Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7087: :compensate

This is one of the areas that is about to enter Tongtian Mountain. In fact, the range is very large. Even if Xianli and I came to explore the area before, the actual place we saw was only a small area on the map, so now we I have never been to the location.

After recovering the speed car, we followed the wind and drove in the night. While adjusting his strength, he also transformed the detoxified aura. As a senior scavenger in Luomugu, this old man is very good at managing his spiritual power. In a short while, the speed increased. If I had not entered the spiritual realm, I was afraid that I would not be able to catch up with this old guy's wind attribute body.

About half an hour later, we came to an inconspicuous low-lying area, where the sand layer was still very thick, and it seemed that there were definitely a lot of them.

And one place even used the same color to build a place that looked like a cave, with a huge boulder on it.

"That's it." Feng Zhen pointed to the surrounding area, and then said: "It turned out to be a gap in the stratum. As the climate changes, it will trigger a climate similar to tides. This place will probably be in a few years. It was spread once, and as the wind continued to blow, it finally became a place where sand and wind converge. It is also a place frequented by magic tornadoes, accumulating many things that cannot be magical, and the layer of sand on it, Some of them were the ones that I had contaminated before. In order to prevent the demonic tides from causing the storm to blow them away, I collected them and put them in the cave there."

Following the direction of the wind tremor, I found that my guess was correct. The place with some stones is indeed a hidden cave, but this old guy is very sinister. If there is no preparation, there will be moths, so I watched The wind shook at a glance, and then said to Mei Yao: "You are here to watch, I will follow him into the cave mansion to see."

Feng Zhen really took a look at the rose medicine, and then took me to the front of the cave, and opened the door of the cave that looked messy, but actually every stone was operating according to the law when it was opened.

The wind shock is honest this time. There are no organs in this cave mansion, and while flying in, he said: "Although the Lord Gu is relieved, I will definitely not set up any organs, including outside, there must be no other ambushes. This is the only cave house I have at the moment. During this period of time, I have been poisoned by you. Don’t dare to leave this cave house too far, otherwise the energy will dissipate and die. As for the treasures here, it is even more impossible to enter the Valley Lord’s eyes. You even got the Living Pill Furnace, and the treasures here must be looked down upon."

I sneered and said, "Old man Feng, your fate depends on how you treat me next. If you don’t have any other thoughts about me, there will be no problem. If I find something is wrong, I can kill people, but I can't save them."

Feng Zhen Jiejie smiled and said: "The owner of the valley is joking. The old man is not so mindful. He said that he would bring you to find sand, but he would not bring you to play in the mud."

I snorted, and after a while after the passage where sand was occasionally slipped down, I quickly saw his cave house. Sure enough, there was a lot of white sand piled up here. At first glance, it was the same as he had taken before. , I squeezed it, and found that these sands looked the size of a hill, but in fact there were too many impurities, most of them were real sand, and a small part was what I was looking for.

"It looks like a mound of the size here. In fact, it takes a lot of effort to make pure sand the size of a dustpan. You were still a master of alchemy before in vain." I vomit.

Feng Zhen laughed hehe: "The Valley Master is kidding? I was a dying person before, and I almost lost my life to get this pile of sand, and asked me to purify the materials? How can I do it?"

"There is no such sand outside?" I asked again.

"It should still be there, but the surface is almost scratched, and it is enough for me to detoxify. Who would have imagined that there was a flying magic weapon coming to the neighborhood at night. I fumbled and ran into you. I was really an enemy. There is a reunion." Feng Zhen laughed mockingly.

I didn’t bother to pay attention to him either. I glanced around. This Luomu Valley scavenger really deserves its reputation. It is not just a mountain of sand, but also some strange stones and bones that cannot be corroded by demonic energy. I thought for a while and said:" You can't take the things here. I will use them to make magical artifacts. Relatively, I will give you a Yangshen Pill, which is a compensation for you, how about it?"

"What? These sun-changing gods?" Feng Zhen looked at me in shock with an expression of disbelief.

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