Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7102: : Tianzhu

"Deconstruction." I stretched out my hand, and the other person's spirit was broken up instantly.

The other party's whole person disappeared completely during the flight. If it weren't for a pile of clothes and fragmentary decorations to fall to the ground and make a crisp sound, then Lu Dao's fairy had never appeared on this day.

None of the immortal family felt weird seeing this scene. The remaining immortal clothes seemed to be still flying, but the impact of people turning away in smoke completely prevented them from taking a further half step until the storage bags and treasures were dropped. One place made them wake up to the facts in front of them.

With a wave of my hand, the storage bag came into my hand. After weighing it, I sneered and said, "There are a lot of resources. I also take special care of you. The treasure in it is enough to buy half of Yufeng City, right?"

While Feng Yuan, the lord of Yufeng City, the smile at the corner of his mouth slowly narrowed, and he cautiously stood up and said: "Lord Xia Gu is joking. We at Yufeng City have picked up the belongings left by the original Fengpucheng, how can we follow the sky? Compared with Lu Dao? Fengyuan is old and old with you, so I dare not pretend to say how many treasures there are in the city."

I chuckled and said, "City Lord Fengyuan, you don't have to be modest, Fengxian City should give you support, right?"

"I don't dare to talk nonsense, there are some, but it is only enough to maintain the normal operation of our Yufeng City..." Feng Yuan's face turned white, and he was also shocked this time. After all, I knew about walking too close to Wo Sheng. , I didn’t seem to be close to me just now, and now I’m naming them inevitably.

After talking about Feng Yuan by the way, I looked at the immortal family of Tianlu Dao over there. At this moment, all of them were shocked with pale faces. Perhaps they had never seen this deconstruction technique before, and they killed one in the face. The immortal family with the Great Perfection of the Spirit Realm also felt extremely frightened. Of course, if they knew that another Nascent Soul Realm had also been destroyed in this way, their expressions would be even more distorted.

"You Tianludao are determined to fight against me? Then why not do it together? I have another trick I just worked out, which is much more powerful than this deconstruction technique. If you come one by one, I will use the big trick. It’s wasted, I’m relieved to go together, so that we, the gods of Mu Xianzhou, can see if this trick is right for me, maybe there is a better suggestion?" Tears with a smile on his face.

The immortal family in Tianludao was scared to death, each of them either had their calves trembling, or they were swaying like they were exhausted, and the scared ones shivered directly: "Master Xia Gu misunderstood... we misunderstood. Don’t dare to go against you... The Lord of Heaven and his family’s relatives have controlled our Heavenly Ludao for many years... For many years, we have occupied countless resources. We palm peaks and great elders can be said to have been squeezed, and it is too late for us to hate him. This time you wiped out such scum sucking liposuction for us, we were too happy to be too late, where would we be against you?!"

After this one ran out to confess the situation, the hearts of the other immortals also collapsed completely. After all, none of the envoys from Wufeng City have seen the first half, and I thought they were destroyed by me. Without a backer, what else do they expect? Not to mention the jealous expressions of the lower-level elders of the other higher-level Mu Xianzhou sects. Even if they had the courage, they would not dare to run out to die.

"Yeah! Thanks to Master Xia Gu, we have destroyed this godly false Daoist, or else we might still have to endure how much grievance we have to endure in Tianludao! Good kill! Good kill!"

"Isn't it!? It really made a huge contribution to us Yunmozhou. The action of Xiagu master is enough to shine through the history of Yunmozhou, and it can be written as the historical pillar of Fengxiancheng!"

I remembered that there was indeed a huge lightning rod-like spire on Fengxian City, and I suddenly smiled and looked at Wo Sheng: "City Lord Wo Sheng, they said that I can write your Tianzhu in Fengxian City. Write it up? Is it qualified enough?"

It can be said that Wo Sheng has been tortured by my every move. As the center of the eye of the storm, his pressure is so great that he is unimaginable. When I asked like this, his body was instantly shocked, and when he looked at me, he turned his head slowly. After a long time, Mrs. Juanhan, who was supporting him, reacted faster, knowing that her husband definitely didn’t know how to answer, or the answer was not as good as I wanted, so she quickly helped and said: "Yes, Tianludaodao." Zun has always been stubborn and arrogant, not to mention the previous attacks on Fengpu City and Luomu Valley, and thousands of years later, he has done a lot of shocking things. We are deeply affected by Xiancheng, and the Lord Xia Gu punishes Yunmozhou This move can indeed be ascended to the Sky Pillar!"

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