Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7071: : Catch the Shadow

The little girl is a little girl, and she actually played hide-and-seek with me. At the same time as my heart was speechless, my childlike innocence reappeared. I saw the woods that were turbulent from a gust of wind to the current quiet as before, plus the night is coming. , It is really difficult to find the trace of Lingzhao.

"Lingzhao, don't hide, it's time to be spiritual." When I flew to the woods, I was also paying attention to the wind and grass around me, but after all, this is the Wind Gathering Valley, and there is a lot of wind. Even just now, it was from her. The floating dress caught her.

It seems that this little girl also knows this now, and it is estimated that she has changed into cool clothes, so I can only find where she might appear by controlling the breeze spreading around.

As a result, when I released the wind attributes to look for the location where she just dropped, although there were still some traces of wind aura, there was no trace of her at all. It seems that the little girl can also control the wind with wind aura. This is definitely a powerful stealth technique. If it is used for assassination, I believe that even a spiritual Dzogchen may not be able to resist this backstab.

"If you find me, I will be spiritual, otherwise, I will have to look at you." Lingzhao's voice appeared in the woods behind me, and I rushed back, but when the wind rang, she again Disappeared.

My secret path girl is planning to test me, but even the wind spirit beast itself has a trace of hiding, let alone her? I didn’t have time to play the house with the little girl, so I waved my big hand and immediately controlled the aura of the wind attribute to blow away frantically. This time, but the entire Wind Gathering Valley, at least within the reach of the big formation, is the spiritual photo. The locations that may be in are covered by strong winds, so of course the opponent cannot be easily revealed, but even if it is chasing the wind, there are unnatural laws in it, so the next moment I immediately found an area that was obviously illegal and moved.

The law is the sub-category of the heavens in the nine heavens. My understanding of the law is simply too familiar. No matter how good it is to hide it, it is still false to me, and things that are illegal will always appear. , Will be caught by me.

So the next moment I chased the location where the spiritual photo was hidden at the fastest speed in the spiritual realm. She seemed to be anxious, and she moved quickly to the distance without worrying about anything. I knew that to catch her was definitely not a grasping. You can do it with your feet, so I didn't avoid suspicion. I took the transparent wind that moved with the strong wind in my arms at the fastest speed.

The moment I held her in my arms, I was shocked by a scream. I instinctively thought that I had caught something wrong, but the scream made me sober. I thought she was going to struggle to escape. I continued to tease me, so I hugged her tightly.

"Can't run away this time?" I smiled.

I don't know what's wrong, Lingzhao still refuses to show his appearance, and anxiously said, "Let go, let's say you win, right? I have spirit, and that's it."

"Hey, how could it be so easy. If this lets you go, don't you want to escape and continue to hide? It's so easy to catch you, this time you can get rid of your wind." I laughed. .

"Don't, I... I won't withdraw, you let me go, I'll be out in a while." Lingzhao said earnestly.

Of course, I couldn't believe her, and immediately removed her wind protection spell, but the next moment, only the high decibels she screamed echoed in the valley, and even the wood beast was alarmed and moved in the distance.

I lowered my head and saw that the spirit in my arms was completely invisible at this moment. In order to be completely invisible, I lost all the clothes. She ran into the woods to prepare for this. I ignored this and thought she was imperial. The reason why the wind technique is so powerful is all in the mutant wind condensate fruit, but who would have thought that she had gained the ability to avoid my naked eye search without an inch?

So this time I almost have a clear view, which made us both extremely embarrassed, but the little girl reacted very quickly. When I held her shoulders and pushed her away to see her clearly, she hugged me again, so I didn't see much anymore.

I didn't want to tease her anymore. With a wave of my hand, a blanket wrapped us up: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be like this. It's my mistake, blame me."

"You did it on purpose..." Lingzhao raised her head, her big eyes dancing like stars, like twinkling lights.

"If it was deliberate, can you still be fine at this moment?" I couldn't help but ridicule, and I was also ready to get out of the opportunity to have a blanket. After all, I am also a normal man. If there is any strange reaction, it will be troublesome, but just now When she made the move to get out, Lingzhao continued to hug her with force. Her face was flushed and she said stubbornly: "I don't care...I now...have to be alive."

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