Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7104: : Moving furnace

This charming little fairy of the Yuan Ying Realm was saying this astonishing thing, while also looking at me. I didn't plan to reach out and hit the smiley person, but I couldn't get into her rhythm without knowing it. She said provocatively: "What you mean by this little girl is that whether I kill a few immortal families or kill one or two lower elders of Wufeng City, that is not a big deal, as long as I prove my strength. You can get the qualification to sacrifice the blood crossing of the immortal, does that mean?"

"The strength of the Lord Xia Gu can kill two immortal families in the Nascent Soul Realm. It is another scene when I want to come to the Nascent Soul Realm. After weighing it, we can naturally judge which is lighter and heavier, even though there are many others. The messenger would not be happy to see such a scene, but our Palace Master Li Feng likes to see what is happening now." The reception fairy said with a smile.

I glanced behind me, a group of messengers were unavoidably surprised, but of course they quickly accepted the fact that revenge or something seemed to be of no importance to them.

It seems that when people are good and deceived to the extreme, they have opened another way. At this moment, I feel the same, but the difference in strength lies there. If you have a little brain, you will make such a judgment. Not surprising.

"Then now we can see the Palace Master Li Feng?" I sneered.

"Of course." The fairy nodded and smiled, and immediately glanced at Xiao Tun who was brought by the rose medicine, and her eyes also showed amazing colors. I am afraid that many immortals in Mu Xianzhou know the role of this little guy.

I walked into the Fenglan Hall with a big thorn. Not to mention, there are glazed lamps and all kinds of beautiful decorations everywhere, so it looks much brighter than the dark outside, and the hall is empty. Only the few Yuanying Realm fairy homes of Xixi Suosuo were there, and the whole hall looked like a very random place.

And at the end, at this moment, Wo Sheng and a group of top immortal families in Fengxian City are surrounded by several immortal families who are looking at extremely high status, and they are still discussing fiercely, or even complaining.

Because those top immortals have always had no expressions on their faces, they have left them alone, but Wo Sheng has been dancing like a clown there, seeming to lobby for something, and Mrs. Juanhan has a worried look and stands in embarrassment at this moment. On the side, he even persuaded a few words occasionally, but Wo Sheng is now focused on getting rid of me, so he didn't plan to listen to his wife's advice at all.

It seemed that we saw a group of immortal houses coming in. A middle-aged man with a long and phoenix-like smile standing in the middle of the fairy house whispered and said a few words. The middle-aged man said a few words. The newspaper laughed, and then stretched out his hand to motion Sheng Wo and the others to stand aside.

Wo Sheng had something to say, but he still pulled Mrs. Juanhan aside. He planned to continue to say something, but when he saw the unpleasant gaze from one of the female fairies next to the man in the middle, he was so scared that he could only give up altogether. NS.

It seems that the middle-aged man in the middle is the lord Li Feng.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man looked at me with a faint smile, and said: "You are the valley master Xia Yitian of the turbulent Xinluomu Valley during this period of time, right? This temple master Li Feng is from Wufeng City. The middle elders, and the few next to the main hall master are the middle elders of the various sects who came together this time. They are Yunshawu, Yuanchudi, Luming Island, Guanji Hall, and the middle of Wansheng Rock. Elder, I'm sure you will know each other in the future, so I won't introduce them one by one now."

These obviously more gorgeous dresses turned out to be the middle elders of the various sects. I silently wrote down these immortal houses, and immediately smiled: “So, I didn’t know that Mu Xianzhou came here in a big way to sacrifice the blood of the immortals. What has changed in the crossing? This time it shouldn’t just bring ten or eight up there, right? The people I brought, but they all have to get on the boat and sacrifice to the immortal blood crossing. If they can’t satisfy me Vision, I’m afraid that I’m indispensable to become your hall master."

As soon as the other middle elders heard this, some of them darkened immediately, some of them looked at the soil buns with a smile, and even despised my existence, but this was what I expected, so arrogant. The Immortal Family in the Spirit Realm is simply a strange flower to them.

"Hahaha...interesting, no wonder you are so angry with you. He is also the middle elder who came down from Enlightenment City this time, but he was sent to the air furnace by me. It’s an uncontrollable conflict.” Li Feng laughed, and immediately said to me: “No wonder City Lord Wo holy treats you so much, but you have a very sincere temper, so let’s go to the fairy family you brought. All have the qualifications to sacrifice to the immortal blood crossing, what do you think?"

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