Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7071: : Messy knot

"Now? Isn't it?" I took a deep breath. At this time, I said to be agile. The implication was to let me help her. Of course I have this ability, but according to the collection of my stay in Yunmozhou these days According to the information received, the process is actually not much different from the fellow practitioners.

So she suddenly said this, and I inevitably froze for a while, but my thoughts seem to be not very important anymore. The little girl’s lips have been close to my ears: "You should check carefully... You need to be meticulous about your spirit veins."

Gulu, I couldn't help but swallowed my saliva. This little girl is provoking me naked. She hasn't returned to the deity before, but now I don't have too many worries in it, so since she has said it to this point. , I couldn't refute her wishes, so the tails of several water-based spirit veins stretched out behind me, and the next moment they came into close contact with all parts of her body.

Only in this way can we better monitor the direction of all spiritual veins.

"Ah..." However, my serious behavior made Lingzhao groan, and at the same time looked at me with annoyance, seeing that although I let the power of the Lingmai wander through her body, there was no next move, so let her immediately. Can't help but say: "One day, brother, are you planning to do this?"

"It's enough to help you be agile, using the spirit veins of the holy water beetle is enough." I chuckled.

"You...you can't think about anything else? It's like that...that...hey, using these cold water is not fun at all." Lingzhao couldn't help but glared at me, but it happened to benefit from the nourishment of these attributes. , The water attribute can transmit various attribute breaths directly to the other party's body, so my spirit veins are actually spurring her spiritual veins to grow, which is a kind of spiritual guidance.

"Then I will adjust its degree to be warmer?" I added some temperature as I said, Lingzhao couldn't help making a shy voice this time, his face was red, as if he had eaten chili oil, even his lips They are all charming.

"But you can't use anything else? I hate your tail...ah...you are so depressing..." Lingzhao hummed.

"Only this tail is easy to operate. Otherwise, it's easy to fall, don't you think?" I looked to the left and right. Obviously there are no people around here, only Luomu Beast is looking at us with a few big eyes. Two, I secretly said that although this spirit beast is obedient, it looks so weird, so I simply summoned a patter of rain, and as the temperature around me rose, a thick fog soon formed around me. area.

"Are you going to be unruly?" Lingzhao giggled. She is extremely excited today, which is probably the reason why the three spiritual veins were completely replicated.

I smiled speechlessly and said, "I brought these clouds to make you dressed up and covered with a blanket, but no one would be like you?"

"Since there is fog, what do I need to do with a blanket, I am so agile and can sense the power of heaven and earth, what's so bad? Besides, there are people who continue to send me strength." Lingzhao finished himself. He tried to take off the blanket, but he helped me back: "Don't make trouble, isn't it good for you to be so agile now?"

In fact, she is infinitely close to the state of being able to be spiritual. Both the strength and the strength of the spiritual veins have reached an unattainable level for Chang Xian, but she keeps keeping the physical body, which makes me feel Surprised.

"No, if I'm spiritual, I won't feel that way again... I only have one time, can't you satisfy me? One day, brother..." Lingzhao couldn't help but bury his head on my chest, and The hands began to be irregular.

"Concentrate on being spiritual, there is no difference between the spiritual body and the physical body. Your own spirit and soul are the roots of everything. When you really grow up, you can choose this matter." I finished speaking and quickened to help her be spiritual. Spiritual veins are running.

"Really can not?"

"Well, that's not good."

My answer was still very simple. Lingzhao looked at me earnestly and was stunned for a while. In the end, although it was not pleasant in my heart, it could only be the beginning of a step-by-step process.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, I almost made her go too far in this area. Fortunately, I didn't want to make some thoughts about taking advantage of others, so I gave up such thoughts. This is just enough.

However, everything was going on according to my assumptions, but as Lingzhao might have changed his mood too much, and in extreme disappointment, when he was enlightened, the three originally complementary spiritual roots actually began to assemble in disorder.

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