Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7105: :Supervision

"Of course it's good, but there must be any conditions?" I chuckled, there was no turmoil in my heart. I have seen many such things, and it is impossible without conditions.

"The purpose of our Wufeng City's large-scale campaign is neither because of what Yun Mozhou has become, nor is it to take away from here how many immortal houses to expand the scale of the various sects, but the hundreds. During ten years of advancing the outer battlefield of Muxianzhou, I gradually approached the Zhongyuanzhou mountain range that was once inaccessible. There is a rare fluid in the mountain range, but it is a rare material that we can refine in the Xianjia of Muxianzhou. This material is called earth blood. It is said that this earth blood flows from the veins of Central Yuanzhou and is not isolated from the sky. However, after the various martial arts obtain it, few people can successfully refine or refine it. Successful, it cost a lot of energy." Li Feng laughed at this, and immediately looked at Xiao Tun, with a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes.

"So you want my living pill furnace Xiaotun to eat these earth blood, and then skip the process of refining the pill. I guess it's correct, right?" My smile converged.

"Haha... Lord Xia Gu is really smart, knowing that we are coming for this strange beast, but you don't know the source of this strange beast, don't you know why we regard it as the most exotic beast? It’s important to know that its mother drank the blood from the Central Yuanzhou Mountains and feed on the minerals of the Central Yuanzhou Mountains, and finally excreted the extremely rare cherished pill, allowing the seniors to break through to a higher level. , Impact on the more distant outer battlefield, and finally reach a place difficult to reach by the predecessors, so its importance to us is beyond your imagination." Li Feng laughed.

"Hehe, I don’t care what dragon its mother is, and what it eats. Now it’s with me, and its importance to me is beyond your imagination. You want it to go to the battlefield outside the territory to give you food and drink. Sa, so I can feed you guys? I think it’s beautiful. Since this matter has happened to me, it’s up to me. You want to go to Xiaotun at the cost of our arrival in Muxianzhou?" I sneered and swept away. Glancing at the fairy houses around, then he said: "Then I can tell you the truth, I will let you eat your **** without getting hot."

"You!" Li Feng's face suddenly turned dark, his murderous aura was as if he could do anything at any time.

I'm not afraid of him doing it at all, and even want to try his strength, but this harsh wind is very tolerable, and I didn't do it immediately.

But a group of immortals inevitably scolded. There are several middle elders here. Of course, all of them have eyes higher than the top, making a mockery of my direct refusal.

"Boy, don't think it's all about killing two lower elders. You don't know how powerful the Lifeng Hall Master is!"

"Do you think you can leave Yunmozhou with this Tongtian Beast?"

"Even if you leave, it is impossible for Mu Xianzhou to have any immortal family accepting your disciple of the Elder Valley! There will be endless troubles!"

"That is, we Mu Xianzhou are now united by righteous and evil to attack the battlefield outside the territory, how can you leave it to you?"

"This Tongtian Beast must supervise all our sects! You want to take it away by yourself, it's impossible!"

At this time, all the messengers of Mu Xianzhou were surprisingly unanimous, and after everyone helped and condemned me, Li Feng finally recovered the lightness and lightness just now, and said with a smile: "Lord Xia Gu, if you put this head to the sky Leave the alien beast to us, and all our sects can guarantee that your disciples and elders can freely choose their favorite sect to join, or even set up another portal. It will also be allocated to you according to the resource allocation of each sect. If the conditions are met, I am afraid that it is already the best?"

Everyone looked at me immediately. After all, only I can decide who Xiao Tun belongs to. Of course, I can’t give Xiao Tun to others, so I sneered and said, “I want to start a new stove without giving you a strange beast, then How are you doing?"

"The feelings of all kinds of understanding, Xia Gu is so ignorant of good and evil! When it was still an egg, it was accidentally obtained by our elders from the battlefield outside the territory, not your personal thing! Then because it was unable to Incubation, so the elders of the major sects made an agreement, agreeing that all major sects will try to incubate it, but unfortunately or the incubation time has not come, many sects have tried to incubate but failed to achieve their wishes, but they were stolen. I went to Yunmozhou and fell into your hands!" Li Feng's face darkened again, and with a cold snort, he turned and walked towards the depths of the hall. The other immortals looked at me with anger, and they could turn their faces at any time. Expressions.

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