Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7085: : Five Poisons

"Anyway, I'm a little scared." Mei Yao said with a worried expression.

I knew that this little girl would inevitably feel scared in the dark night in the wild, so I said: "It's normal to be afraid..."


At this moment, the rear crystal plate of the speeding car seemed to be knocked by someone, and there was a weird sound. This was so scared that Mei Yao screamed in exclamation and immediately pounced on me, and I turned my head to the side and back. A pale old face looked in against the glass, and the eyes were wide open, so they looked strangely terrible.

"Who!?" I snorted, and the guy who was looking through the car window from behind disappeared in an instant. I opened the door vigilantly, and Mei Yao stepped over the central control and followed my **** out from the main driver's seat. Yes, it can be seen that I am very scared.

"You are an immortal family with great perfection, why are you so afraid of being like this?" I was speechless.

Mei Yao was so scared that he held my hand: "I'm just scared, it's terrible... I just said it's something..."

"Well, I see, there is indeed someone here, it's a hell, why is there someone here!" My face was gloomy, and when the door was open, I let the other person run away. I thought for a while and said, "Let's look around. Look, maybe you can find something!"

"Oh... but could it be something terrible, here is Tongtian Mountain..." Mei Yao was shocked.

"Anyway, it won't be something ghost, look for it, I don't want to run far, we use this speed car as the meeting point, when we gather at that time, we will sound the horn." I pointed to the cab, Mei Yao nodded immediately, and saw After I flew away, she hurried to find it.

I ran in the direction of the opponent's escape, but after a long time, I didn't see a trace. I immediately knew that I must be running in the wrong direction, so I quickly turned around. At this time, the horn on the side of the speeding car rang.

When I hurried back, who was worried in my heart, I saw Mei Yao waiting for me with a worried look, and then he was relieved: "How is it? Did you find someone?"

Mei Yao hurriedly nodded and said, "I found it. Just now while we were looking for him, he ran into the car, but in the end he couldn't control the car and made a noise. When I turned around, he ran away. Fortunately, he didn't seem to have much power. , I just took a lot of effort to catch up with him, and tied people up with a rope. One day, brother, what is wrong with him? It is very vulnerable. I will take you to see."

I nodded, as the rose medicine flew all the way to the destination, not far away, an old man was tied to the dead wood, and was struggling to escape, and when he saw me coming, he suddenly felt like a concubine, for no reason. , This guy is exactly the storm that ran away desperately before!

Seeing the fear and horror on Feng Old Man's face, I condensed my eyebrows and said: "I didn't expect you to escape here, but in the end you fell into my hands."

"Kill if you want to kill, what's the matter!" Feng Zhen said with gritted teeth.

I chuckled, and I wanted to kill him at will, but in the end he was considered to have saved me, so I said: "Old man Feng, he can hide himself from poisoning for half a year, but is there any adventure? Why not take it out and study it. Down?"

"You kid is sinister and vicious, rare in the world, and you don't need to be yin and yang here. I have harmed you, but I have not killed you, but you have made the old man look like a man and a ghost. The old man is not convinced! "The old man Feng scolded.

"If you don't accept it, don't accept it, you just continue to pretend to be gods and ghosts here, but then again, you actually didn't die here, because there are too few spirit beasts in the back mountain, or are you lucky?" I thought for a while, and finally Still walked in front of the old man Feng, stretched out his hand directly into his body.

This old man is in a spiritual realm, but his strength is not very good. Now he is poisoned, no matter how he treats him, it is impossible to recover his previous strength easily.

Sure enough, a lot of the poison in the body of the old man Feng Zhen was removed, especially the poison of the wind attribute, and basically only a trace of it was maintained. However, the root of the toxicity cannot be easily solved. It is the poison of the six spiritual roots. If it becomes five poisons, one of them loses balance and will die faster, so Old Man Feng must have the ability to remove the poison of the wind attribute, but his experience is there, and he deliberately stayed.

But he is in the boundary of life and death, with all six poisons, I really don't know if his family is solid or something good has happened, and he is still wandering around the Tongtian Mountain.

Just as I was thinking about the reason, Mei Yao suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and said: "One day, brother, he seems to be adopting the Heavenly Devil Qi..."

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