Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7074: : Review

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, I smiled and said, "Didn’t I show you portraits before? By the way, why are you here at this time? Isn’t it strange to say that it takes a few days? After all, there is a big formation. Didn’t Elder Chang Jie talk to you?"

Xian Li hurriedly replied, "I'm just telling the truth, ah, yes... Yes, she said it before, but didn't we encounter something? Xiao Tun looked excited after seeing you back yesterday. He kept eating. Originally, we thought we were eating and drinking all day when we saw you were happy, but last night, it was still eating, and it sneaked into the warehouse and gave a bunch of goods to it. After eating, and then in the middle of the night, it seems to have changed, and we can only find you separately in a hurry."

"It's changed? Okay, there's nothing left and right, let's go back and take a look." After I finished speaking, I looked at Bai Cheng, her current cultivation base is already about to become spiritual, and this short time really didn't have any cultivation in vain. .

"The disciple has seen Master." Bai Cheng and I looked at each other and immediately bowed.

I nodded and asked, "Recently, the effect of cultivation has been good, but now which spiritual vein is there?"

With the Yang Shen Pill, Ling Ling is actually not that troublesome, and he won't even experience the catastrophe. As long as the problem of the inner demon is dealt with, other problems are not a problem.

"Only the wood attribute and the soil attribute are spiritual, they are second-grade, and there are these in the valley, and some Changjie elders said they would purchase them from the market, so that their disciples would try their best to be spiritual in Luomu Valley." Bai Cheng replied. .

"Well, the second stage of the Conferred Demon Realm should indeed be purchased more. After all, there are differences in the spiritual roots of each family. Only when you find the most suitable one, you can exert the greatest strength after you have the spirit, and you have the Heavenly Patching Pill, the spiritual root Chang Jie's qualifications will also be brought up. This point makes me feel relieved." I laughed.

While we talked about what happened to Yazhong after I left these days, we also speeded up and returned to Luomu Valley.

Bai Cheng didn’t say much all the way, but Xianli told me about Lumugu’s period of time and development and progress. Lingzhao didn’t say anything from the side. Her current position is a bit awkward, so I couldn't switch over for a while.

I took the opportunity to say: "Now Luomugu needs talents in all aspects, and Lingzhao has three kinds of alien spirit roots. Since you don't return to the Star Soul Sect, then stay in Luomugu and help deal with some things in the door temporarily. Okay." I laughed.

Xian Li glanced at Lingzhao, only nodded and agreed: "I don't know what she can do?"

"Brother one day, or else I will stabilize my cultivation first and hit a higher realm. I am really not good at managing sects." Lingzhao took the initiative to evade.

As a result, Xian Li was speechless. I shook my head, but I could only say, "It's good, then find a better cave house, close the door first, and wait until I leave Fengxian City. I will go with you."

"Yeah." Lingzhao nodded, but quickly said, "I want to be with my mother, can I?"

Of course I also agreed. Luo Mugu is a small sect after all, and there are more immortal families in Mu Linggen. Other Linggens will inevitably be excluded and belittled. This contradiction needs time to slowly resolve.

After returning to Luomu Valley, Lingzhao immediately went to meet Mrs. Woshuang and Chang Jie, and I followed Bai Cheng and Xianli to the medicinal field. After all, I had to know about Xiao Tun’s situation, and medicinal field There is also rose medicine in it, and she should be studying Xiaotun too.

"I'll go to the back mountain of the medicine field and bring Xiao Tun here, Master, first go to the medicine field office and wait for the disciples." Bai Cheng left on his own after saying this. Although the little girl is simple, she is very good at observing words and colors, and sees the relationship between me and Xian Li. Have something to say.

After leaving the two of us, Xian Li was silent and finally spoke a little embarrassingly: "Brother Tian...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have targeted Lingzhao like this...but I just can't help it..."

"It's okay, there must be a process of adaptation. No one feels comfortable with a new person around." I didn't blame her for the idea, it would be a kind of imposing for everyone.

"But they will definitely hate me, right?" Xian Li asked.

"No, you don't need to think too much. As long as you are honest with them, I don't think anyone will hate each other. There are so many things in this world that need to work together. If there is a time consuming, it is better to add more ideas to make yourself progress." I smiled.

"No wonder, I said how Lingzhao was taken up by me, and I went to practice without saying a word... It turned out that I was not even qualified to compare with her... I was self-righteous in vain." Xian Li began to examine herself. .

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