Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7088: :water glue

"No?" I lowered my eyebrows, and Feng Zhen said hurriedly, "Of course not! Are you serious or joking?"

"Hey, it's true of course, but the conditions are not without it. I just gave you the Sun God Pill, so I need your help." After I finished, I pointed to the surrounding things, and then said: "Give me now. Look for things like this, whether it’s sand, or devil-resistant bones and stones, and find them for me. Then I will give you a certain reward according to the level of cherishment and availability. The more useful it is to me , The higher the price I will offer you. Of course, there is a time limit for this, that is, you only have seven days, because after this time, I don’t want it."

The wind-shock scavenger has this natural keen sense of smell, so I found him to do this thing as a best use, because in his most embarrassing situation, even my speeding car was parked on the edge of Tongtian Mountain, he couldn’t help it. Searched a handful.

"Okay! This is what you said, although the old man doesn't know what magic weapon you want to refine, but I will move it for you, but your price is more honest, you can't pit the old man!" Feng Zhen said quickly.

I nodded, and then before he went out, I took control of the cave mansion in his hand. It was not a pity that the cave mansion was shaken by this wind, and he handed over the key readily. The attribute Yang Shen Dan was thrown to him.

The old man swallowed the Yangshen Pill directly, and immediately flew towards the depths of Tongtian Mountain. When I came to Tongtian Mountain before, the tides here hadn't started yet. Now we are in a sea of ​​devilish energy. An area brought by the low tide, picking up waste here is of course very suitable for wind shocks.

After entering the cave with the rose medicine, we began to screen the materials.

In order for Mei Yao to study the Elimination of Demons, the things here are also very useful. At least when I extracted the sand here, she looked at several things, and these should all be useful to her.

Of course I don’t pick the sand one by one. After throwing it directly into the gold sac, it didn’t take long for the sand to be purified. After the sand was purified and partially fired, a complete piece of glass appeared. In front of me, these will become the outer glass of the yacht. After all, the quantity after refining is not enough to make the entire yacht.

The outer glass material is available, and the keel frame is indispensable, so I started looking for materials again. However, although most of the materials here can be used, most of the internal structure can be used, and it can really be used as a defense against the magical energy of the sky. Not much material.

The devil qi through the sky is like the aura of the dao, no matter what it touches, it will collapse, and the devil qi cannot corrode, it means that it is a dead thing without any energy. Once these dead things are used as the hull of the ship, it is estimated that they will not fly hundreds of miles. It will be disintegrated due to spiritual shock and rejection, and it is impossible to avoid the magical energy of the sky. Moreover, it is unrealistic to make the yacht into a sealed mobile magical device like a submarine. Will disintegrate from within.

Therefore, the most reliable way is to isolate the demon qi from the sky with the overall aura resistance. Only when the erosion force cannot be deepened enough to disintegrate the yacht, can it pass through the devil qi of the Tongtian Mountains.

After designing the entire complex yacht with the same principles of making, I made all the glass products. Don’t look at the simplicity of these glass products. In fact, this kind of magic material needs the support of runes. So this is also a very complicated process. Fortunately, although the gold sac consumes a lot of money, the refining of treasures is simply an artifact, which also allowed me to complete the production of glass.

The remaining keel and various comfortable residential areas are made of magic-resistant materials, so most of the materials of a yacht are completed here. Don’t look at the wind, the old man usually goes round and round, in fact, he knows very well every time. Whether something is valuable or not, it also saves me a lot of things.

And as the wind quake brought some weird things constantly these days, finally when I was about to finish the internal structure of the yacht, he found a gray viscous liquid, originally thought it was a basin of dirty water, almost It was dumped by the rose medicine, but at the last moment it was intercepted by me.

After the feng quake came back, I explained the source of the bucket of water: "In order to find materials for you to build this ferry, the old man digged three feet in the ground. This bucket of mucus was found in a tidal place. Fortunately, I broke my leg and ran out in time. Otherwise, I would explain it inside. You will pick it up. Ask me about this thing. I can explain it first. If you want this thing, I will not find it for you. , If you want more, ten barrels will give you at least one Heavenly Patching Pill."

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