Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7107: : Alternative

In fact, everyone was relieved in their hearts, but they were also thinking about what to do afterwards. Now if they are dragged to Muxianzhou, which is equivalent to entering the wolf den, then there is no chance to speak.

"Brother one day, if you give it all your strength, can we get out of trouble now?" Lingzhao asked me quickly, after all, everyone is most concerned about this.

"I just felt the strength of Li Feng at close range. It is not difficult to kill him, but it is not easy for you to get out of trouble safely, so I have to wait for another opportunity. It is obviously not a good opportunity now, so everyone rests in place. Right." I said.

Although everyone is indispensable to worry, they can only wait for the opportunity I said. They have no choice but to believe me.

Seeing everyone looking frustrated and looking for a place to meditate, I asked Chang Jie to arrange for everyone to stay here. I cross-legged and started to study the tricks of the spiritual roots of the earth. You must know that this trick is not comparable to a spiritual skill similar to deconstruction. As a large-scale spell, it itself requires more complicated spells and release time, and the spiritual rune equations contained in it are also more complicated.

So even though I was extremely experienced, it took several days.

At the beginning, everyone was very worried about something unexpected. As a result, two or three days passed, except that more sects brought disciples to join this huge floating island, nothing happened. Yes, of course, there are many lower elder messengers from the Nascent Soul Realm outside to guard us, and none of them move, watching us and the group vigilantly.

So except for Xiao Tun who has no sense of crisis at all, everyone is restrained by this atmosphere, and apart from occasionally pulling my spirits back to see what is going on, the rest of the time has been researching tricks.

But this trick cannot be accumulated by time. Liang Yitian’s spiritual vein system is completely different from that of Shengdaotian. If you want to use simple spiritual veins to create a complex earth spirit root trick, then It was too difficult for me, so in the end I could only extend the development based on deconstruction.

"Big brother one day, big brother one day, look at what they are doing?" As I was thinking about things, Nan Jin, who had been restless, seemed to see what was happening outside.

"What are you doing?" I stood up. Since I couldn't think of it, I didn't plan to go on. Instead, I followed Nan Jin's direction and looked at it. Sure enough, there are groups of immortal houses far away from the Fenglan Temple. They began to gather together, and occasionally there were a lot of explosions that would only happen when fighting.

The immortals in Luomugu were also attracted, and immediately ran to the door to look at them. A group of Nascent Soul Realm envoys suddenly became nervous, and they hurriedly gathered around and urged everyone not to go out.

"If you don't let us go out, then you always have to tell us what we are doing there, right?" Nan Jin asked angrily, and of course Luo Mugu's Immortal Family began to agree.

Seeing that we had caused a riot, a fairy lady who had received us before did not dare to neglect, she could only say: "There is a selection of the immortal family offering sacrifices to the immortal blood crossing, although we need a fairy with the lowest spiritual realm. The family can resist the breath of Muxianzhou, but it is not impossible to mix some disciples from the early and middle stages of the spiritual realm. For example, this floating island is the best place to stay after arriving in Muxianzhou, and it is below the Great Perfection of the spiritual realm. After arriving at Muxianzhou, the fairy family can continue to stay until Dzogchen and then leave, but after all, the scope of this floating island is limited. If the aura transformation is too crowded, it will consume more, so it is necessary to choose the best Existence, in this way, each sect will inevitably initiate a comparison in order to send in the disciples of the spiritual realm that they have reached, and our palace master decided to select fifty candidates by way of competition. , But there are more than three hundred immortals here this time, and the competition is naturally a lot fierce."

"Then we are not the case?" Nan Jin asked curiously.

Miss Fairy chuckled and said, "Of course not in this case. You are definitely going to Muxianzhou in Luomugu, so you are very lucky."

"No, we were escorted away. You just want Xiaotun. If there is no Xiaotun, we won't let us get on the boat." Nan Jin retorted unceremoniously.

Miss Fairy was very embarrassed and could only say: "Actually, this strange beast is hurt by touching it, so why should you hold it? Besides, the seniors of the sect have taken it away, and they will only offer it well. Everyone expects it to get a panacea, so how can you bully it? On the contrary, if you bring it, all sects will covet it, not to mention that in addition to our big sects, there are many unpopular sects. Panhuan Mu Xianzhou, what should you do without our protection?"

As everyone was thinking, a wind-like shadow suddenly stood beside the woman and asked in a cold voice, "Where is the day in summer?"

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