Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7103: : Seek

After Madam Juan Han saw my expression ease, she was finally relieved, and urged Wo Sheng to take out the Tianzhu card and write this record. Wo Sheng was all soft, but still gritted his teeth and said, "This is a big deal. , To record Tianzhu, you need the approval of Shangxian! I will go to see the Lifeng Shangxian in the Fenglan Temple! The city mainly sees the Lifeng Shangxian!"

It turned out that Wo Sheng, who was still gritting his teeth and saying these words, became more excited when he arrived, even he didn't know where he borrowed the courage, broke free of his wife's hand, and flew out all of a sudden. It is estimated that there is only Fenglan Temple in his mind now. , Because only there can he feel safe, and only where is the last place to save him.

Let alone him, that group of messengers are all anxious, for fear that I will take them if I don’t deal with them, and even now I don’t do anything else and kill the far away Wo Sheng, but I am not a saint, and I will always stick to myself. The original idea, staring at Wo Sheng with my eyebrows, he was so obsessed, I don't think it is the blessing of Yunmozhou, so in order not to leave endless troubles in Yunmozhou, I slowly raised my hand.

Seeing this scene, not only Madam Juanhan, Madam Woshuang, and Madam Wo Xue were shocked, even the fairy family in Yunshawu could not sit still, and hurriedly said to me: "Lord Xia Gu, please take care of this. Things need to be done slowly, this thing that shines through Yun Mozhou, if we get the approval of our messenger from Mu Xianzhou, Tianzhu's stroke will be powerful enough, isn't it?"

"Yes...Yes, if it's not the time to kill City Lord Wo Sheng, you have to listen to Li Feng Shangxian's opinion?" Zhan Leizhai's immortal family also hurried out to be a lobbyist.

"We Li Feng Shangxian is the master of Fenglan Temple this time. He has absolute authority. How about asking Gu Master to meet him first?" Ziruxuan's waiter also followed suit and persuaded each other. The messenger sighed in a low voice like never before, seeing that the fairy family in Yun Mozhou followed the animals with their tails hidden, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

But these messengers said nothing, but Mrs. Wo Shuang hugged my hand and said anxiously: "Even if my father is absolutely wrong, it is Wo Shuang's father after all, Xiaotian, can you not kill him?"

"Mother, why are you still helping him to speak? He treats us as tools. I don't recognize such grandpa!" Lingzhao was a little angry, but he was obviously defending her mother. There was entanglement on her face, and I knew her. Also feel very embarrassed.

Including Nan Jin standing here, feeling like sitting on pins and needles, repeatedly feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

"Okay, I won't kill him for the time being." I shook my head, and then looked at Chang Jie, who was completely stunned after experiencing countless roller coasters, and waited for the immortal house, and said, "Let's go, go and see here. What exactly is Fenglan Temple?"

When Chang Jie saw that I was really going to go, he immediately said anxiously: "Gu Master, should we be more careful? It is inevitable that what we are doing now will not stimulate that Shangxian's fierce wind, so I don't think this Fenglan Temple is a good one. Good place…"

"It doesn't matter if it's the ghost gate or the Yan Luo Temple, how can you know if it's not dangerous without walking? And if you can talk, maybe it's not bad to rub the blood crossing of the sacrifice." I laughed.

Seeing that I had decided, Chang Jie no longer struggled. He nodded and said, "Then the Lord Wanggu can be careful. The messenger of Mu Xianzhou is not easy to deal with."

Of course the immortals around me will feel scared, but relatively speaking, they have better expectations for whether the road of cultivation will go smoothly in the future, that is, it is best if you can't sin against admiring Xianzhou.

With these envoys leading the way, a group of us quickly came to the front of the Fenglan Temple. From a distance, the Fenglan Temple looked like it was cast from glazed tiles. The breath of Xianzhou made people very comfortable just by contact, no wonder these immortal families in the Nascent Infant Realm were not willing to come to Yunmozhou.

I glanced at it. Although Yunmozhou’s immortal family ratio is absolutely absolute, there are also many of these Muxianzhou Nascent Soul Stages. There are probably thirty or forty of them. This is definitely true for the last Jiazi. The number is unimaginable, so even I feel that the sacrifice to the Immortal Blood Crossing is rather strange.

After our party landed, the Yuan Ying Realm envoy fairy who greeted us did not immediately attack us, but received us with a smile and said: "Li Feng Shangxian is currently receiving the Lord Fengxian City, Lord Xia Gu, he has already done so. Knowing, the two elders of Wufeng City acted domineering and collided with Lord Xia Gu. Since they have fallen, they will be lost. Please don’t worry too much about it. We are here to choose the immortals in Yunmozhou. , The sacrifice to Sendai was also given in order to be able to select more excellent immortals for the future Mu Xianzhou, such as strong people like Xia Guzhu, we also can't ask for it."

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