"Yufengshu? How come you, Brother Xia!" Lingzhao exclaimed.

"Hehe, fill your body with wind attributes, and then walk against the wind, you will be able to frequency with the wind, and finally gain the ability to hide your body." I laughed.

"I want to learn! I want to learn! In this way, if you dare to date other little ladies in the future, I will hide by secretly to see what you are talking about!" Lingzhao blurted out.

"You... are you kidding me?" I said silently.

"Just kidding, do you want to teach it anyway?" Lingzhao smiled provocatively, and those big eyes were sneaky.

I can only surrender to her: "Teacher, anyway, this needs to be skilled. If you can't use it skillfully, you can't actually hide."

"Anyway, if you dare to teach me, you dare to learn." Lingzhao said.

"Well, this is a physical body with a spiritual realm. You should be spiritual first, and then talk about other things." I smiled, this imperial wind spell is equivalent to a high-speed flying spell, even in the pill realm, it is difficult to do , Must wait until the body becomes spiritualized before it can be completed.

As a result, I was a genius who ignored Lingzhao. As soon as the method was handed over to her, she had learned to use wind as a layer of clothing to hide her body. Although I caught the shadow in an instant, it was also a very good understanding. .

"Impossible, it's perfect...Did you cheat?" Lingzhao looked at the corner of my clothes in amazement, I chuckled, and said: "The control method is mastered, but it is still difficult to hide the clues, Dan Dao Jing cannot escape my arrest."

"I don't believe it, you... wait, I want to see how you find me this time." Lingzhao finished speaking, and instantly turned into a gust of wind and flew into the forest.

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