Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7101: :break down

Seeing his strong wind knife power in this gust of wind, Xindao is not only coming towards me this time, but also towards the people I brought, which means I can stop, but mine People may not be able to take this trick, including Nan Jin and Lingzhao, it is inevitable that their clothes and even skin will be cut.

So this is to make it clear that we are embarrassed by all the immortal families in Luomu Valley. Seeing the Nascent Soul Realm directly take action, Wo Sheng is of course very happy. After all, even an ordinary Nascent Soul Realm is much stronger than Tian Ren, so He thinks I must be out of luck this time.

In order not to be blown by the large-scale wind knife technique, all the immortals flew farther away from the original distance. This depends on the excitement.

"Deconstruction!" I coldly released the deconstruction technique of the elder of Wufeng City. This time, I also used all my power. Anyway, I can't tolerate another mistake.

The next moment, there was a sudden bang. Even if it was as strong as the Nascent Soul Realm, the Nascent Infant had to be structured. The Nascent Infant came out of its body. It was a childlike image. After it ran out of this guy's body, There was a scream, and then it was directly decomposed into flesh and blood masses, scared many immortals covering their mouths, as if they were greatly frightened, as for the other immortal families with strong mentality, now I look at me like a monster.

Who has the ability to directly deconstruct the existence of a meta-infant realm?

However, even though all these fairy families were terrified, I was still a little surprised. I didn’t think that a Nascent Soul was so difficult to deal with, and even let the Nascent Soul to run out before decomposing. This shows that the speed of decomposition is also a problem. If the opponent is a little tougher If it does, it might be able to suppress the speed of decomposition until it fails. This shows that although my deconstruction technique is powerful, there are also delayed decompositions caused by strength.

And this problem is a hard target, and now only by improving the strength can a stronger structure exist.

Of course, under the current strength, not only a deconstruction technique can be used, it is just a spiritual skill, there are tricks on top of the spiritual skill, and magical powers. When I create a trick that belongs to the earth spirit root, it should be enough to deal with. A stronger opponent.

Although Mu Xianzhou hides the dragon and crouching tiger, but whoever is the strong will come to Yun Mozhou? The fairy qi here is a filthy thing to them, and most of the people who come down are sent to the lower elder level, and they are all hard labor.

So which of the elders who came to Yunmozhou would be in a good mood? All of them were either very hostile or sent off after they had committed a crime. There was nowhere to evade the fire when they were worried. Now they have caught the thorns, and they have to shave them for a while.

It's just that this guy cuts his hand to the kitchen knife, and he is dead. The power of the role model is the most intuitive to understand. These immortals have seen that the lower elders of Wufeng City have been killed in seconds. Where can they dare to speak? This When I saw me looking back at them with contempt, all of them couldn't help but step back.

"Look at these winds, it makes people feel uncomfortable." I smiled, waved my hand, and the summoned gust of wind disappeared in an instant. This light and breezy expression made all Xianjia's hearts twitch. For a while, and at this moment, Wo Sheng was already out of breath, that kind of deep fear was unbearable no matter who was placed on him, let alone his repeated disadvantages to me, I looked at him, Said: "City Lord Wo Sheng, I am afraid that this sacrifice to the Immortal Blood Crossing will be unforgettable for you, and there are times when your heart can't stand it."

Seeing that Wo Sheng's heart had been tortured by me for a few times and he was almost half kneeling on the spot, Madam Juan Han could only help him immediately: "Wo Sheng! Are you okay? Or let's go to Fenglan Temple first. ?"

"Yes...Yes, Fenglan Temple, and Fenglan Temple..." When Wo Sheng heard these three words, he suddenly seemed to have a strong backbone, and he stood up quickly. It was obvious that he was almost out of state just now because of the huge gap in his heart. Time didn't expect that there would be any Fenglan Temple.

The other immortals all looked regained. It is estimated that this Fenglan Temple is the main hall on this aircraft. I smiled and said, "Then everyone, go to the Fenglan Temple to see?"

Actually, there is no need for us to go by ourselves. A group of immortal families from all sects have already flown to us. It is estimated that we have arrived too late, so we all waited anxiously.

However, there are no signs of fighting here. Even in the Nascent Soul Stage, the death is silent, so everyone sees us like this, but they don’t feel anything, but when they see a group of immortals, they all have gloomy and fearful expressions. There was a comparison right away, but those who were cautious were nothing, but the group of immortals in Tianludao didn't know that their Dao Sovereign had been killed by me in seconds, and they all jumped up when they saw me.

"Lord Xia Gu? You killed my son Tianjin, how dare you come!? I want to avenge my son!" One of the fierce-looking women immediately stood up with a group of sword immortals.

I smiled coldly and said, "Then I am afraid you will not only avenge your child."

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