Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7083: : Art

"Then how should I control this space-time power?" Mei Yao was extremely curious, and seeing me thinking, she said embarrassedly: "I know this is difficult. After all, my innate spiritual root has no precedent, so there is no one. The teacher was able to teach me how to control it. In the end, I could only use the attribute spells with the slightly most useful attributes, but in fact, I became a lot weaker after being enlightened."

"Well, as the sky spiritual roots will take up more and more as your cultivation level improves, until the end, they will definitely not be able to accommodate other messy spiritual roots, so if you can’t drive it, there will definitely be more and more. The weaker the feeling, but in fact, the innate spiritual root is always getting stronger. For example, your cultivation level will improve much faster than the average fairy family, and it will grow naturally, even as long as you have aura, don’t you think It is impossible to advance, let alone you still cultivate." I laughed.

"No wonder... I said I was strange, but I didn't dare to talk to others..." Mei Yao looked blank.

"I will give you a set of magic techniques for the imperial spirit root of the sky, but how much you can learn depends on your ability to comprehend in the future. You don't have to cultivate the spells that you use as the assistant spirit root anymore. Although it is very powerful, it is not at the same level as the sky spirit root." After I finished speaking, I took out a piece of jade scroll and passed the sky spirit root imperial envoy method that I had learned into it. Of course, there is a full set of exercises in it. All of them, once the rose medicine can be learned, it is bound to strengthen one's own sky spiritual roots.

And including Xiao Tun, now I have also figured it out, it should be the existence of the spiritual root of the sky, so it is so different.

When I got here, the fellow cultivators were over. Actually, there was no ambiguity at all. After all, what's not to say about cultivating together?

After Mei Yao learned my jade scroll, she was already eager to try it. I didn't think it was wrong. After all, she was already a spiritual monk of Dzogchen at the moment, and she had obtained the skill she wanted by chance. Fa, then I should support her to display it, so I put the pavilion away.

After the meditation, Mei Yao should have gained a lot of confidence, so after I closed the pavilion, she excitedly released the emptiness to the surrounding space.

Of course, at the beginning, her spell control was actually in the imagination. In fact, when it was used, the void spell was not so powerful, and she couldn't even twist it in the space.

I chuckled and said, "Are you not willing to release this emptiness to the flowers and trees?"

Mei Yao inevitably nodded and said, "It's kind of, but can't this void spell be used in space?"

"Of course you can, but if you use Sky Spirit Root to use it on the emptiness of the sky, don't you see the effect?" I asked, and Mei Yao hesitated in embarrassment. I pointed to a tree that had withered for a long time and said, "For this Use it with dead branches, so you should not feel pressured."

"Well...then I'm going to use nothingness." Mei Yao said as she stretched out five green onions and pointed her fingers at the dead branch, and the next moment, she only heard a bang when she gave a soft drink. From the inside out, the dead branches instantly turned into dust!

I nodded with satisfaction and said, "It is used well. For individuals, the innate spiritual root has extremely terrifying destructive power, so it really needs to be used with caution. Of course, this power must be of the crushing level, otherwise it will work. It will also be greatly reduced, just like I have used your Sky Spiritual Root to get through the orifice and completely become the Earth Spiritual Root, so even if you use Void Art on me, it will not have any effect. Close The combined attributes will undo any damage caused by the attributes."

"Earth Spirit Root... Then I am the sky, but you are the earth, shouldn't I be better?" Mei Yao asked curiously.

"Theoretically speaking, this is the case, but the two are not strong or weak. Those are two coexistence attributes. Can you see that the sky can destroy the earth? They coexist. Did this creature die on its own or was killed by the sky? ?" I asked rhetorically.

Mei Yao suddenly realized, "So that's it, that means we can't kill each other?"

"Of course not, if it's peaceful, of course it won't work, but if it's violent, the sky will change and the earth will collapse." I said.

"Then I hope I never fall into such a state...but..." Mei Yao was muttering, and suddenly she turned to look at me, with a trace of puzzlement on her face: "But are we fellow practitioners over? But I...but nothing I thought happened...should we not do something?"

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