Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7100: : Qifeng

The next moment, I only heard a bang, Tianren centered on the spirit, and the whole disintegrated in an instant. With a bang, Tianlu sword fell to the ground, and all his clothes and storage bags were piled on the ground. As for Tian Ren Daozun had already turned into a bunch of aura of great energy and turned into flying smoke, as if there had never been a person like him in this world.

Deconstruction is a spiritual skill learned from the spiritual roots of the earth, that is, the most basic basic martial skill I created after understanding the spiritual roots of the earth. It can instantaneously decompose any part of the opponent's body, even spiritual, of course, this The conditions for decomposition are actually very harsh, that is, the strength of strength is one level higher than that of the opponent, so the deconstructed area and location become the embodiment of the power of spiritual skills.

Of course, the strength of the deconstructed parts is also required. It is like deconstructing the parts of the body with low spiritual strength, such as the hair on the hands and feet, then the deconstruction technique consumes less and requires less strength, but if it encounters the spiritual structure, it is very strong. The part of the ‘’s is like the location of the head and the spirit, the spiritual power consumed and the strength strength required are very high, so I just used this structure technique on the spirit of Tianren Dao Zun as a high-level training. Test.

Since it is an advanced test, it is inevitable to use all the power. The first time I use it, I will kill with a single blow, but I never expected it to be so successful. This day, Ren Daozun was vulnerable and was actually deconstructed by my deconstruction technique. The spirit is broken down, and the body loses the concentration of power, and naturally dissipates with the wind.

So now I don't know exactly how powerful this deconstruction technique can destroy the enemy, but at least the existence of Tianren level is nothing short of a chicken.

Seeing this scene of instant spiritual skills actually directly extinguished Tianren Dao Zun, the whole scene can be heard not to mention a needle falling, even the wind is extremely ear-piercing at this moment, so Tianlu sword landing, undoubtedly it is like knocking everything. A heavy hammer to the human soul, including a group of immortal families in the Nascent Soul realm, all gasped.

"Did Tianren Dao Zun have been in the cloud Mozhou for many years? It's a pity that when it disappeared into a wind, there was no trace of it after a breath..." I said lightly, and walked over and slowly picked up the Tianlu sword and the land. When the storage bag on the ground looked at Wo Sheng again, he said: "I don't know how many years have you been in Yunmozhou, City Lord Wo Sheng? But it seems that you can't even crack my spiritual realm. I'm afraid that it will disappear. It's just flying away like smoke."

Wo Sheng's eyes stared roundly, but this round stare was a round stare of horror, and his heart fluctuated very sharply. Seeing the killing intent ray of my pupils, he was too scared to move. At this time, Mrs. Juan Han once again In order to protect his husband, he decisively stopped in front of him: "Xiaotian, don't..."

I actually didn’t bother to kill this Wo Sheng. This guy was just confused by me for a while, and made some strange strategic deployments. If I’m gone, I need someone from a town in Yunmozhou. Just scare him. It's almost done. Otherwise, how will Lingzhao and Nan Jin deal with my murderer in the future?

When I looked at a group of immortal families in the Nascent Soul Realm, all these immortal families in the Nascent Soul Realm raised their eyebrows. Now I don’t dare to make some weird arguments anymore. At least I dare not look down on me anymore. After extinguishing the strongest sword immortal in Yunmozhou, my strength can be described as unfathomable.

Although the gap between the Spirit Realm and the Nascent Infant Realm is like a great moat, it is not insurmountable. Like the end of Tianren Dao Zun, they dare not easily try my deconstruction technique.

"What? Now that Tianludao's Taoist priest is destroyed, this balance should be broken, right? How to maintain the next balance now? City Lord Wo Sheng, who do you want to marry Nan Jin now? What about Lingzhao? You again? Who do you plan to arrange for her to marry?" I asked with a sneer, and immediately looked at the fox owl.

Without waiting for Wo Sheng to scream, Fox Owl said quickly: "Good son-in-law, how could I marry Lingzhao? You know, I like her mother... I can't even think of this kind of thing! "

"I went down for a long time and didn't find anything. It's because of something that delayed the time, but you are still here? I don't know how many elders over there are still waiting?" At this moment, Wu Fengcheng The lower elder who was looking for the pilot of the crash came back and saw that we were all quiet on the tarmac right now, and his face turned dark and said, "Is this the Lord Xia Gu again? But it was a very early stage. Immortal family, can't you even deal with this? Let me start!"

As he said, he raised his hand, and a gust of wind blew towards me. This guy was planning to avenge his personal revenge and show his courage.

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