Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7073: :unmanned

"Puff...what are you doing, it's as if you are the one who is the loser." Lingzhao couldn't help but smile, her big eyes were full of triumphant expressions. Seeing me not to speak, she was like a female tiger, low down. Climbing towards me, everything that fell into my eyes, I couldn't help but swallow saliva.

"Cough cough, it's almost all right, do you know what your name is just now? That's taking advantage of the danger. If I hadn't stabilized the situation, the heart demon would have killed you long ago." I was about to pick up the blanket on the ground. Put it on her, but when she crawled over, she pressed her hand on the blanket.

I looked at her in amazement, but she didn't know how shy she was anymore, so she rushed forward...

In fact, she just took care of herself and completed everything just now. It's not a state of lack of a touch. I don't plan to play some house games with her at this time. After all, I just helped. She is agile, and I also have a lot of spiritual veins with three attributes. Even if I have already eaten the marrow and know the taste, it is quite attractive to grow in the fast lane.

"Tong Ren! Dong Ren!"

"Master! Where are you?"

When the sky was shining, I dumbly heard someone calling in the distance, and I woke up all of a sudden. Looking at the spiritual photo next to me sleeping soundly, I immediately shook her.

"Are you coming? I'm too tired... let me rest again?" Lingzhao said vaguely, I thought about it, I can only get up first, and gradually let the fog dissipate first, and the spirit shines on the surroundings. She woke up astonished when the defogging aura was running. She was still a little dissatisfied when she saw that I was defogging. She didn’t even adjust her makeup until she heard someone calling me: "Is it... Is it because Ling spends too much time? Long?"

"Almost, it's been a day and a night." I saw that she had taken care of her, so I simply let the fog blow away, and then loudly responded to Xian Li and Bai Cheng who came to seek.

The two followed the sound and saw the two of us staying in this Gathering Wind Valley and waiting for them.

This little elder sister had already seen my portrait, and immediately flew down and grabbed me: "Dong Ren! No... Brother Tian!"

I smiled and nodded, and said, "Xianli, this is the first time you have seen my true face."

"Master..." Bai Cheng was still a little shy. When he looked at me, his face was blank and awed.

Lingzhao stood on the side, pretending to play with his fingers easily, and occasionally kicked off the stone on the side of the road, a boring attitude of waiting, Bai Cheng is okay, this disciple is very simple, but he did not find the two of us. What's so strange.

However, after taking a look at the surrounding environment, Xian Li already showed an expression of extreme suspicion. This evil disciple didn't have so many hidden and tucked away. As soon as she turned her tone, she raised her eyebrows and asked Lingzhao: "You guys. Has it already been alive?"

Lingzhao stunned, and pretended to be innocent: "Senior Sister Xian Li, it will take some time to set up this big formation, not to mention that you know that we are multi-lingen, and this wind spirit beast is a bit troublesome. ?"

"I didn't say the time, I just said that the aura here dissipated too quickly? What are you doing in such a quiet place?" Xian Li asked again.

Lingzhao snorted softly and said, "Gu Ling is finished, of course we have to clean it up so as not to attract spirit beasts, and we have to communicate, right?"

I secretly answered that Lingzhao was wise, and I got everything clean in a few words.

Xian Li is actually not much better than Bai Cheng's innocence. Seeing that she didn't catch the spiritual photos in a few words, she looked at me with a sigh of relief and said, "Dong... Brother Tian, ​​you still remember that you promised me. what?"

"Huh? What?" I was stunned, subconsciously thinking about what I had promised. After thinking about it, I suddenly thought of the matter that she had told her to initiate fellow practitioners after she became spiritual.

Xian Li saw that I turned from ignorant circles to become a little embarrassed, and knew that I remembered it, so instantly her face flushed, but she didn’t open her eyes because of it, as if she was looking at me carefully and a little forgot. .

Sure enough, she said the next moment: "Anyway, I don’t think the Dongren from before is so good... Now you are like this, Xianli thinks it is much better than Dongren, because there are many Dongren in my memory. Back then, I had the impression of acting erratically and acting recklessly, but you don’t have it in my heart. On the contrary, there is a sense of majesty."

I watched her say these things in front of me, and couldn't help but look at Lingzhao and Baicheng. Both of them really had thoughts. Lingzhao was a little embarrassed, and Bai Cheng turned his back in shame. .

Xian Li also seemed to realize that I was looking at the two people next to me at this time, only then was she shocked that she had subconsciously spoke out what was in her heart just now.

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