Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7084: : Piaoling

I looked at the expectation on her face, and of course I knew the eagerness in her heart, so I smiled and said, "Now that you are promoted to Dzogchen, my spiritual roots in the sky have also sprouted. Do you think our fellow practitioners need something to adjust? Can you make yourself happier?"

"I...I think...Is it..." Mei Yao couldn't help being embarrassed after hearing this, watching me hesitate to say something, but was a little bit ashamed to say something.

"Is that so?" I stretched out my hand to wrap her around her waist and pulled her into my arms. Seeing her at a loss, I thought that this should be her, and waited until my other hand was taken from her. When the caressing of her face gradually moved towards her neck, she instinctively grabbed my hand for an instant. Passively, she had a deep sense of dodge at this time.

"I...I..." Mei Yao looked at me with some embarrassment, and the original offensive posture was now completely disintegrated.

"Look, you are actually not ready yet, are you? Forcing yourself may be unpleasant." I laughed.

"No, I'm just nervous for a while, and Lingzhao...what Lingzhao can do, I...I can..." Mei Yao said hurriedly.

"Really?" I waved my hand as soon as I said it. The dense fog around me suddenly covered the visible area. The rose medicine became more tense, and my body even trembled in my arms, as if Only frightened bird.

I know she is not ready yet, she is just trying to speak out, seeking my initiative to dissolve her struggles. How could I do such a thing?

So when she closed her eyes and waited for my initiative, I let go of her.

The rose medicine, who thought what was wrong, glanced around, but found nothing unusual, and hurriedly said, "What are you doing, why are you suddenly..."

"Hehe, wait until you are really ready to talk about it. Now in my eyes, you just want to compare with Lingzhao, let's do business first, are we afraid that we won't have a chance in the future? It's considered as a fellow practitioner, and I haven't fallen behind Lingzhao after all." I smiled.

"But..." Mei Yao's face blushed. Although she was a little disappointed, I knew that I had seen her careful thoughts through, so she accepted the result in the end.

Back on the speed car, seeing that Mei Yao had returned to normal, I stretched out my hand to lift her chin, and smiled: "We are about to enter the Tongtian Mountain area next. It's time to return to the normal state. Don't do it anymore. Random thinking."

Mei Yao's face blushed, she shielded my hand, and whispered softly: "I know I'm not serious...Why don't other people see you like this?"

I was stunned and couldn't help but laugh, then after the speed started, I went straight to the Tianshan area.

On the way, Meiyao is no longer so involuntary. When she speaks, she obviously relaxes a lot. After a few close contacts, she gradually no longer feels cramped. Sometimes she will take the initiative to talk about some interesting anecdotes in Tianludao. It is still the emotional story between the brothers and sisters of the teachers. As a person who has come in this area, it is indispensable to give her a lot of comments. Sometimes she blushes and occasionally makes her happy. The sense of distance between us has also narrowed a lot. Even Meiyao rarely hesitated when she spoke, which meant she didn't treat me as an outsider anymore.

When we arrived in the area of ​​Tongtian Mountain, the darkness was already overwhelming. In addition to the advent of night, there was also the element of Tongtian Mountain's magical energy. So seeing this situation, we decided to rest for a long time first, and waited until dawn to look for someone who could make a sea-crossing yacht. ore.

I parked the car in a safe area outside of the devilish air. After the driving position was leveled, I closed my eyes and slumbered.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that I can’t feel the every move of Mei Yao. She is still there blinking and watching something. Although she is lying next to me, she has no thoughts of falling asleep, and occasionally turns over and over again, I don’t know. Is it because she slept a lot during this time, or because she didn't sleep in the long night, in short, she was abnormally awake.

An hour later, Mei Yao finally couldn't help but asked softly: "One day, brother...have you been asleep?"

I couldn't help but laugh secretly, and said, "The spiritual realm also needs to rest, right?"

"You really didn't sleep..." Meiyao breathed a sigh of relief, and then fell into thinking. I was not in a hurry. I didn't open my eyes until her second sentence came out. She said, "One day, brother, I was a little scared. It's gloomy outside, and it feels like something bad... When I opened my eyes just now, I seemed to see something drifting past..."

"There is no one here, even spirit beasts won't come here, why would something float past? Did you read it wrong?" I laughed blankly.

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